Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Big Bucks, No Whammies!!!

22 February 2006 - 6:59 PM

Aha... That Dane Cook is a silly bitch...

Sore again. Whoo! It actually had an effect on something else today. The Marines were setup at lunch again with the pullup bar, looking for potential recruits. I don't intend on joining the Marines, but it's always fun to see how many I can do and then take a free prize. Last time I got a beanie. This time I got a rock climbing utility that I'll end up using as a keychain attachment. Last time, I made it to 16 pullups without notice that they'd be there. This time, I once again had no notice, but I was also sore from days before. I made it fully to 14. I was about a centimeter away from 15, and don't know if they counted it. I didn't even come close to 16, and that's where I just let go and said fuck it. I'm happy with the number, considering I was sore and that I'm not a little fuckin' pussy when it comes down to who really does the pullups. Most people think they're cool when they grab the bar underhand and don't even extend their arms past a 135ยบ angle. I grab the bar overhand, like a man should, my arms extend to the point at which if they extend more, my elbows would dislocate, and my chin goes fully above the bar, as opposed to a sissy little head gesture at the last second in order to receive credit.

We got to skip History class today to learn about the new registration process. I feel pretty lucky to have picked the right counselor, since I had forgotten who was mine. The new process seems iffy, but it should work out pretty well. It really sucks that there will still be two lunches next year, and it might happen that I have early lunch one day and late lunch the next, which would totally throw me off. I still have to decide how many classes I'm taking and what I want them to be. I'll keep you posted on that, but another time.

There was a swim meeting after school today. I don't even know why I go to them. I have to go back tomorrow anyway, because after a few minutes, I realized that my dad wanted the car home as soon as possible so that he could go make deliveries. Whenever I go to those meetings, I might get one or two useful questions out and answered, but besides that, all the announcements and shit don't even pertain to me, because I'm part of the diving team, not the swim team. I wish they'd handle the divers separately... One thing that's pretty sweet though is that I am, in fact, part of the diving team. There's another guy doing it this year, which hella increases team size by 200%! Haha. Anyway, I have to go back tomorrow to possibly buy my Speedo. Yeah, that's another new thing about this year. I'm actually going to wear a traditional Speedo. Woohoo! I found out today though that I still have to buy more than that. It's $25 for the Speedo and another $50 for sweats. Grrrreat. I wouldn't be complaining if I still had spare cash on me, but then again, I'm a fuckin' retard, and all my shit got stolen.

I got home from school and tried to find out the status on my health packet stuff for diving, which needs to be turned in absolutely ASAP. The people who work the desk there at the doctor's office must be high, because instead of sending anything pertaining to my leg and its MRI, they faxed over the results of some woman's mammogram. Ha! Well that's just great. They must've been closed this afternoon, because my dad called them and could not get an answer. Hopefully that shit gets sent back over tomorrow morning, and I can pick it up and drop it off tomorrow afternoon.

Got a Myspace message back from Cecilee, which was a nice gesture. At least it implies that she's not going to shut me out of contact because she has a boyfriend. That's not what I was gonna do to her, either. She said she was going to get her hair done today. I wonder how it looks...

I called the bank to inquire about what actions should be taken about my ATM card. It was a good idea, because they issued me a new one right there. No need to go in, no need to waste time. Another ID card down, two more to go. Still need a school ID card and a library card. And I need a wallet. I suppose I'll head down to Meadows Mall this weekend and look in Anchor Blue for the same wallet. I really liked that wallet, too... If you wanna go with me to the mall this weekend, let me know :-)

... Jake Butera wasn't even on my Myspace friends list. Haha. I made sure to request an add today. He's a pretty cool kid. Not a douchebag like I subconsciously made him out to be. Don't judge a book by the other shitty books that it sits around with. Haha.

"Next group, after guided meditation, after we open our heart chakras, when it's time to hug, I'm gonna grab that little bitch Marla Singer and scream... 'Marla, you liar! You big tourist! I need this! Now get out!' "

~Ahem~ Sorry about that. It just randomly popped into my mind. Ok, well I think I'm done with all that I want to talk about for now. I might be back later tonight. Have a nice night! You will now be left with my new outro signature, which I decided to start using all the time when I thought it up last night while replying to Jake's Myspace blog. It might get revised to run more smoothly, but whatever. I think it's pretty fuckin' good.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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