Monday, February 27, 2006

Long, semi-eventful day

Well, it was a good plan to only jump one day this weekend, because I was comfortably sore today, and if I had jumped more, I'd definitely be ready to die by tomorrow's practice. I woke up today and showered, and then, of course, made sure to say hi to Cecilee, since she was online. We talked for like, an hour and a half straight, and then she left to go eat and get ready for work. Then, apparently, she ended up finishing her lunch rather quickly, and came back to talk for another fifteen minutes. It was nice, and we both learned a little bit more about each other = )

After her final parting, I just sat around and did homework for a bit. Then Sarah called, asking for a favor.

This is where things start getting interesting... and then make me question how much longer until the world's population evokes its own demise...

Sarah's mom was feeling bad again, and went back to the hospital to seek more help. Well, since Sarah had only gotten her permit yesterday, it was only necessary for her to drive through familiar neighborhoods to my house, and then to let me drive to go pick up her mom from the hospital. It took a bit to get used to the car, but we got to the hospital without any problems. We parked the car and went inside to look for her mom.

It took 20 minutes until any employees even acknowledged our existence. Three service desks - which, I guess, used to serve a purpose once, way back in a mythological era, sometime around when dinosaurs roamed the earth - and none of them were in service. After we failed to find any kind of receptionist, we tried looking for the room ourselves... to no avail. One final, desperate approach to the desk in the Emergency Room, and we finally found Sarah's mom.

She was in such agony... It made me feel really bad for her and what she was going through. We did what we could and got out of that shit-stain of a hospital as fast as we could. I made sure to drive very carefully and gracefully as not to disturb Sarah's mom any further, because I knew that any sudden jerks would definitely hurt like all hell. Along the way, her mom told us how much worse that hospital is than Sarah and I thought. They fuckin' left her there for five hours without food or water, or even checking in on her. The IV broke, which would explain the bruises on her arm. The doctor - the one who had told her two days before that she had a kidney stone, and prescribed medication to deal with that - yelled at her, saying that he never told her in the first place that she had a kidney stone, and that he didn't prescribe the medication that she was now refusing to take.

What a fucking asshole. Way to fucking go, Dr. Bizidouche, not taking your job seriously. That's more than a job. That's a Goddamn career. Working in a hospital, as a doctor, is supposed to be one of those things that you get lots of schooling to have the privilege to do. I guess not though. Maybe they just give out Masters degrees to anybody who can count with their fingers, or maybe there are even less requirements. And to think that Tamana is going to pursue a career in being a heart surgeon... I hope she needs fifteen years of schooling before she lands that career, because without it, they might as well hand me the scalpal - rusty and blood-covered from the surgery before - right after I get through wiping my ass, in a stadium bathroom, without washing my hands, and tell me to make the incisions.

It's not like it's the first time some shit like that was pulled, either. I went to the hospital a couple years ago because I was stuffed up and drowsy as shit, and they ended up giving me an IV for fifteen minutes, and then they prescribed some medication. Two weeks later, after I had failed to recover, I finally went to my family physician. Allergies. Those fucking dolts at the hospital gave me all that medication for something that I didn't even have! All I had was fucking allergies, you two-cent morons!

Ugh. Whatever. The world is so fucked up.

I got home and really needed to vent to someone, since I didn't want to write my blog yet, so, of course, I sent a text to Cecilee through AIM that told her how I hate hospitals. She responded back, telling me how she hated her job at the moment. I guess that after she and I said goodbye earlier, her day didn't get any better, either. So yeah, then it made me even more sad that she was sad, and once again, I just wish I could've done something to help cheer her up. I really wish I were her boyfriend right now, because then it would justify walking twelve and a half miles to bring a smile to her face, which is likely what I would have done after I found out about her day.

Anyway, a little more homework and a few hours of napping later and here I am, writing to you so early in the morning. I'm gonna have to get back to that homework soon, so I'll have to let you all go. Thanks for listening to me rant... and rant... and rant. Today marks the first day of practice, so I hope that you should all wish me luck and pray for me not to implode from stress-related fatigue in the months to come. I wish you the best Monday you can make it to be, because we could all use a fucking break.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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