Sunday, March 05, 2006

Salsa Shark

5 March 2006 - 12:04 AM

Well, today was eventful. I woke up and watched the part of Team America that I fell asleep through last night. Then I took a shower and Victor invited me to go eat dim sum for lunch with two more of my brothers. Afterward, we all hung out at my brother's house, where I actually played a video game besides my PSP game for the first time in like, at least a year. When we left, I borrowed a few of my brother's movies, since he has like, 300. Haha!

I got home and put my P.E. shorts on under my pants so that I would be ready for SkyMania. I helped my dad unload the car when he got home and then picked everybody up. Even though I left the house at 4:15-ish, we still didn't jump until 6:00. Whatever. I need a better sense of time. Cecilee was working when I got there, which... was the plan in the first place. She was wayyy hyper from drinking a Monster energy drink. Sadly, she left work at 6:00 to go to the mall and a movie with her best friend, and that left me without even a thought to ask her to catch a bite to eat with us afterward. Her new hair color looks nice. She also mentioned that my new haircut looked good. Two points! Haha, just messin'. She might just be getting more beautiful every time I see her. Which, you know, might seem plausible, considering I only see her once every two weeks or so. And when you think about it, it's very likely that she looks ten times better when she's not working, and not wearing a SkyMania shirt and sweater.

...I got put in time out today at SkyMania for the first time. I did a double front flip onto the crash pad, and one of the cool guys that works there was like, "Dude, I know that you know not to do that, so you're gonna have to sit down for five minutes." It was kinda lame, but I guess that's what I get for testing the system, especially with the owner present at SkyMania. The place was packed today, probably more than I've ever seen it. Victor, Nani, and Conzen went with us, which was cool. I got to show them up, because I'm an experienced SkyManiac. They really liked the place, and wish there were a SkyMania up in California.

While I was doing tricks off the wall, Mitch was taking pictures from the stands because his broken hand prohibited him from jumping. There was also a large group of like, elementary school girls up there, and they ended up watching me for like, twenty minutes, waving and giggling and smiling and such. It was pretty entertaining. Once again - "You can't beat me. I'm a rock star."

As always, I screwed up at least one body part. I think I may have torn a small ligament near my right big toe. Hopefully it doesn't screw up my diving. I also fucked up a jump through the hoop, and landed my tailbone right onto one of the hard padded metal poles, as opposed to the semi-flexible padded steel cables. Lastly, I nearly broke my neck trying to do a backflip off the wall while facing away from the wall... I knew it was a bad idea, but I just had to try it.

After SkyMania, I dropped Mike off at home and then the rest of us went to my house to hang out. Niki showed Sarah WoW while Mitch and I entertained ourselves with Pablo Francisco's Bits and Pieces through my PSP. Later, we watched Clerks. Even though Sarah and Mitch gave up full attention after the first half due to a little fooling around, at least everybody now knows what I refer to in a lot of my quotes and why my favorite number is 37. I took everybody home around 12:45, and now I'm here writing. I'm also very tired, and hungry, and smelly, because I haven't eaten dinner yet, nor have I showered. I'm gonna go do that now. I hope reading this was as much of an experience for you as living through these events was for me.


Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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