Wednesday, March 01, 2006

When do you cease to amaze?

1 March 2006 - 12:53 AM

Today was kind of nice. I did a little more reading so that when our group in English presented, we didn't all look like a huge bundle of shit, haha. I actually had to pick up Sarah for school again today, which I will probably have to do for at least a few more days.

... After I picked up Chris and Sarah, we headed over to the school, and were 20 minutes early, so Chris suggested we go to Jack-In-The-Box so that he could get some breakfast. Well, we went, and they got food... I didn't because I had already eaten. When we came back to the school, I thought, for some reason, that we were ten minutes earlier than we actually were, so I just sat in the car for a second, listening to music. Chris and Sarah followed suit, of course. Then, out of nowhere, a tardy sweep got called. I'd never seen the scramble of people during a tardy sweep in first period to try and get back to their car. It's pretty amazing to watch. I, of course, didn't get in trouble for the tardy sweep because I have Mr. K. first period. Chris finally convinced Mr. K. into writing him a pass to class, too. So that left me feeling bad for Sarah. I don't know if she had to go or not =(

I wore my hair to school today with just a little Infusium 23 in it because I was going to be getting a haircut later on. I didn't think so many people would notice a change. Maybe that's because I didn't expect to look like such a douchebag. Haha! Well, I went and did that after school - got a haircut. I picked a cool barber this time - a girl. Cool because she was careful about what she was doing, not just trying to rush me out the door. At the end, warm shaving cream and a real shave with a razor to my sideburns and neck made the cut feel complete. And then, I got a little neck massage after that. Totally wasn't expecting it, but it was nice, considering I'm a little sore from diving yesterday.

I got home and Sarah's mom called me. Apparently, Sarah wasn't home yet. Even though I gave her a ride to school both yesterday and today, I didn't give her a ride home yesterday, so I didn't know if I needed to today. Well, her mom sounded very concerned, especially since she's still in pain, so I felt the need to investigate. I tried calling a chain of people that might have known where she might be... Hailey, Allie, Brittney, Will, Willie... The only answer I got was Willie, and he didn't know where she was, so I decided that with some time left before diving practice, I'd go up to the school and look for her. I picked up Mitch along the way. We stopped at the softball field first to see if Hailey knew where she was. She didn't, and she also had to rush us away because she wasn't supposed to be talking. I guess that's not her fault, since coaches can be quite strict about stuff like that. Then we went and checked out Taco Bell and Palermo's Pizza Kitchen. Nothing. We went up Russel a bit to check the bus stop she might have gone to. Nothing. I finally gave up, because I needed to be home to get going to practice on time, so I dropped Mitch off and headed home.

Just as I was showing back up to my house, I finally got a call back from Sarah. She had been with Billy Levi the whole time, and her phone was on silent, so she simply didn't know anybody had called. Her parents freaked on her, and she asked if I'd just take her home from tomorrow on. I think Mitch grew a tad bit suspicious of the fact that Sarah was with Billy, because Sarah and Billy almost went out at one point in time. It's a reasonable excuse to accuse, but I like to believe that I know Sarah well enough to know that she wouldn't do that, especially to someone like Mitch.

So with that mystery solved, Victor, who got into town early this morning, drove me to diving practice. I was very glad to be diving indoors today, as it was windy as shit outside. Something is wrong with the schedule at UNLV, because our scheduled time to dive coincided with the time that the synchronized swimmers were practicing and some other swimmers were using the dive lanes. Hopefully that gets sorted out soon.

When I told a couple of guys that I was from Durango, they were kinda like, "Ohh, you're the kid from Durango..." I was like, "Yeah... I don't know what that means" Haha! I guess the swim coaches from other schools know about me, because they told their divers that there was a good kid from Durango and a good kid from Palo Verde.

~You can't beat me. I'm a rockstar.~

So yeah, that made me feel special, knowing that some people knew about me who I didn't even know.

I came home, showered, ate, visited on and off with Victor and his friends, and then dozed off for a bit. I wonder if this sleep schedule will work well for long.

This is where my title comes into play. When I woke up, I thought I heard a beep from my phone. I thought it might've been a missed call from Victor or my dad or someone... "New text message"... I thought it was a bit odd, because I didn't know who it would be from... "Cecilee"

I had to give that one a triple-look. It nearly tossed me on my ass that Cecilee, even though it required little effort, texted me, just to say "Goodnight"

I looked at the time on it... an hour earlier. a;dfa;lskfa;dlkja. I wish I had been awake so that I could've responded immediately. At least the message will be there for her in the morning =)

Well, now that my day has been made, once again, by her, I'm gonna leave off with the blog and go do lots of homework. Ugh. Haha! I hope your day may be made by a small gesture, too.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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