Sunday, April 16, 2006

"I didn't climb my way to the top of the food chain to eat fucking lettuce!"

16 April 2006 - 1:55 AM

Diving pratice... Enough said.

Practice again. This time, though, I pulled off a reverse 1½ and a reverse double. I am hopeful that I will attempt a reverse 1½ with ½ twist sometime this season, because I saw it in a diving video while I was looking around on Google Video. At the end of practice, there were only two people left - me and this kid Grant. The coach decided to have a little fun with it, so she had us do synchronized diving for the last fifteen minutes. It was pretty fun. I can't wait to do it next week with Shea, because now we can both do a 1½ with a full twist.

I finally bought a chamois. There was only one out of all the 5 sports stores that I tried to get one from. I already want a new one - one that's smaller than 17"x27"...

I didn't feel like leaving the house or anything, so I just slept through from about 6:00 to 11:30 and then talked online/ invited people to the NAMO barbecue.

It's been a fun day. I started by moving my alternate, useless computer into Victor's room. It's been taking up space for awhile, so I finally decided to ditch it from my room. The next step is organizing... Anyway, after moving the computer, I took the RAM out of it and put it in my computer. For some reason, it gave me the hardest time installing. I had to reset the CMOS jumper a couple of times and turn the power supply on and off -- if you understood that at all...

Then I showered and packed up to leave for the barbecue. I had no ride, and didn't know when my dad would be heading home, so I began walking. After reaching Twain, I remembered what Sexton told me last week about walking backwards to try and help shin splints. So, I said 'why not?' to myself and walked most of the way there backwards. Now I know 'why not'. My shoes are worn in the back, and the plastic irritated my heel, which, later on in the day, caused the soggy skin to peel off. Ew. Jake picked me up near Flamingo and took me the rest of the way.

The barbecue was really fun. We tossed a couple of frisbees around, climbed trees, ate, and just hung out, talking. At the end, instead of simple cleanup, we decided to throw the soda bottles and cans into the air and let them come crashing onto the street. Don't worry, we picked everything up afterward. The first one was the best byfar - thrown by me, of course. It landed straight on the top of the bottle and shot back up thirty feet into the air. Extreme! Haha! One of the neighbors called the police soon after, but we were so calmed down by the time the guy got there that he had no reason to believe that we were the ones who were being complained about. Plus, we cleaned our shit up, which showed that we were just having a good time, not making a mess of things.

After we left the park, we went to my house to hang out - me, Chris, Sarah, Billy, and Kyle. Kyle had to leave soon after, but Chris and I talked to each other a bit extensively, as did Sarah and Billy. Overall, the day was really good.

Ok, done listing things. Now I want to throw a bit of input in.

Niki showed me a blog earlier today of this guy who would be willing to give up his computer, WoW account, Diablo account, and money to have a girlfriend. Sure, we had a bit of a laugh about how desperate this guy seemed - what with him talking in every entry about how he longs for someone to hold - but... you know, it's not like I don't feel the same way. Every day here alone in my room just makes me sad when I think about it. Why the fuck do you think I have a body pillow? I need something to cuddle up to and wrap my arms around at night...

Billy and Sarah's conversation earlier tonight started off talking about sexual experiences. Not to sound hedonistic, but I really can't wait for the days that I will be able to take part in those conversations. Chris was surprised to discover that when it comes to sexual activity, I'm a n00b.

Conclusion: I need a girl.


Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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