Sunday, April 02, 2006

Praying for love in a lap dance... And paying in naivety

2 April 2006 - 1: 51 AM

Yeah, I've been listening to Panic! At The Disco a lot lately. Whatever.

I think I totally pwned at school on Friday. I worried all day about my test in History, but after seeing the key after school, I think I actually did well on it - at least compared to my other tests. Then there was the French test on the subjunctive. Cool cool, as French always is. Monkeys could pass that class with as good a teacher as Mr. Chandler. After school, I had to fill up on gas. That was pretty interesting, since my dad insists I fill the tank to the brim. At least half a pint of gas must've spilled onto the ground. One of these days, I'm going to fill the tank, and when I start the car, it's going to blow me up.

Mike kept bugging me in French class about going to SkyMania on Friday night. He said that because my dad would have the car all night, we would be able to get Mitch's dad's truck for me to drive down there. Well, after awhile, it became apparent that we would not be getting the truck for the night. So, I abandoned all plans for the night and opted to get picked up by a diver to go to the meet and help out. It was entertaining, I suppose. While I was there, Sexton picked up Mitch and Mike and they went to SkyMania. Fuckers. Haha! Also while I was there, I found out that all may not be lost for me going to regionals this year. I need to attend three meets out of six. I will have missed three meets by next Friday, and after that I will need another week off. The fortunate fact, though, is that the week after is spring break - no meet. So if I can get back in the water two weeks from now, I should be set. Yay!

After the meet, one of the divers invited the rest of us to a birthday party at another diver's house. As I had nothing else planned, I figured I'd go, so long as I got dropped off at my house first to pick up my car, because my dad was home already. That girl's house was fucking huge. There were fire pits in the backyard with shattered glass in them to add effect. She also had a huge heated pool with a generic diving board and a jacuzzi. Had I known that there would be swimming, I would've brought something to swim in and an earplug. But, since I didn't, and since I tempted myself too much, I just stripped down to my boxers and jumped in. A few divers and I had fun with the board and all, but I didn't do many head-first dives - didn't want to put too much pressure on the ear by going near the bottom of the pool.

During the party, Mike kept calling me, trying to get me to pick him, Mitch, and Sexton up. It became extremely annoying, seeing as he called a total of 8 times within one hour. Motherfucker kept nagging me like he was my girlfriend or some shit. So, I finally left the party at 11:00 to pick his whiny ass up. When I showed up to get them, only two of them were there, and Mike was commanding me to go to Pep Boys without immediately giving me an explanation. He finally told me why - we had to go pick up Sexton... who ran there... after they threw an egg at a car and the driver started chasing them... The next time that shit happens, I'm dropping them back off at home.

We went back to my house, and I took a shower to assure myself about the sanity of my ear. When I came back from the shower, Mitch was on the phone - he and Sarah were breaking up. It's never a comfortable situation to talk about, so I'll just leave it at that. After hanging out a little, everybody retired to bed.

In the morning, we woke up rather early - about 10:00. We just kinda sat around and hung out until about 12:00, when we walked down to Dairy Queen for everybody to get picked up. When they left, I came back home, showered, and waited to take my mom to work. After taking her, I picked up Sarah and Billy and we went to see V for Vendetta - finally. It was, as others speculated, a great movie. When it finished, I took Billy home and Sarah and I went to Dallas' house to hang out and kill time. When they had to leave to go to dinner, we left and I drove near the houses of the passengers who I would soon be picking up to go to SkyMania. With nothing but more time to kill, I stopped at McDonald's and got dinner - it caught up with me later at SkyMania, when I started getting stomach cramps.

I picked up Sexton, Niki, Mike, and Mitch, in that order. We made record time on the drive down to SkyMania - an amazing 15 minutes from Tropicana and Jones. As always, there were retard drivers out there. Whatever. The place was pretty empty, which was way cool. I got some good flips in, one of which was caught on camera. Next time I'm there, I may ask another one of the workers how old she is, for obvious reasons. It may seem that I'm just looking for any girl, which I may be doing, but Cecilee was friendly before we formally met. This other girl is just cute, so I may see who she is on the inside. It might not be that I'm looking for a girl, but that I'm looking to see how people react to straightforward flirting, as I've never really come out to a girl and said, "you interest me." It's probably a bad idea, but hey, as I've now said three times in this blog... whatever.

After SkyMania, I dropped everybody off and drove home. I showered, realized I didn't pick up the 5 lbs. of sugar that I told my mom I'd get, and left again to the grocery store. When I came back, I sat down and wrote this blog. By the way, April Fool's Day is also my parents' anniversary. It went subtly unnoticed, which I kinda feel bad about, because I didn't acknowledge it. Don't you feel special to have followed my day for so long?


Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

P.S. - Have any of you noticed that I always write these late at night?

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