Friday, March 31, 2006

Once again... Fuuuuck.

31 March 2006 - 12:19 AM

I did nothing yesterday. Absolutely nothing. With my parents out to dinner with the car, I couldn't go out to see a movie or anything, which is what I wanted to do, since there were two showing for free and I didn't have school the next day. So instead, all I did was sit around at home, watching videos online... for more than four hours. Ugh.

I woke up this morning and watched the rest of Troy, which I started watching before I fell asleep last night. Good movie, by the way. I didn't get to finish it until after my appointment with my doctor. Man, that place was nothing but bad news. Fortunately, my ear is on its way to healing up. Unfortunately, the doc thinks that it's still infected. He prescribed more antibiotics. He also conferred with another doctor and came to the decision that I shouldn't dive for another two weeks. Fuck. Do you know what that means? That means that if I don't compete by the 14th, I'm not going to have four meets throughout the season. I won't even qualify for regionals.

The only thing I had going for me... just jumped out the window.

I almost started tearing in the doctor's office. That's how much this sucks. After the doctor, my dad and I picked up some breakfast at McDonald's (I had a 2-for-1 coupon for a McGriddle - Yay!), picked up my antibiotics, and picked up my dad's shirts from the dry cleaner. By the time we got home, it was 10:30 - too late to attempt showing up at the practice Lang/Comp AP test, which started at 9:00 (the time of my appointment), so I just stayed home, and missed out on the 20 points (one full percentage point) of extra credit that I will certainly need in that class for this quarter, considering the first grades in the book are 36% and 78%.

I finished my breakfast and my movie, organized a briefcase folder on my PSP for the files that I work on at school and home, and fell asleep from 12:00 to 3:00. Then I went Myspacing for an hour, as I usually do, reading through everybody's bulletins, and then went to sleep again until 8:15. My mom cooked dinner tonight. It was delicious, as always - she cooked peppersteak. Afterward, I watched three hours of Law & Order: Criminal Intent. And now, I've written to you. I suppose that means I'm done.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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