Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Something New

So I've finally given in to Niki's idea of creating one of these. For the most part, I'm interested in doing it because I can't remember what I do on a day-to-day basis, and it would be nice to look back and find out.

This weekend was... flaky. We'll start with the bad first...

~My wallet was stolen...
...from my shoes while they were sitting on the shelf at SkyMania... Yeah, I know. I'm retarded for putting it there. Thanks. Die. It had money in it that I had collected for the swim team's fund raiser. Gotta cough up $50 to make up for that, plus $20 to replace my driver's license, and then all the other replacement cards. From now on, I'm putting everything, including my shoes, in the car, and I'm leaving my car keys with the front desk.

~Cecilee, that beautiful girl who works at SkyMania, has a boyfriend...
...They will have been going out for a month tomorrow, the 22nd. It makes me wish I had asked for her phone number/Myspace the day she caught my eye, which was about a month ago, after the first day of semester exams. I really need to work on that aggressive approach.

~Funerals are sad...
...I attended Steven Janvrin's memorial service on Saturday, even though I had never met him before in my life. Things like that remind you how lucky you are to be alive in our crazy, fucked up world, and how you should live like there's no tomorrow.

Time for good news...

~I got to go to SkyMania two days in a row...
...It's always fun when I get to do that. I also worked out with Mitch between visits to SkyMania, so I'm sore as all hell right now. This is good because it'll leave me a bit stronger, and it is definitely good to be in shape for diving season to start next week.

~At least she appreciated the rose...
...She said it made her day, and made her feel special. Those are always nice things to hear about your actions. Not that I wish for her to be heartbroken by her current boyfriend, but points like that will help if she becomes single again and I persue her in a more-than-friendly way.

~More good friends...
...The majority of the weekend included hanging out with Mitch, and we've talked about some actual conversation topics, as opposed to trivial nothingness. He's becoming more of a friend than an acquaintance, which is pretty cool. The same goes for Matzke and Sexton. Sorry again, Mike, for leaving you at SkyMania for 15 minutes while we went to eat.

In other news, my 'educational programming', as I prefer to call it, has benefited a couple friends... they'll know what I mean when they read this ;-)
I caught some major air on Sunday when we went to SkyMania. Best part about it was that it was without the support of my leg wrap. Gettin' better all the time, I'm tellin' ya...
Something about Niki is different. Maybe he's been so quiet lately because his girlfriend is so quiet all the time, and it's rubbing off. Haha. It's all good though, as long as he's happy.

Well, this has been fun. Hopefully you will all enjoy my thoughts and the summaries of my days to come. Have a great day/night, depending on when you read this. And remember to chase the sun, for it is the star that can unleash your wildest dreams into reality...

Hoping to be remembered in one way or another,
Vaniah Schwenoha

1 comment:

nikis said...

Don't talk shit about TOTAL!!!