Thursday, February 23, 2006

Fall in

23 February 2006 - 9:24 PM

...As in: 'Fall in!', that military command... or, as in: most of my shit seems to be falling into place a little better.

I finally received some useful information regarding the new diving season... It does not make me happy. Look at this fuckin' schedule:

Monday - 4:00-6:00 PM - Baker - Practice
Tuesday - 5:00-7:00 PM - UNLV - Practice
Wednesday - 4:00-6:00 PM - Baker - Practice
Thursday - 5:00-7:00 PM - UNLV - Practice
Friday - 7:00-9:00 PM - UNLV - Meet

Not only is practice in a less convenient place, but it is in two less convenient places, and I have to remember where I'm going depending on what day it is. The only good thing about this schedule is that three out of five days a week, I dive indoors. Last year, we dove from 3:30-5:00 for practice. That means that this year, practice starts later and lasts longer...
I'm definitely going to lose it this season.

Ugh. Ok. Whatever. The other thing about this year is that Pat Curtis isn't coaching. That guy was pretty cool to me. This year's coach is Maryanna Billings. I hope she's a pretty cool coach.

I also obtained a general summary of what Nevada Boys State will be like if I attend. One week... no phones... no television... no contact with the outside world... no sleep. That shit sounds pretty slave-like to me, but whatever. It would be a nice thing to attend, assuming it doesn't coincide with the Presidential Classroom program, which my parents absolutely insist I attend.

Dallas' house got robbed yesterday. Nothing of his was stolen. Just a half-full, 5-gallon bottle worth of mixed change and about $4,000 in jewelery. Wow. There just isn't any dignity left in this neighborhood. At least not in my life. People just take whatever they want, regardless of the obstacles in front of it.

Random, unimportant phenomena: In Chemistry today, I plugged the expression 0.117•0.15/0.35 into my calculator and received an answer of 0.0759... . Ten minutes later, I plugged the same exact expression into my calculator, key for key, and received the answer of 0.0501... . Ever since then, I can only seem to get the second answer to pop up. However, the answer given by the old AP test that yeilded that expression used the first answer to obtain a final result. I am confused.

After my school shenanagins, I took Mitch and Sarah over to Sarah's house and then I took Niki to Lucille's house. It was nice of him to invite me inside for a few minutes. As always, Lucille didn't talk much, but it doesn't make me feel like she's uncomfortable when I'm there, because she laughs at the conversation between Niki and me when it is appropriate.

I came home and slept, as I usually do. When it was dinner time, my dad woke me up. First, being a product of the new-age consumer market, he called me to attempt to wake me up. I literally yelled, not too loud, "What the fuck!?!", because both my cell phone and house phone were ringing at the same time. After that failed, he felt compelled to pound on my door. Not just knock - pound. I finally got up and opened the door to ask wtf was up, but he had already walked off and continued his conversation on the phone with... whoever. I often wonder what causes my parents to knock as hard as they do. It may be understandable in the mornings, because they're used to having to wake up Victor, who developed the ability to sleep through bombs, and also because it's hard to make someone get up on time in order to get ready on time. But... this was in the middle of the evening. 6:50 PM and all I was getting woken up for was to eat dinner. I'm not in boot camp. The kitchen doesn't close after 1930 hours no matter what. Why was it so urgent that I wake up so quickly?

...You know what... It doesn't matter. It's not going to change the way they do things.

I found it a bit funny that my dad spent three days trying to get my physical evaluation sheet back from the doctor's office to no avail, but when I called, on the first try, it was sent directly over. Yay! I can finally turn it in tomorrow, and then I will be able to dive on Monday. I'm excited!

Dreams are fun. They can just take you wherever you want to go that's away from this reality. For instance, after dinner, I went back to sleep for an hour and a half and dreamt that Cecilee attended a social event with me and sat on my lap for a short time... When I say things like that - things that involve people in my dreams even when the circumstance doesn't seem right in reality - I almost feel guilty inside. It feels as if I'm doing something wrong, like stalking someone or something. The truth is, though, that I'm lucky to have those lucid dreams. It's kinda like the Fight Club Tyler Durden concept (yeah, I know, leave it to me or my brother to relate everything to Fight Club) - I have the subconscious confidence to take an idea and just run with it. Yeah, I know she's taken. I know that it is uncertain whether or not she will remain that way for an extended period of time. But, the one thing that is certain is that I like this girl. I am attracted to her in a number of ways, and that's something that can't be changed by just telling myself, "dude, give it up."

I love the fact that despite heartbreaks and hardships, I continue to keep a firm trust in love. It keeps me hopeful. It feels good.

...Am I done yet? Haha! I think I'm satisfied for the time being. If you made it to this point in the blog, congratulations.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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