Thursday, March 02, 2006

Just Go Off!

2 March 2006 - 1:45 AM

...That's the sign hanging on the wall in the natorium at UNLV. It's a really great concept for divers, but I also like to look at it as an analogy for life.

School today was pretty lame. I had to rush through my Chemistry homework in first period, because I hella fell asleep last night after writing my blog and didn't wake up until 5:30, when I did my Precal and French homework. Today was show and tell in French today, and I totally forgot until lunch, which was right before it. I tried calling my brother to ask if he would come in, but he was sleeping until I got home after school. Instead, I presented my PSP. Yeah, surprise, surprise. I should really stop setting myself up to fail in History class, considering we've got that test over three chapters on Friday, and I haven't finished reading any of them.

I took Sarah home after school today, like I told you I would. Jessica also wanted a ride to Kyle's house from me after school, so she caught a ride with us. There was an accident on the way to Sarah's house and another from her house to Subway, where I drop Chris off most days. It kinda sucked, but at the same time, it made me feel good to know the neighborhoods that I went through and that I know for the most part how to navigate them.

I tried doing a bit of homework between school and diving practice, but it totally didn't go through. Instead, I spent my time wasting away on Myspace, and then I talked to Cecilee for a bit, but she had to go to work. While talking to her, I spelled her name wrong, and it made me feel stupid, haha.

Practice was alright. The weather cleared up and calmed down, but that didn't change the fact that it's March 1st, and that most people aren't stupid enough to get in a pool until at least May. The group of divers that I was with got smart and filled a bucket with warm water from the showers. We used it to dip everybody's chamois (or shammy, depending on your preference) in so that we didn't all get hypothermia. I think I'm a little sick from these first few days of diving in the cold, which really sucks. I attempted a couple old dives in a new position, which turned out pretty well. The veteran girl diver who I know from last year was the one helping me perfect one of those dives. It's good to get a little coaching that's variant of Pat's coaching from last year, because it gets right down to the point and tells me what and what not to do. After practice, everybody left, and only one other diver and I were left to pull the lane lines and solar covers across the pool. I'll be lucky if my arms don't give out sometime tomorrow.

After practice, it was pretty much the same routine. Shower, eat, a little homework, and then sleep. I slept today more because my stomach was giving me a little trouble. I woke up with my alarms at 12:45, once again with a message from Cecilee...

"Fwd: Send this 2 someone u love, hate, mad at, wanna fuck, care about, thinking about or wanna kiss. Now the tricky part is why i sent this to u"

I sent back... "Well, I know that at least the last three apply from me to you ;-)"

I'm not sure exactly how it happened, but I think that when I sent that message, she sent back at exactly the same time with a duplicate from last night - "Goodnight" - I dunno if she sent it right then, because it was 12:51 in the morning, and most people go to sleep before that.

Anyways, my point is that... well... her boyfriend needs to get out of the picture kinda soon. Haha!

...Is it possible that I love her already, or is it just a huge, huge crush?

You think about that while I go do some of that homework that I always neglect doing...

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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