Monday, March 13, 2006

Attention Attention

13 March 2006 - 6:28 PM

Sunday was very laid back. All I did was sit around, Myspacing and doing some occasional homework. As I predicted, I was very sore from the workout the day before. I added like, ten divers to my Myspace friends list, because I'm hip like that.

Shut up.

Today was fairly good, I suppose. School was full of the usual shit. I don't think my partners in French class like me very much because I always seem a little pissed when I'm in class. Today, it was partly because of my stupid eardrum, and how I'm not the same without it. But usually, it's because they're so critical of others. Even if they are being sarcastic, it bugs me that they are so much. Oh well. Not like I can change the way people act.

Chris tells me that Amanda from my English class wants to see what I can do at SkyMania. That kinda makes me smile. Hopefully she'll be able to go over the weekend, because I can't really do anything during the week, what with diving and all. Speaking of diving...

I went to practice today, but I didn't dive. The coach brought up the good point that with going up and down in the pool during dives, there'd be a lot of pressure change going on. Definitely not a good idea for my ear. So, I will wait either until tomorrow or Wednesday to flip off the board again. Today, I just did a few hurdles on the board and helped coach. Coaching is actually pretty fun. I got to tell people how to do things better, and when they did what I said and it helped their dive, it made me feel good.

After practice, one of the divers gave me a ride home. She was also taking someone else. The car ride was... interesting, to say the least. The other passenger made faces and stuff at the other drivers, which was great. She made a face at this asian guy in a truck and he shot back a shocked look. We turned away as we laughed. When we turned back... he was holding up his index and middle finger, licking in between. It's definitely the funniest thing I've seen in at least a week. Hilarious! All the loud music from that girl's car kinda blew out my ears a bit. Weak.

I guess I'll just take a shower for the hell of it, even though I didn't get in the water today.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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