Saturday, March 04, 2006

Holy Dumb Fuck!

4 March 2006 - 2:35 AM

Today was pretty long. Especially since I woke up arount 2:45-3:00, with only about four hours of sleep. With all the concentration on History throughout the night, I had forgotten about the math homework, French homework, and French vocab test that was due today. I ended up getting it all done throughout the school day, though. I probably fucked up that History test just as bad as I fuck up every other one that I take.

Took Sarah and Mitch to Sarah's house after school today... which reminds me... I forgot to mention that yesterday, for the first time, I instinctively used my car horn. All other times, I had thought before acting. We were driving down Flamingo at like, 45-50 mph though, and some fuckin' retard almost cut right in front of me from a stopped position. It was really stupid.

Back to today... Victor and Nani dropped me off at UNLV for diving practice... except... nobody was there. Apparently, the coach cancelled practice, but neglected to call me and Shea, because we were both there, trying to figure out where everybody was. Shea gave me a ride home, which turned out to be a pretty interesting ride. He's got a cool setup for his iPod in his car.

I got home and sat around, waiting to go bowling tonight. Victor didn't want to let me borrow his car, so Jake offered to let me borrow his Bronco. I was getting ready to leave when my dad got home, so I ended up driving that instead.

Bowling was fun. I fucked around in both of the games that I bowled, yet I still managed to come close to breaking 100. I think it bothered Will that I took a bit of attention away from him when I did things like the splits, handstands, and a backflip off a table, in which I came within half a foot of kicking this girl in the head. She hella stared me down afterward as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Mitch, Sarah, and I got back to my house and put on Team America. I still hadn't seen it yet. I fell asleep while it played, and they woke me up afterward so that I could take them home. Now I'm here, writing this, and I'm wayyy tired.


Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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