Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Such a Waste of Time

Well, today was... long. I woke up sore again... Probably will for the next three days, because that's how my body works... I had a test in English and Chemistry today. English was like, pfft. Didn't even need to study for that shit. We seriously do 7th grade shit in that class, and it's AP. It's no wonder everybody failed the AP test last year. Chemistry, on the other hand, was a bit tough. I feel good about almost everything that I filled in, but I left a few blank. Hopefully it turns out to be higher than a 75%, but I'm not making any promises. Also, Mr. Deming defended the quality of the Honda Civic as a durable car today in class. We all assume that we know what he drives... key word: ass-u-me... Aside from that, the only other school stuff is that I talk to Nikita a little bit in French class. She's probably the only person I'm semi-intested in besides Cecilee, but Cecilee is taken and Nikita... well, she seems to have a thing for Travis and I think that if I told her I wanted to get to know her, she'd get a good laugh out of it. Haha.

After school, I talked Bo into doing a good deed by taking Niki at least up to his house, and then Dallas gave me a ride home. Then my dad and I began our long journey around town, replacing some of the things that some douchebag stole from me a few nights ago. First we hit the DMV. I spent maybe an hour to an hour and a half talking to Jake Butera, who was also there to get his license replaced. Apparently, he went to Jimmy and Sean Small's hotel party that I had heard about on Saturday - the same night my wallet got stolen. When he woke up the next day, his wallet was gone, just like mine. So yeah, he is in the same position as I... He has to replace his bank card, license, library card, etc. We did talk the entire time we were there though, which was weird, considering I've never talked to that guy in my life. Haha. Anyway, I paid for my duplicate, took my picture, and left. I didn't smile in my picture this time, as opposed to the smile that went to my molars last time I took the picture. Not a huge deal, but I suppose I should have smiled.

My dad and I left the DMV and went to the 99-Cents-Only store over by Sam's Club. We picked up 12 more bottles of Rose's Blue Raspberry Cocktail Infusions. Two belong to me, and the rest will be his, but he'll most likely share. You should head up there and buy some before they run out, because it's good shit, and I've never seen it before. Cool bottle, too! Squiggly ~

Well, we left there and went to Wal-Mart to get a new tax exempt card for me. By the time we finished with that and my dad bought some soda, we were about 10 minutes away from closing time at the bank. We made it there with a few to spare, but some people weren't so lucky. I sat in the car and watched people show up and leave. One woman go there at 5:00 on the dot, but still didn't make it in. Sucks. My dad finished his work in the bank at around 5:10, but didn't get out of the bank until 5:35 because one man was still being helped, and they don't you out after closing time until everybody is done.

Now I'm back here, and I am quite tired. I'm gonna go nap and hope that I wake up to finish some work later. Have a nice night!

Vaniah Schwenoha

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