Sunday, March 26, 2006

Happy Birthday Courtney!!!

26 March 2006 - 1:43 AM
Haha. Note the time...

So, what do I need in here? Thursday, Friday, Saturday...

Very little to say about the day. I went to diving practice again to help out a little. I don't feel I did much. All that really benefitted me was the small amount of dryboard practice that I got with my hurdle approach. Hopefully all the stuff I do out of the water will really help when I do get back on the board in a few weeks... possibly.

Friday was pretty much my last chance to get everything done at school to prepare for my application for the Harvard Book Club Award. I wrote my resumé the day before so that Mrs. Hansen could work from it to write a letter of recomendation. What a huge procrastinator I have become. Not only was it the last day to get the recommendation, but it was also the last day of the quarter, so Mrs. Hansen didn't really have much time to do it. I ended up waiting for her to write it after school, all pretty much half-assed, but hey, that's what I get for being a retard. I also realized that since a transcript usually takes 24 hours to process, I wouldn't be able to get mine in time to get this whole application mailed out by Monday evening, the deadline, since we don't have school on Monday. Well, I went and saw the registrar for the first time, and I have to say, she is awesome. I asked her if I could apply for my transcript and pick it up on the teacher inservice day, but she simply told me to fill out an application and that she'd have it ready by the end of the day. Wow. The staff at the school really is helpful when needed.

I didn't end up going to the dive meet Friday night because I figured I wouldn't be all that amused to watch everybody compete. So instead, Dallas, Brittany, and I hung out at my house for a bit, watching videos. After Dallas dropped Brittany off at her friend's house, we picked up Niki and went to see Inside Man. Many people I have talked to haven't heard of the movie, but let me tell you that it is a very worthwhile film to watch. Definitely a good thing to end my two-month hiatus from going to the movies.

I woke up and ran an errand for my mom, and then a couple of people came over. One was a girl from the Cimarron dive team and the other was her friend. They came over to play Scrabble with me, because I claimed that I would pwn her at the game. Well, the first game turned out just as I warned them. Chrissy had 139, Sarah had 150, and I had 236. Ha! I wasn't so lucky in the second game, considering I kept picking up 1-point letters and lots of vowels. Afterward, I showed them some of my badass videos that I keep marked in my favorites folder and saved on my computer, and then they left when I took my mom to work.

After that, I came home, showered, and left to pick people up for SkyMania. Because I didn't really specify that we would even be going at all this weekend, people weren't exactly ready when I picked them up. We ended up jumping half an hour later than I had planned. No big deal, though. I only jumped for half an hour, just to be safe about my ear, and I didn't try much crazy shit. A lot of my flips were executed in attempts to improve my diving (i.e. keeping legs straight and together, pointing my toes, and working on my arm swing to get my jump higher). After the half hour, I just sat at the arena entrance and messed around with my camera, recording Mitch, Mike, and Sexton. I used the viewfinder on the camera for the first time because the screen is completely shot. Since I don't know how to change the settings, the pictures didn't turn out that great, but the videos turned out pretty well. I'm contemplating a compilation of it with a background track.

After SkyMania, I dropped people off so that I could go to Courtney's Birthday Party. Something interesting happened when I dropped Mitch and Sexton off at Mitch's house. Everybody got out of the car, but I was going to be taking Mike back to his house. Mike went inside, got something, and came back out... and sat in the back seat. I know that you may not think it to be that weird, but to me, sitting shotgun when you're the only other person in the car besides the driver is just respectful. I may be driving you from on place to another, but I'm not your paid chauffer. Sitting in the front with the driver allows for better communication, as opposed to 'talking down' to someone from the back. Whatever. Maybe it's just my thing.

So I dropped Mike off and then picked up Sarah, since she lives right by Mike. Chris Yi called, asking if we were going to go to SkyMania, to which I replied we had already gone. Then I asked if he would be going to Courtney's party, which he didn't know about, and then we picked him up. The party was pretty good. There was lots of conversation and there were very many laughs. Food and drink was pretty good, and at the end of the night, we were watching recorded comedy specials. I left around midnight, but even though I live around the corner, I didn't get home until about 12:30 because I had to drop off Chris and Sarah. And, well, here I am, writing this blog.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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