Friday, March 03, 2006

Hi! I'm from Irvine!

3 March 2006 - 7:00 PM
...Make sure you get around to watching Pablo Francisco: Bits and Pieces...

Once again, I'm a day late. I have a good excuse this time, though. I didn't write yesterday because I needed to get some work done for my gigantimous History test, which I took today... but that's for later tonight, when I write about today.

Mr. K. actually taught yesterday, which was a first. He showed us what we'd be doing to install a couple programs, and then he started talking about how to be helpful when going into teachers' rooms... We had a fire drill during Chemistry today, which was interesting. Interesting, first, because we were in the middle of a lab which required timings to be taken. Interesting, second, because I had just walked out of the bathroom when the alarm went off, so I didn't really know where to go. I just followed the crowd and eventually found my way back to my class.

I smacked a couple times at diving practice. That was fun... especially since I was on the three-meter board all night. Even though my leg slapped so hard that it started turning purple, the part of me that still hurts from it all is my upper ass... I don't understand why we're doing anything off the three-meter board, because we're not going to be competing off of it. I guess I just got put up there so that the new divers could get more practice on the one-meter board.

After practice, it was the usual... Shower, dinner... couldn't sleep though. Not yet. I needed to at least get some reading done for History so that I could possibly do a little better on the test. I eventually ended up falling asleep around 11:11, after I made sure to make a wish... Go ahead and guess what it pertained to... I woke up later, at around 2:45-3:00, and stayed up from there to finish the History homework.

While reading in the evening, I talked to Cecilee again, which is always nice. I decided to ask about her boyfriend, just to see what the status was. He's still grounded, probably for another two weeks. So that either means that I have two weeks to try and pull some moves, or it means that in two weeks, she'll be back to hanging out with her boyfriend again. I intend to ask her soon whether or not she loves her boyfriend, and whether or not she thinks we might go out. Until then, it's like the year before last, where I just live by a line from the chorus of Good Charlotte's "Wondering" : "If you don't wanna say anything at all... I'm happy wondering..."

Victor went with Nani to Fry's today, and I asked him to buy me a case fan and a Monster brand FM transmitter. Well, he couldn't find the fan I wanted, but he got one that's good enough. It isn't as loud as the old one, which was what I was aiming for. As for the transmitter... When Will told me that he got it at Fry's, I thought he said he got it for $15... Not so... It was $50 for that thing! I didn't have Victor get it because I didn't have enough money. Hopefully I'll get it soon.

Well, that's sufficient enough. I'll be back later tonight to write about today. Until then...

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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