Friday, March 31, 2006

Once again... Fuuuuck.

31 March 2006 - 12:19 AM

I did nothing yesterday. Absolutely nothing. With my parents out to dinner with the car, I couldn't go out to see a movie or anything, which is what I wanted to do, since there were two showing for free and I didn't have school the next day. So instead, all I did was sit around at home, watching videos online... for more than four hours. Ugh.

I woke up this morning and watched the rest of Troy, which I started watching before I fell asleep last night. Good movie, by the way. I didn't get to finish it until after my appointment with my doctor. Man, that place was nothing but bad news. Fortunately, my ear is on its way to healing up. Unfortunately, the doc thinks that it's still infected. He prescribed more antibiotics. He also conferred with another doctor and came to the decision that I shouldn't dive for another two weeks. Fuck. Do you know what that means? That means that if I don't compete by the 14th, I'm not going to have four meets throughout the season. I won't even qualify for regionals.

The only thing I had going for me... just jumped out the window.

I almost started tearing in the doctor's office. That's how much this sucks. After the doctor, my dad and I picked up some breakfast at McDonald's (I had a 2-for-1 coupon for a McGriddle - Yay!), picked up my antibiotics, and picked up my dad's shirts from the dry cleaner. By the time we got home, it was 10:30 - too late to attempt showing up at the practice Lang/Comp AP test, which started at 9:00 (the time of my appointment), so I just stayed home, and missed out on the 20 points (one full percentage point) of extra credit that I will certainly need in that class for this quarter, considering the first grades in the book are 36% and 78%.

I finished my breakfast and my movie, organized a briefcase folder on my PSP for the files that I work on at school and home, and fell asleep from 12:00 to 3:00. Then I went Myspacing for an hour, as I usually do, reading through everybody's bulletins, and then went to sleep again until 8:15. My mom cooked dinner tonight. It was delicious, as always - she cooked peppersteak. Afterward, I watched three hours of Law & Order: Criminal Intent. And now, I've written to you. I suppose that means I'm done.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


29 March 2006 - 12:09 AM

I should be doing homework right now. Then again, I felt it would be a good idea to write this now because if I don't, I might forget some stuff.

It was a boring hell of a day. Supposed to be reserved for half of my weekend homework, the only thing I accomplished was writing my personal essay for my application to receive the Harvard Prize Book award. I went with my dad to his friends house to try and help with his computer, since he said it wasn't working as fast as usual. Going over there always kinda creeps me out. He lives in the ghetto, for lack of a better word, yet he's got a respectably fast computer and large TV. He lives with his girlfriend, who has been lying in a hospital bed for years without leaving it because her body is deteriorating. Yeah, it's definitely something that I don't like to see, but my dad's a saint for visiting him as much as he does, my mom's just as good for bringing sandwiches home from work so that they can eat, and I've known that guy since I was like, two years old, and he's good at heart. Our house may not make us look magnificent, but my family is a pretty caring bunch of people.

Anyway, I couldn't get anything done with the computer. I have no idea why. The guy claims that he could give two shits less about the files on it, so I'll probably go over and reformat it over the next weekend to get it working right again. Maybe I'll dust it out, too, because it definitely needs that.

After stalling the day before, I finally got up at about 5:00 AM and started reading my book. It took me the whole fucking day to read it because I kept getting interrupted. I didn't finish until about 5:15 Tuesday morning, and that was because I had to rush to do it in order to write the project that was supposed to go along with it and get turned in that day. I'm sure I'll read the last few chapters soon so I can get a real feel for the ending. Anyway... those interruptions... We had to call the phone company down because our house phone was all kinds of fucked up. When he showed up, I had to wait at the door while he went around the neighborhood checking the lines. It actually wasn't that bad, because I got to sit at the front doorstep and read with nothing but the sound of nature and the neighborhood traffic around me. I would've climbed into my tree in the front yard, but I didn't want to risk upsetting my allergies, considering it's now Spring and I have a gigantic mulberry tree in the front.

I really need to stop putting things off, seeing as I would read some, then fall asleep for a little, then repeat the process.

Could've been much better. I had to zoom through the project that was due today in English, get ready for school, etc. It's a miracle that our spiral notebooks weren't due in that class too, or I'd be off to a very bad start in the gradebook for this quarter. In my standards, my start in the gradebook in PreCalculus isn't great. We had a quiz today, and on the one graphing problem, I totally blew off that it was an inequality, so it's not a perfect paper. Oh well. It shouldn't kill my grade too much, especially since last quarter's grade was over 103%. At lunch, I had to figure out how to do the Chemistry homework that I didn't do. The rest of the schoolday wasn't really that interesting.

The ride home was pretty interesting. I didn't feel like dealing with the one-lane road that Rainbow has become, so I tried taking Hacienda. We cut through a little bit of traffic by cutting through the desert, but the line to turn left from Hacienda to Rainbow was still pretty long, so it took a few cycles through the lights before we got to go. On the way to Sarah's house, I tried speeding up to switch lanes, but Eric Barnes decided to be uncool, and kept pace with me. Finally, I had to slow down to get over. Asshole. After dropping Sarah off, it was down Flamingo to drop Chris off. So many people cut you off that it's ridiculous. I anticipate their dickish maneuvers, and switch lanes accordingly. I wanted to get back at this old bitch, so I made sure to cut her off before we got to the next stop light. People shouldn't be so careless when it's raining on the streets. Then, from Torrey Pines down to Jones, some fucker started using the shoulder as a lane. Now, I do this when I'm going to be turning soon, but this fucker got in the lane right after Torrey Pines. If you know the area, you know that it's another 1/3 of a mile until there's another driveway to turn right into. I decided to give the guy a scare and I swerved into the shoulder right in front of him. Afterward, he got back into the righthand lane. That's right, bitch.

The day went by as it usually does, with me doing nothing and then falling asleep. I woke up at about 10:30 and insisted on getting something to eat because I was starving. When I came back upstairs, I checked my phone. I had received a text from this girl I know, but it was written to a girl. I got the feeling that she texted to the wrong number. However, she did mention her new blog, which I found on Myspace. In it, she mentioned me and how she was disappointed that I'm not gonna play 'Mr. Right' for her. It kinda portrayed me as the bad guy, which never makes me feel good. Yeah, I knew before I asked her that she was flirting with me, but assumptions leave room for misconceptions, so I had to make sure and ask. I had to find out if she was getting led on by me because I didn't want her to be. It's not that I'm completely uninterested in her right now, it's just that I didn't want her getting her hopes up on something so uncertain. We go to different schools and I know her through diving. We barely know each other, so it's a little early to decide what's up. She's a senior, and will probably be moving away after the summer to go to college.

All that aside, I can't say for certain that I can handle a girlfriend right now. I'm worrying the hell out of myself with school and diving and my physical health regarding it. Throwing in a girlfriend right now would cause me to create more obligations for myself to talk on the phone every night and do more on weekends than I already do, because I believe my significant other should receive attention, regardless of my other affairs. Believe me, I'd love to go to the movies all the time, but I usually only have the car late Friday night - when I should be having dive meets - and then all of Saturday night, and I just love going to SkyMania too much not to go once a week (Saturdays). Dorky, but whatever. I'm a SkyManiac. Shoot me.

I've gotten off track. My point here is that, contrary to what she customarily constitutes being an 'inconsiderate asshole', in reality I'm trying to be the opposite. I don't want her to be getting her hopes up if I don't even know what I want right now. It has been my personal experience that when rejection - for lack of a better word - comes sooner, it's easier news to take.

Please don't think I like doing the things I do. I mean, Christ, relationships and relationship attempts have been grim for me for quite awhile. It's never the usual breakup in my life. With Jessica W., I should've told her sooner that we'd grown far apart; instead, I let it go on for another couple of months. Hailey led me on, rejected me, went out with one of my good friends, and then ended up asking me out a year later, to which I felt inclined to reject due to the lack of communication over the past months, where she or I could have changed more than the other expected. I thought my relationship with Marlena was good, but it turned out to be a huge act, and she threw me away like a parking ticket. I'm an absolute asshole for doing what I did to Lilian. I'm not much better for straightforwardly asking Cecilee if she loved her boyfriend or not and whether or not she thought we would go out. And now I've tried to prevent heartbreak before a feeling got too carried away, but that didn't turn out right either.

"That's what life is: A series of down endings."
-Dante Hicks (Clerks, 1994), relating to Star Wars: The Empire Strike Back

Thanks for reading.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Happy Birthday Courtney!!!

26 March 2006 - 1:43 AM
Haha. Note the time...

So, what do I need in here? Thursday, Friday, Saturday...

Very little to say about the day. I went to diving practice again to help out a little. I don't feel I did much. All that really benefitted me was the small amount of dryboard practice that I got with my hurdle approach. Hopefully all the stuff I do out of the water will really help when I do get back on the board in a few weeks... possibly.

Friday was pretty much my last chance to get everything done at school to prepare for my application for the Harvard Book Club Award. I wrote my resumé the day before so that Mrs. Hansen could work from it to write a letter of recomendation. What a huge procrastinator I have become. Not only was it the last day to get the recommendation, but it was also the last day of the quarter, so Mrs. Hansen didn't really have much time to do it. I ended up waiting for her to write it after school, all pretty much half-assed, but hey, that's what I get for being a retard. I also realized that since a transcript usually takes 24 hours to process, I wouldn't be able to get mine in time to get this whole application mailed out by Monday evening, the deadline, since we don't have school on Monday. Well, I went and saw the registrar for the first time, and I have to say, she is awesome. I asked her if I could apply for my transcript and pick it up on the teacher inservice day, but she simply told me to fill out an application and that she'd have it ready by the end of the day. Wow. The staff at the school really is helpful when needed.

I didn't end up going to the dive meet Friday night because I figured I wouldn't be all that amused to watch everybody compete. So instead, Dallas, Brittany, and I hung out at my house for a bit, watching videos. After Dallas dropped Brittany off at her friend's house, we picked up Niki and went to see Inside Man. Many people I have talked to haven't heard of the movie, but let me tell you that it is a very worthwhile film to watch. Definitely a good thing to end my two-month hiatus from going to the movies.

I woke up and ran an errand for my mom, and then a couple of people came over. One was a girl from the Cimarron dive team and the other was her friend. They came over to play Scrabble with me, because I claimed that I would pwn her at the game. Well, the first game turned out just as I warned them. Chrissy had 139, Sarah had 150, and I had 236. Ha! I wasn't so lucky in the second game, considering I kept picking up 1-point letters and lots of vowels. Afterward, I showed them some of my badass videos that I keep marked in my favorites folder and saved on my computer, and then they left when I took my mom to work.

After that, I came home, showered, and left to pick people up for SkyMania. Because I didn't really specify that we would even be going at all this weekend, people weren't exactly ready when I picked them up. We ended up jumping half an hour later than I had planned. No big deal, though. I only jumped for half an hour, just to be safe about my ear, and I didn't try much crazy shit. A lot of my flips were executed in attempts to improve my diving (i.e. keeping legs straight and together, pointing my toes, and working on my arm swing to get my jump higher). After the half hour, I just sat at the arena entrance and messed around with my camera, recording Mitch, Mike, and Sexton. I used the viewfinder on the camera for the first time because the screen is completely shot. Since I don't know how to change the settings, the pictures didn't turn out that great, but the videos turned out pretty well. I'm contemplating a compilation of it with a background track.

After SkyMania, I dropped people off so that I could go to Courtney's Birthday Party. Something interesting happened when I dropped Mitch and Sexton off at Mitch's house. Everybody got out of the car, but I was going to be taking Mike back to his house. Mike went inside, got something, and came back out... and sat in the back seat. I know that you may not think it to be that weird, but to me, sitting shotgun when you're the only other person in the car besides the driver is just respectful. I may be driving you from on place to another, but I'm not your paid chauffer. Sitting in the front with the driver allows for better communication, as opposed to 'talking down' to someone from the back. Whatever. Maybe it's just my thing.

So I dropped Mike off and then picked up Sarah, since she lives right by Mike. Chris Yi called, asking if we were going to go to SkyMania, to which I replied we had already gone. Then I asked if he would be going to Courtney's party, which he didn't know about, and then we picked him up. The party was pretty good. There was lots of conversation and there were very many laughs. Food and drink was pretty good, and at the end of the night, we were watching recorded comedy specials. I left around midnight, but even though I live around the corner, I didn't get home until about 12:30 because I had to drop off Chris and Sarah. And, well, here I am, writing this blog.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Get to the end of the board

23 March 2006 - 1:07 AM

It's the part that will throw you highest, and we all want to aim high.

You can learn a lot about life from diving... if you're a loser like me.

Yesterday was a little interesting. A few friends asked me to go with them to Buffalo Wild Wings after school. I declined, thinking I would have practice. After the post-school study session for history, I found out that it would be too cold to dive, so me coming would serve no purpose, because I wouldn't be helping anybody out. My dad also didn't need the car for another hour, so I decided to go eat with those friends. Well, I got to Buffalo Wild Wings on Flamingo and Hualapai... except, when I got there, they weren't there. I called to see if they were on their way or something. They were on their way... to Buffalo Wild Wings on Durango and Warm Springs. Ugh. So then I drove over there and had them order for me before I even showed up.

When I got there, at about 2:35, I figured I'd have about ten minutes to eat and then I'd have to drive home. We all waited until 3:00 with absolutely no service. I never even saw the waitress for our table. So then I started driving home, since I should've left 15 minutes earlier. I took the 215 to Rainbow. I should've taken the 215 from Tropicana and Fort Apache to Durango and Warm Springs when I went there. It would've helped me get to the restaurant earlier. Oh well, I guess I still need to learn where the road goes.

By the time I got home, my friends had made up their minds not to eat at a restaurant with such shitty service, so they were on their way to my house to eat. We hung out until about 5:30, and about as soon as they left, I was asleep. I slept until 3:15 in the morning. After that, I didn't feel like doing much homework, so I saved it all for the schoolday.

I would've gotten a lot more schoolwork done... if my Tech teacher didn't send us all on inventory checks throughout the school. It's alright, because the English teacher was absent, and left us with a practice test to take; I finished my math homework just before he collected it, even if every problem wasn't done correctly; we went through the French worksheet in class; I finished chemistry in 3rd period; and I should either be bullshitting my history notes tomorrow or actually starting them tonight.

Niki came over after school for the first time in like, three weeks. We hung out for a bit, and then he fell asleep, as he usually does. I left him here while I left for practice. Practice was kinda cool. It would've been cooler if I had been diving, but hey, whatever. One of the divers asked how old I was, and when I replied 16, she was way surprised. Apparently, she thought I was a lot older. conversely, I thought she was around my age. She either said that she is or is almost 19. Wow.

That couple that I mentioned in the last blog... is back together. It's a rocky bit of a situation, and things obviously won't be the same, at least not yet. We'll see how that goes. Honestly, I hope for the best for those two, because they're both good people, especially when together.

It may have been me talking about my fucked up ear in class today and her overhearing it that triggered it, but Brittney apologized today for the shit that went down three weeks ago. I'm sure nobody knows what to do about that situation, so we'll just see what happens with that over time.

Ugh, gotta go do homework now.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Here's to the night... Tomorrow's gonna come too soon

21 March 2006 - 12:20 AM

So... If the past two days haven't been depressing, then I don't love computers.

I woke up Sunday morning with the nastiest ear infection you could think of. Like, I must've used an ear syringe 45 times and gone through twice as many cotton swabs. I got no homework done, because that's my subconscious desire when I say that I'm going to do homework on Sundays. I just sit around, not knowing what I'm doing, and eventually, it's Monday morning, and I've accomplished nothing whatsoever.

I went to Quick Care after school today to get some antibiotics for my problem. Shitty part is that I am not to be diving until after I finish my medication and get a followup diagnosis from my physician. Doctor's orders. That seriously sucks, because diving is just about the only thing going for me right now. I have no girl; I have no time; the only thing I do have is lots of homework. I suppose the time off from diving will give me a little more time to focus on homework. I'll still be going to practice to help others out, but I won't have to shower when I get home, which will save some time.

I found out very shortly ago that one of my good friends just broke up with their significant other because they were cheated on. Man, and I thought I knew the kid well enough not to do that, too... It happened at a party, and the kid was really wasted, but we all know that that's absolutely no excuse, especially when the two love each other.

Ugh. What a depressing life.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
We're all going to need to, if we want to make it far.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Heed the advice given by my blog name...

19 March 2006 - 1:46 AM

...because obviously, your life could all come crashing down at once.

Today was probably the riskiest day of my life.

It started out rather slow, with me being up for a bit and eventually falling asleep in the middle of the day. When I woke, I helped my dad unload the car and then took my mom to work, since I didn't know whether or not I'd need the car for the night.

Around 6:00, Mike and I finally decided to go to SkyMania... SkyMania, which, if you enjoy testing your physical limits, happens to be the most dangerous place to go. Even though I didn't land hard on my head like I did last week, my ear still gave me a little bit of shit. After doing consecutive backflips from one side of the court to the other, I started hearing an odd, hollow sound in my left ear (the bad one). When I put my pinky into that ear and then plugged my nose and blew out through it, the sound went away... but, I was also able to pull my pinky out with a puss/blood solution of liquid on it. It's definitely not good that that happens. At about the same time as the people I was with and I had to leave, someone seemingly broke his leg. I didn't see what happened, but Mike said that when the guy came off the wall and bounced, something cracked, and then he fell screaming onto the crash pad. The trampolines were cleared and emergency response was contacted. I'm just lucky - and grateful - that it wasn't me in that screaming, helpless position...

After we left, we did the usual by stopping at 7-11 and getting a couple of snacks. We left there and made our way toward Mitch's supposed kickback. On the way, I decided that I was fed up with catching every red light possible everytime I drove, so I tried to keep up with the lights and make it through them. Along the way, I almost got in an accident. You see, I was in the right lane (bad choice) and two cars ahead of me, a car was slowing down to turn. Even though I knew it was illegal, I was going to change lanes in an intersection and get in front of the ambulance in the lane to the left. Well, it would've turned out great if the car between me and the car that was turning wouldn't have been a huge douchebag and tried to swerve without warning. She almost caused an accident (key word: She). I also said 'fuck you' to a yellow light and sped up. Ultimately, I ended up speeding through a red light. Anyway, we were on our way to what was only supposed to be a kickback...

Intended to start at about 9:00, we got there at about 9:10 as the first to show up. 'We', by the way, means me, Mike, Davey, Jordan, and Harrison. Soon, a few more showed up, but the main point to focus on is that we were all guys. Can you imagine about ten guys just sitting around, drinking, waiting for others to show up? Yeah, that's why I left as soon as I could and went to my house to pick some stuff up. Even though my dad and his friend were downstairs, I still managed to sneak two bottles of mixers, four shot glasses, and a margarita shaker past them. When I got back, the guys' hormones had kicked in, especially since they had finished an entire bottle of flavored vodka by the time I got back. At the first sign of the word 'woman' or anything relating to it, every single person jumped up. Guys were even dancing with guys, they were so horny. I thought it pretty gross.

I had a few drinks, but not enough to physically impair me. Soon, I was asked to pick up some people and bring them to the party. I accepted, and picked them up over by the high school. When we got back, I ended up playing bartender and DJ for the entire night. Finally, I decided to find Mitch, who had been missing for at least an hour. I found him in the backyard with Sarah, just kinda hanging out. He was wasted, and had been since two or three hours earlier. He asked me to try to get people out of the house, and claim it was my house.

...This is where I almost die - lots of times...

I did the best I could. I walked in and yelled, telling people the party was over... to no avail... Then, I walked over to the stereo, turned it down to minimum volume, unplugged the source wire from the computer to the stereo, and told everybody to leave because the party was over. Everybody kept giving me shit, telling me to put the music back on, but I tried to hold my ground. After about 10-15 minutes of back-and-forth nothingness, people finally got the message and started to leave. I suggested a park where people could hang out and party, but I doubt anybody paid attention to me. The last girl was walking out the door and said something to the effect of, "Where's the owner of the house, anyway?" I replied, "I am speaking on behalf of the owner. I'm sorry, but he said to get people out." I turned around and went to talk to Mitch and Sarah in the back... The girl turned around, thinking that I was taking a tone with her - I guess the word 'behalf' threw her off. Some big guy came with her, rhetorically asking if I was talking back to her. I tried to explain myself, but he wouldn't listen. He walked out front, and I guess he must've told his story to his friends

~Remember that at least one of the people at this party was carrying a loaded weapon... I knew for a fact that one 'man' was carrying a 9mm~

I eventually went out front to help get some people home, only to find a minimum of ten people getting in my face, thinking that I was trying to start shit. I'd never been so worried in my life that I was about to get mauled to death (as if I wouldn't love to be killed - to have all my worries extinguished by the explosion of gunpowder and lead...). Luckily, the friends of the disputants held them back, and cleared up the stories between me and them. We shook hands and most people went on their way. I tried once again to offer my assistance to a girl to take her car home, but she refused to permit anybody to drive her car, even though I would've been driving it and Mike would've been driving my car behind me. So, finally, I went inside and got Sarah and took her home. I hope everybody that was at the party ended up somewhere safe.

Well, that's about it, ladies and gentlemen. Tune in next week, when I actually do get shot.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Saturday, March 18, 2006

"If you ever feel loved or needed...

18 March 2006 - 1:15 AM

...just remember that you're one of the lucky ones."
^Straylight Run has some pretty good songs.

So let's see... I haven't written since Monday...

Shitty. Haha. I don't even remember the school day, because my school days this week have kinda just blended into a large blur of slacking off. I tried to dive, but my earplugs weren't working out that great. So then I switched to the other kind of earplug, which fell out when I hit the water, letting the water flow into my eardrum. Weak. After a bit, my coach was pretty much like, "get the fuck out, your diving is wayyy off." It hella sucked.

Once again, the school day was lost. I opted to take the day off from diving. I suppose I just slept all day, considering I have no idea what happened after that.

It was pretty fun. After school, Sarah, Mitch, Courtney, and I decided to go out for some lunch. We went to Chapalas, a Mexican restaurant that's pretty close to my house, and had a hell of a time. I took everybody home after that, and then had to get ready for diving practice. Somewhere over the preceding day or two, I thought of using my molding earplugs and covering the edges with New Skin, a liquid bandage, so that it would be airtight. It worked well for the most part - I had to reapply more New Skin mid-practice because it wasn't applied in all places. While I waited for it to dry, a veteran diver showed me a good workout for my approach on the board. I had to put a removable earplug in the other ear to help even out the pressure change at the bottom of the pool. While the plugs keep water out for the most part, they still don't help with extreme pressure changes underwater.

When I got home, I fell right to sleep, since I had been up since 3:00 AM, doing homework, and got home and showered by 8:30 PM. I woke up in the morning at 4:00 AM and didn't have enough time to do much homework, so I went back to sleep after doing half of my Chemistry homework.

What a day. What a fucking day. I was in the shittiest, most depressed, most pessimistic mood at the beginning of the day. First, I hadn't done any homework - I hadn't done the Chemistry homework that was going to be due; I hadn't read the History chapter that we were going to be tested on; I hadn't read any more of the seemingly endless number of essays for English that the teacher so ignorantly assigned, as if she doesn't realize that her course isn't our only class; I hadn't done the 50-question review assigment for PreCalculus that was supposed to prepare me for the chapter test to come; I hadn't even done my French homework, the easiest thing in the world, and I hadn't studied for the vocabulary quiz in that class. To top it all off, I knew that I'd be cutting my weekend short - about as short as the drive from the school to my house - so that I could catch up on homework and do my English project, which was going to be due on Monday. I was in such a shitty mood that I decided not to take the trash out and I skipped my weekly face shaving. I'll have to take care of that tomorrow.

I hoped to get some homework done in first period, Computer Service and Support, also known as Tech. About halfway through the class period, the whole class had to help out the teacher with moving and stacking computer components on pallets that were to be picked up shortly after. I got to see the storage room under the ramp at the school, which was pretty cool, but I also didn't get to finish much homework at all. When I got to second period, I also realized that we had a timed writing today. I felt a bit nervous about that, because I didn't do well on the one from last week. But, as I read over the essay to be responded to a couple of times, I believe I understood the purpose of the piece, and I think my essay is a lot better than last week's. <--First sign of good news~ The second sign of good news was that our book project was getting pushed back a week, which took loads of stress off my back for the weekend.

The next sign of good news was that Dallas had obtained a copy of the quiz for History today. At lunch, we looked it over and found the super-cool answers... Little did we know that we would also be taking an Alabama literacy test after the reading quiz. I don't know if the literacy test will count for a grade. I wouldn't be surprised, becuase it's Mr. Deming, and he subconsciously wants me not to get an A in his class. Then, in PreCalc, the test turned out well. Because it was multiple choice, it couldn't have been easier. Once again, a load off my back. It was probably the lightest load, considering I have over a 104% in that class. Then, in Chemistry, we received little homework, and I actually finished that before school ended. In sixth period, the substitute teacher permitted students to listen to their music players. Sweetness.

After school, the schedule with the car pretty much went to shit. My dad ended up taking my mom to work and then dropping me off at UNLV at about 4:10 - 50 minutes early. It was alright, because it gave me time to make sure my earplug was in and sealed. even though we practiced from 5:00 to 6:00, there were about 40 divers there, which left time to just sit around. Then competition started. The diving competitions went in three heats - I was in the last one. So pretty much, if you saw my away message or my Myspace bulletin about going to UNLV for the competition, be glad that you didn't go, because I probably didn't start competing until 8:30. While I waited for my heat, I played around with my PSP and discovered that the campus does, in fact, have a wireless internet connection. However, I need to talk to a student to find out the password for the connection. After that, I'll be just fine with waiting to dive.

Despite my ear, I did relatively well in competition. Here's where I describe how diving is scored ~ Dives are scored by three judges on a scale of 1-10, 1 being bad, 10 being godly. I've never seen a 10, or a 9, for that matter, given. Anyway, every dive has its own degree of difficulty, or DD. The scores from the judges are added up and multiplied by the DD, and then all six scores from each dive are added up. ~ I believe that because of my ear, my lineup of dives had the lowest DD that I've ever had, including last year's competitions. Surprisingly though, I think I got the highest total score that I've ever received in a duel meet. It was satisfying. Even though I'm the only diver from my school, the school that I was against today had no divers, so naturally, I won. I think that overall, from both regions that competed tonight, I took third place. It would've been fourth if Shea had been diving, but he won't dive until at least next Friday.

After the meet, I caught a ride home with some kids from Cimarron Memorial High School. We decided to grab a bite to eat. We ate at In-N-Out, because we can. It was pretty fun hanging out with them for awhile. I, of course, showed them my Pablo Francisco: Bits and Pieces video on my PSP. Having brought my portable speakers, it was easier to hear. I finally go dropped off around 11:30, after more than seven hours of diving-related activity.

So, as you see, my day started out extremely shitty, but ended up being really good. It is now hopeful that I will get a good night's sleep, and not wake up until 3:00 tomorrow after noon. Goodnight, thanks for being patient with my blog entries, and thanks for reading.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwneoha

Monday, March 13, 2006

Attention Attention

13 March 2006 - 6:28 PM

Sunday was very laid back. All I did was sit around, Myspacing and doing some occasional homework. As I predicted, I was very sore from the workout the day before. I added like, ten divers to my Myspace friends list, because I'm hip like that.

Shut up.

Today was fairly good, I suppose. School was full of the usual shit. I don't think my partners in French class like me very much because I always seem a little pissed when I'm in class. Today, it was partly because of my stupid eardrum, and how I'm not the same without it. But usually, it's because they're so critical of others. Even if they are being sarcastic, it bugs me that they are so much. Oh well. Not like I can change the way people act.

Chris tells me that Amanda from my English class wants to see what I can do at SkyMania. That kinda makes me smile. Hopefully she'll be able to go over the weekend, because I can't really do anything during the week, what with diving and all. Speaking of diving...

I went to practice today, but I didn't dive. The coach brought up the good point that with going up and down in the pool during dives, there'd be a lot of pressure change going on. Definitely not a good idea for my ear. So, I will wait either until tomorrow or Wednesday to flip off the board again. Today, I just did a few hurdles on the board and helped coach. Coaching is actually pretty fun. I got to tell people how to do things better, and when they did what I said and it helped their dive, it made me feel good.

After practice, one of the divers gave me a ride home. She was also taking someone else. The car ride was... interesting, to say the least. The other passenger made faces and stuff at the other drivers, which was great. She made a face at this asian guy in a truck and he shot back a shocked look. We turned away as we laughed. When we turned back... he was holding up his index and middle finger, licking in between. It's definitely the funniest thing I've seen in at least a week. Hilarious! All the loud music from that girl's car kinda blew out my ears a bit. Weak.

I guess I'll just take a shower for the hell of it, even though I didn't get in the water today.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Sunday, March 12, 2006

I Love Spaghetti... But I've got Shit on it!!!

12 March 2006 - 1:20 AM

So yeah. Definitely perforated my eardrum... As if it weren't obvious. The doctor said to just wait it out for 6-7 weeks and see if it heals. If it doesn't, then they have to put a skin patch on it... Ew. That's just what I want. Take some skin off my ass and stick it in my ear!

Anyways, that was Thursday. Didn't go to practice because of my ear. Still slept, though, because that's what I do. I sleep my life away.

Friday was about as eventful as Thursday. When my dad got home from work, I was supposed to pick people up and go down to the bowling alley. Nope. I fell asleep waiting for him, and didn't wake up until 1:00 AM. Mitch called at 2:00, asking me to drink with him and his friends. I declined, knowing that I had to wake up at 6:30 the next morning to find a store with earplugs and head down to the City of Las Vegas Municipal Pool for the coach's relay dive meet. I found some earplugs at Wal-Mart, of course, since they carry everything. I bought two different kinds. You'll probably see me sometime soon wearing one or the other.

I got to the meet and signed up for my dives to compete, but just before I got in, the coaches were pretty much like, "pffft, no." They don't want me diving until I have to, which is Wednesday. I might or might not dive on Monday and Tuesday. I'm still going to practice, though, to help others out and do stretches. That's what I did today at the meet. Since I couldn't go off the board, I just sat around, stretched, and did pike-ups. If you don't know what those are, ask me someday and I'll show you, granted I have the required space. The jist of it is that I don't even know how many I did, and I'm sure my stomach will be sore from it tomorrow.

I took my mom to work so that I could use the car tonight. I left straight from her work to the Riviera, where Lucille and Niki were waiting for me. Lucille had tickets to this acrobatic show, and had an extra, so they invited me. It was a very nice gesture, and I enjoyed the show =)

Afterward, we started picking people up for SkyMania. It took three hours to get everybody and get down there. I wish everybody had a car, and that we would all just meet down there. Especially since my car had 11 people in it at one point during the night. I landed on my head at SkyMania, like I always fuckin' do, and I think the pressure released when that happened pushed the threshold of my eardrum a bit more.

I need to stop being a fucking retard with my body.

After SkyMania, we went to Pho Saigon 8, a Veitnamese restaurant. Initiating a little change in the lives of most of the people I was with was a difficult task. I think it'd be cool to go to more restaurants than fast-food joints. Then again, I'd also like it if everybody paid for their shit. I ended up paying much more than my share at the end of the meal. Chris and Nicole showed up as we were leaving, and Niki and Lucille went with them, because Chris offered to take them home. Along the way, we had a pretty decent war between cars, throwing shit at each other. I dropped some people off, picked up another person, and went back to Mitch's. They were gonna go do their thing, and I never feel like joining them when they do, so I just went home.

I guess I'm done. Bleh.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Thursday, March 09, 2006


9 March 2006 - 3:22 PM
So I haven't written in quite a few days. Sorry about that, I've been busy.

Monday, not too much happened. The one notable thing was that Jason Douglas, Marlena's boyfriend, came up to me after school. To my surprise, he simply wanted to talk. It surprised me because Marlena and her friends always talk as if he would be happy to kick my ass. But, instead, he suggested that I apologize for telling Marlena to fuck herself, because I really didn't have too much right to do so. He also looked at my side of the situation, unlike Marlena and some of her friends.

Tuesday, I really don't remember much of what happened. I do remember attempting a double frontflip on the diving board and coming out too soon. That hurt. We really didn't have much of a practice. The coach wasn't going to show up, and the guy that was supposed to take her place for the day didn't show up, so the lifeguards sent us home.

Wednesday... Oh Wednesday... I got a call on the way to school from Joanna, asking if I wanted to skip first period to finish the lab report for Chemistry, which nobody had finished. Well, my first period teacher is hella cool, and let me leave to go and work with them. Too bad we didn't get any work done, because I spent the whole hour in Mr. Azevedo's room, trying to setup a computer to work with my calculator. After it was finally setup, the period had ended, so we didn't end up using it. We ended up skipping second period as well and working in Mr. Deming's room. I love how teachers at our school are willing to help us out when we really need it. It's great.

After school, I went to the study session for History. It was pretty good, and helped me brush up on a few things. I still don't think I'm ready for the AP test yet, but whatever. Following the study session, I took Mitch and Sarah to Sarah's house and went to lunch with my family. We went to Ricardo's. Mmmm...

Then there was dive practice. When my coach called earlier in the day, she left a message telling me that I would have practice at UNLV Wednesday and Baker Thursday, and then a meet on Saturday morning. Well, when one of the divers called me, she left a message saying that we didn't have practice today. I found it weird that only a few of the Sunset region divers went to practice with the Sunrise region divers. Whatever. I ended up swimming a few laps, because I lost the competition against another diver, and that's the way the coach has fun with her pupils. I did, however, win the competition against one of the really good girl divers in doing an inward dive. It made me feel good, but I also felt bad for making her swim four laps... especially since she's so cute ;-)

Well, after the mini competitions, we were allowed to do whatever dive we wanted. Since a student from Durango was there to take pictures, I figured it would be a good picture if she took one of me doing a back 1½ with a ½ twist. I got it the first time, but the coach wanted me to do it again, but clean it up and make it look better. Well, the second time, I concentrated hard on throwing my body higher... This drew my concentration away from the flip itself, which went... bad, to say the least. I only got through the twist half-way, and when I came down on the water, I smacked my ear on it. Such a high pressure caused my ear to rupture, and I haven't been able to hear out of it since. It's really not a good sign. Hopefully I'll get it checked out today.

I guess I'll write about today in the next blog, whenever that is. I may not be able to write in this thing everyday anymore because diving and school are eating up my life.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Monday, March 06, 2006

You keep what you kill...

6 March 2006 - 2:22 AM

^I watched The Chronicles of Riddick this morning. It's a great movie.

That was probably the high point of my day, because after that, a lot of shit happened. You can read about it all on my most recent Myspace blog as of the date of this blog post. The long and short of it is that Marlena and her lackeys all tried to convince me that keeping her pictures on my Myspace blogs - which, by the way, are merely links away from my main page that nobody is obligated to look at - was a bad thing. "Oh, I'm sorry, you automatons. I had no idea that people were supposed to live without memories." Fuckin' people these days, I swear.

Concurrent with those arguments was my inevitable conversation with Cecilee about her boyfriend. Yes, she loves her boyfriend, and has for a long time. Yeah, that sucks for me, but on the other hand, it's great for her. We still want to talk to each other, so that's good.

One of my older brothers gave me his old router today, along with some take-out food. I set up the router at the same time as I set up my dad's new printer/scanner/copier/fax machine, which he had to buy because the printer on his old one took a shit on him. The router's pretty cool, because it dials out the DSL so that the computers don't have to do it themselves, which means I'll have one less startup hassle to deal with. Yay!

I've been a retard all day, just like all other days, and I haven't started any homework yet. Usually that isn't such a bad thing, but today it's different because I have to write an essay. Blegh. If I think of any other events from today, I'll talk about them in tomorrow's blog, because I really need to get down to business.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Salsa Shark

5 March 2006 - 12:04 AM

Well, today was eventful. I woke up and watched the part of Team America that I fell asleep through last night. Then I took a shower and Victor invited me to go eat dim sum for lunch with two more of my brothers. Afterward, we all hung out at my brother's house, where I actually played a video game besides my PSP game for the first time in like, at least a year. When we left, I borrowed a few of my brother's movies, since he has like, 300. Haha!

I got home and put my P.E. shorts on under my pants so that I would be ready for SkyMania. I helped my dad unload the car when he got home and then picked everybody up. Even though I left the house at 4:15-ish, we still didn't jump until 6:00. Whatever. I need a better sense of time. Cecilee was working when I got there, which... was the plan in the first place. She was wayyy hyper from drinking a Monster energy drink. Sadly, she left work at 6:00 to go to the mall and a movie with her best friend, and that left me without even a thought to ask her to catch a bite to eat with us afterward. Her new hair color looks nice. She also mentioned that my new haircut looked good. Two points! Haha, just messin'. She might just be getting more beautiful every time I see her. Which, you know, might seem plausible, considering I only see her once every two weeks or so. And when you think about it, it's very likely that she looks ten times better when she's not working, and not wearing a SkyMania shirt and sweater.

...I got put in time out today at SkyMania for the first time. I did a double front flip onto the crash pad, and one of the cool guys that works there was like, "Dude, I know that you know not to do that, so you're gonna have to sit down for five minutes." It was kinda lame, but I guess that's what I get for testing the system, especially with the owner present at SkyMania. The place was packed today, probably more than I've ever seen it. Victor, Nani, and Conzen went with us, which was cool. I got to show them up, because I'm an experienced SkyManiac. They really liked the place, and wish there were a SkyMania up in California.

While I was doing tricks off the wall, Mitch was taking pictures from the stands because his broken hand prohibited him from jumping. There was also a large group of like, elementary school girls up there, and they ended up watching me for like, twenty minutes, waving and giggling and smiling and such. It was pretty entertaining. Once again - "You can't beat me. I'm a rock star."

As always, I screwed up at least one body part. I think I may have torn a small ligament near my right big toe. Hopefully it doesn't screw up my diving. I also fucked up a jump through the hoop, and landed my tailbone right onto one of the hard padded metal poles, as opposed to the semi-flexible padded steel cables. Lastly, I nearly broke my neck trying to do a backflip off the wall while facing away from the wall... I knew it was a bad idea, but I just had to try it.

After SkyMania, I dropped Mike off at home and then the rest of us went to my house to hang out. Niki showed Sarah WoW while Mitch and I entertained ourselves with Pablo Francisco's Bits and Pieces through my PSP. Later, we watched Clerks. Even though Sarah and Mitch gave up full attention after the first half due to a little fooling around, at least everybody now knows what I refer to in a lot of my quotes and why my favorite number is 37. I took everybody home around 12:45, and now I'm here writing. I'm also very tired, and hungry, and smelly, because I haven't eaten dinner yet, nor have I showered. I'm gonna go do that now. I hope reading this was as much of an experience for you as living through these events was for me.


Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Public Service Announcement

4 March 2006 - 10:32 AM

Special blog...

A few days ago, when I said that Sarah was with Billy Levi after school... I was wrong. Haha. She was with Billy Dunmire. So... yeah. That's about it. Disregard all that stuff in the other blog.


Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Holy Dumb Fuck!

4 March 2006 - 2:35 AM

Today was pretty long. Especially since I woke up arount 2:45-3:00, with only about four hours of sleep. With all the concentration on History throughout the night, I had forgotten about the math homework, French homework, and French vocab test that was due today. I ended up getting it all done throughout the school day, though. I probably fucked up that History test just as bad as I fuck up every other one that I take.

Took Sarah and Mitch to Sarah's house after school today... which reminds me... I forgot to mention that yesterday, for the first time, I instinctively used my car horn. All other times, I had thought before acting. We were driving down Flamingo at like, 45-50 mph though, and some fuckin' retard almost cut right in front of me from a stopped position. It was really stupid.

Back to today... Victor and Nani dropped me off at UNLV for diving practice... except... nobody was there. Apparently, the coach cancelled practice, but neglected to call me and Shea, because we were both there, trying to figure out where everybody was. Shea gave me a ride home, which turned out to be a pretty interesting ride. He's got a cool setup for his iPod in his car.

I got home and sat around, waiting to go bowling tonight. Victor didn't want to let me borrow his car, so Jake offered to let me borrow his Bronco. I was getting ready to leave when my dad got home, so I ended up driving that instead.

Bowling was fun. I fucked around in both of the games that I bowled, yet I still managed to come close to breaking 100. I think it bothered Will that I took a bit of attention away from him when I did things like the splits, handstands, and a backflip off a table, in which I came within half a foot of kicking this girl in the head. She hella stared me down afterward as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Mitch, Sarah, and I got back to my house and put on Team America. I still hadn't seen it yet. I fell asleep while it played, and they woke me up afterward so that I could take them home. Now I'm here, writing this, and I'm wayyy tired.


Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Friday, March 03, 2006

Hi! I'm from Irvine!

3 March 2006 - 7:00 PM
...Make sure you get around to watching Pablo Francisco: Bits and Pieces...

Once again, I'm a day late. I have a good excuse this time, though. I didn't write yesterday because I needed to get some work done for my gigantimous History test, which I took today... but that's for later tonight, when I write about today.

Mr. K. actually taught yesterday, which was a first. He showed us what we'd be doing to install a couple programs, and then he started talking about how to be helpful when going into teachers' rooms... We had a fire drill during Chemistry today, which was interesting. Interesting, first, because we were in the middle of a lab which required timings to be taken. Interesting, second, because I had just walked out of the bathroom when the alarm went off, so I didn't really know where to go. I just followed the crowd and eventually found my way back to my class.

I smacked a couple times at diving practice. That was fun... especially since I was on the three-meter board all night. Even though my leg slapped so hard that it started turning purple, the part of me that still hurts from it all is my upper ass... I don't understand why we're doing anything off the three-meter board, because we're not going to be competing off of it. I guess I just got put up there so that the new divers could get more practice on the one-meter board.

After practice, it was the usual... Shower, dinner... couldn't sleep though. Not yet. I needed to at least get some reading done for History so that I could possibly do a little better on the test. I eventually ended up falling asleep around 11:11, after I made sure to make a wish... Go ahead and guess what it pertained to... I woke up later, at around 2:45-3:00, and stayed up from there to finish the History homework.

While reading in the evening, I talked to Cecilee again, which is always nice. I decided to ask about her boyfriend, just to see what the status was. He's still grounded, probably for another two weeks. So that either means that I have two weeks to try and pull some moves, or it means that in two weeks, she'll be back to hanging out with her boyfriend again. I intend to ask her soon whether or not she loves her boyfriend, and whether or not she thinks we might go out. Until then, it's like the year before last, where I just live by a line from the chorus of Good Charlotte's "Wondering" : "If you don't wanna say anything at all... I'm happy wondering..."

Victor went with Nani to Fry's today, and I asked him to buy me a case fan and a Monster brand FM transmitter. Well, he couldn't find the fan I wanted, but he got one that's good enough. It isn't as loud as the old one, which was what I was aiming for. As for the transmitter... When Will told me that he got it at Fry's, I thought he said he got it for $15... Not so... It was $50 for that thing! I didn't have Victor get it because I didn't have enough money. Hopefully I'll get it soon.

Well, that's sufficient enough. I'll be back later tonight to write about today. Until then...

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Just Go Off!

2 March 2006 - 1:45 AM

...That's the sign hanging on the wall in the natorium at UNLV. It's a really great concept for divers, but I also like to look at it as an analogy for life.

School today was pretty lame. I had to rush through my Chemistry homework in first period, because I hella fell asleep last night after writing my blog and didn't wake up until 5:30, when I did my Precal and French homework. Today was show and tell in French today, and I totally forgot until lunch, which was right before it. I tried calling my brother to ask if he would come in, but he was sleeping until I got home after school. Instead, I presented my PSP. Yeah, surprise, surprise. I should really stop setting myself up to fail in History class, considering we've got that test over three chapters on Friday, and I haven't finished reading any of them.

I took Sarah home after school today, like I told you I would. Jessica also wanted a ride to Kyle's house from me after school, so she caught a ride with us. There was an accident on the way to Sarah's house and another from her house to Subway, where I drop Chris off most days. It kinda sucked, but at the same time, it made me feel good to know the neighborhoods that I went through and that I know for the most part how to navigate them.

I tried doing a bit of homework between school and diving practice, but it totally didn't go through. Instead, I spent my time wasting away on Myspace, and then I talked to Cecilee for a bit, but she had to go to work. While talking to her, I spelled her name wrong, and it made me feel stupid, haha.

Practice was alright. The weather cleared up and calmed down, but that didn't change the fact that it's March 1st, and that most people aren't stupid enough to get in a pool until at least May. The group of divers that I was with got smart and filled a bucket with warm water from the showers. We used it to dip everybody's chamois (or shammy, depending on your preference) in so that we didn't all get hypothermia. I think I'm a little sick from these first few days of diving in the cold, which really sucks. I attempted a couple old dives in a new position, which turned out pretty well. The veteran girl diver who I know from last year was the one helping me perfect one of those dives. It's good to get a little coaching that's variant of Pat's coaching from last year, because it gets right down to the point and tells me what and what not to do. After practice, everybody left, and only one other diver and I were left to pull the lane lines and solar covers across the pool. I'll be lucky if my arms don't give out sometime tomorrow.

After practice, it was pretty much the same routine. Shower, eat, a little homework, and then sleep. I slept today more because my stomach was giving me a little trouble. I woke up with my alarms at 12:45, once again with a message from Cecilee...

"Fwd: Send this 2 someone u love, hate, mad at, wanna fuck, care about, thinking about or wanna kiss. Now the tricky part is why i sent this to u"

I sent back... "Well, I know that at least the last three apply from me to you ;-)"

I'm not sure exactly how it happened, but I think that when I sent that message, she sent back at exactly the same time with a duplicate from last night - "Goodnight" - I dunno if she sent it right then, because it was 12:51 in the morning, and most people go to sleep before that.

Anyways, my point is that... well... her boyfriend needs to get out of the picture kinda soon. Haha!

...Is it possible that I love her already, or is it just a huge, huge crush?

You think about that while I go do some of that homework that I always neglect doing...

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

When do you cease to amaze?

1 March 2006 - 12:53 AM

Today was kind of nice. I did a little more reading so that when our group in English presented, we didn't all look like a huge bundle of shit, haha. I actually had to pick up Sarah for school again today, which I will probably have to do for at least a few more days.

... After I picked up Chris and Sarah, we headed over to the school, and were 20 minutes early, so Chris suggested we go to Jack-In-The-Box so that he could get some breakfast. Well, we went, and they got food... I didn't because I had already eaten. When we came back to the school, I thought, for some reason, that we were ten minutes earlier than we actually were, so I just sat in the car for a second, listening to music. Chris and Sarah followed suit, of course. Then, out of nowhere, a tardy sweep got called. I'd never seen the scramble of people during a tardy sweep in first period to try and get back to their car. It's pretty amazing to watch. I, of course, didn't get in trouble for the tardy sweep because I have Mr. K. first period. Chris finally convinced Mr. K. into writing him a pass to class, too. So that left me feeling bad for Sarah. I don't know if she had to go or not =(

I wore my hair to school today with just a little Infusium 23 in it because I was going to be getting a haircut later on. I didn't think so many people would notice a change. Maybe that's because I didn't expect to look like such a douchebag. Haha! Well, I went and did that after school - got a haircut. I picked a cool barber this time - a girl. Cool because she was careful about what she was doing, not just trying to rush me out the door. At the end, warm shaving cream and a real shave with a razor to my sideburns and neck made the cut feel complete. And then, I got a little neck massage after that. Totally wasn't expecting it, but it was nice, considering I'm a little sore from diving yesterday.

I got home and Sarah's mom called me. Apparently, Sarah wasn't home yet. Even though I gave her a ride to school both yesterday and today, I didn't give her a ride home yesterday, so I didn't know if I needed to today. Well, her mom sounded very concerned, especially since she's still in pain, so I felt the need to investigate. I tried calling a chain of people that might have known where she might be... Hailey, Allie, Brittney, Will, Willie... The only answer I got was Willie, and he didn't know where she was, so I decided that with some time left before diving practice, I'd go up to the school and look for her. I picked up Mitch along the way. We stopped at the softball field first to see if Hailey knew where she was. She didn't, and she also had to rush us away because she wasn't supposed to be talking. I guess that's not her fault, since coaches can be quite strict about stuff like that. Then we went and checked out Taco Bell and Palermo's Pizza Kitchen. Nothing. We went up Russel a bit to check the bus stop she might have gone to. Nothing. I finally gave up, because I needed to be home to get going to practice on time, so I dropped Mitch off and headed home.

Just as I was showing back up to my house, I finally got a call back from Sarah. She had been with Billy Levi the whole time, and her phone was on silent, so she simply didn't know anybody had called. Her parents freaked on her, and she asked if I'd just take her home from tomorrow on. I think Mitch grew a tad bit suspicious of the fact that Sarah was with Billy, because Sarah and Billy almost went out at one point in time. It's a reasonable excuse to accuse, but I like to believe that I know Sarah well enough to know that she wouldn't do that, especially to someone like Mitch.

So with that mystery solved, Victor, who got into town early this morning, drove me to diving practice. I was very glad to be diving indoors today, as it was windy as shit outside. Something is wrong with the schedule at UNLV, because our scheduled time to dive coincided with the time that the synchronized swimmers were practicing and some other swimmers were using the dive lanes. Hopefully that gets sorted out soon.

When I told a couple of guys that I was from Durango, they were kinda like, "Ohh, you're the kid from Durango..." I was like, "Yeah... I don't know what that means" Haha! I guess the swim coaches from other schools know about me, because they told their divers that there was a good kid from Durango and a good kid from Palo Verde.

~You can't beat me. I'm a rockstar.~

So yeah, that made me feel special, knowing that some people knew about me who I didn't even know.

I came home, showered, ate, visited on and off with Victor and his friends, and then dozed off for a bit. I wonder if this sleep schedule will work well for long.

This is where my title comes into play. When I woke up, I thought I heard a beep from my phone. I thought it might've been a missed call from Victor or my dad or someone... "New text message"... I thought it was a bit odd, because I didn't know who it would be from... "Cecilee"

I had to give that one a triple-look. It nearly tossed me on my ass that Cecilee, even though it required little effort, texted me, just to say "Goodnight"

I looked at the time on it... an hour earlier. a;dfa;lskfa;dlkja. I wish I had been awake so that I could've responded immediately. At least the message will be there for her in the morning =)

Well, now that my day has been made, once again, by her, I'm gonna leave off with the blog and go do lots of homework. Ugh. Haha! I hope your day may be made by a small gesture, too.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha