Thursday, March 09, 2006


9 March 2006 - 3:22 PM
So I haven't written in quite a few days. Sorry about that, I've been busy.

Monday, not too much happened. The one notable thing was that Jason Douglas, Marlena's boyfriend, came up to me after school. To my surprise, he simply wanted to talk. It surprised me because Marlena and her friends always talk as if he would be happy to kick my ass. But, instead, he suggested that I apologize for telling Marlena to fuck herself, because I really didn't have too much right to do so. He also looked at my side of the situation, unlike Marlena and some of her friends.

Tuesday, I really don't remember much of what happened. I do remember attempting a double frontflip on the diving board and coming out too soon. That hurt. We really didn't have much of a practice. The coach wasn't going to show up, and the guy that was supposed to take her place for the day didn't show up, so the lifeguards sent us home.

Wednesday... Oh Wednesday... I got a call on the way to school from Joanna, asking if I wanted to skip first period to finish the lab report for Chemistry, which nobody had finished. Well, my first period teacher is hella cool, and let me leave to go and work with them. Too bad we didn't get any work done, because I spent the whole hour in Mr. Azevedo's room, trying to setup a computer to work with my calculator. After it was finally setup, the period had ended, so we didn't end up using it. We ended up skipping second period as well and working in Mr. Deming's room. I love how teachers at our school are willing to help us out when we really need it. It's great.

After school, I went to the study session for History. It was pretty good, and helped me brush up on a few things. I still don't think I'm ready for the AP test yet, but whatever. Following the study session, I took Mitch and Sarah to Sarah's house and went to lunch with my family. We went to Ricardo's. Mmmm...

Then there was dive practice. When my coach called earlier in the day, she left a message telling me that I would have practice at UNLV Wednesday and Baker Thursday, and then a meet on Saturday morning. Well, when one of the divers called me, she left a message saying that we didn't have practice today. I found it weird that only a few of the Sunset region divers went to practice with the Sunrise region divers. Whatever. I ended up swimming a few laps, because I lost the competition against another diver, and that's the way the coach has fun with her pupils. I did, however, win the competition against one of the really good girl divers in doing an inward dive. It made me feel good, but I also felt bad for making her swim four laps... especially since she's so cute ;-)

Well, after the mini competitions, we were allowed to do whatever dive we wanted. Since a student from Durango was there to take pictures, I figured it would be a good picture if she took one of me doing a back 1½ with a ½ twist. I got it the first time, but the coach wanted me to do it again, but clean it up and make it look better. Well, the second time, I concentrated hard on throwing my body higher... This drew my concentration away from the flip itself, which went... bad, to say the least. I only got through the twist half-way, and when I came down on the water, I smacked my ear on it. Such a high pressure caused my ear to rupture, and I haven't been able to hear out of it since. It's really not a good sign. Hopefully I'll get it checked out today.

I guess I'll write about today in the next blog, whenever that is. I may not be able to write in this thing everyday anymore because diving and school are eating up my life.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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