Sunday, April 30, 2006

Tunak Tunak Tun

30 April 2006 - 4:23 PM

Well, I thought it was good.

Jake showed me that video awhile ago. It's a lot harder to dance to that kind of music than you think... but we'll get to that later.

I confronted the English teacher today about our preparation methods. It definitely gave the 'wtf' vibe to her, so we'll see how well that all works out for the rest of the year. The History teacher conducted a practice AP test for all students to take if they wanted to. Everyone had to take the multiple choice test in class, but if anybody wanted to leave after school and skip the essay portion, they were free to go.
Everybody left after the multiple choice portion of the test.
I was going to stay for the essays, but Dallas was my ride home, and he wasn't staying. The next day, Nikita told me that she was in Mrs. Hansen's class after school and saw Deming come in with a look of dismay, because he had made so many copies to administer a test that students requested he give out, yet no more than one person was willing to comply.

The last school day before the English AP exam and we... read the preparation guidelines that I feel we should've read before we started learning anything.

My dive meet kinda sucked, to say the least. I failed another dive. It wasn't the same dive as last week, which is a good thing. I just need to learn how to spot my dives, because coming out of a spin based on instinct doesn't work 100% of the time. Dallas and Brittany showed up for the meet, but Sarah couldn't find the place. Eventually, after the meet, she and her ride found me, but because Dallas had left, we had to get a ride back to my house from her friend. We hung out at my house for about an hour and a half, talking, and eventually watching a few funny videos... hence, the video at the beginning of this blog. After, I dropped her off at her friend's house. When I came home, I talked online with Erica until around 3:30. We sent amusing pictures back and forth.

Ohh, what a day. I woke up far too early. Soon enough, I fell back asleep. By the time I had woken back up, it was too late for me to take a shower and leave enough hot water for my mom to get ready for work, so I just put some stuff in the car so that I could freshen up my hair later on, when I picked up Sarah. I dropped my mom off at work, picked up Sarah, and then we had to pick up her friend before we could be on our way to SkyMania. Her friend lived up in Summerlin, completely in the opposite direction. I'd never actually used a roundabout before. It was interesting. Now comes the dilemma.

We were supposed to meet Erica and her friends at SkyMania at 5:00, because they were going to start jumping at 4:30. Well, after we picked up Sarah's friend Justin and got on the road - a supposed 24-minute drive from his house, according to MSN Maps - it was about 4:50. That, coupled with medium traffic, was definitely not going to let us show up as scheduled. Ten minutes into our destination drive, I got a call - from Erica's phone, obviously...
They were asking for directions.
Yes! Now I didn't feel so bad about being late. Soon, we came to realize that they were on the same freeway as us. In fact, they were about two or three exits behind us. We showed up, were walking toward the door, and saw them get out of their car.

It turns out, Sarah's friend wasn't in the system anymore... Well, kinda. The manager - who's always a dick - asked his name, address, and date of birth. Justin answered everything correctly... except the computer had him in as 25 years old. Because of this, they wouldn't let him jump.
He just watched us jump part of the time and went nextdoor to the indoor skatepark for the other part. When we were leaving, I heard someone yell my name. It was Sexton yelling. He and Mitch had just shown up with their girlfriends. It was... awkward, to say the least.

Anyway, after that, we made the usual stop at 7-Eleven. I bought a P'EatZZa Sandwich. It was actually pretty good. I couldn't figure out what ingredient was in it that made it all fall together nicely.

We went to The Palms to see Stick It. It was a pretty cute movie, I guess. Storyline was mediocre. Doesn't really matter to me. I pretty much wanted to see it for the gymnastics part, 'cause I'm weird with flips like that. The girls were pretty cute, too. After the movie, we hung out with Briana Striano, because she was working at the concession stand. It was really funny to see the way she handled customers, because it wasn't necessarily professional. Haha!

A barrage of customers came about after 15 minutes, and we grew bored, so we needed something to do. I had no other suggestions, so I conceded to go to a hookah lounge, as Sarah and Justin requested.
Peer Pressure: 1. China Boy: 0.
There was one by my house, and it was nearly empty... but they wouldn't let us in. See, there was a fight this weekend, and that particular restaurant was reserved for Oscar De La Hoya.

They directed us toward another, up on Spring Mountain and Durango. Ten minutes earlier and we would've had a worse time getting through pedestrian traffic, because the Extreme Thing had just let out. We parked and walked up to the door, but when we tried walking in, they told us that on weekends, they don't let people in who are wearing shorts. We were pissed, and started to leave. When we pulled back up to the door and had Sarah ask about another available lounge... The doorman agreed to let us in.
Yay for Sarah! The only one of us with boobs!
The place was interesting. Good Mediterranean food, chocolate mint flavored tobacco, and a live Mediterranean band. That's right. I tried smoking tobacco for the first time.
Peer Pressure for the win.
I saw a few people there that I recognized from the hallways at school. One was a very beautiful girl who always walks by when I hold the door open before second period. She never says anything though, much less even gives me a look. She has a very efficient way of ignoring me and looking straight ahead into the hallway when she walks by. It's kind of weird.
Anyway, after dinner, we finally agreed to go with Sarah onto the dance floor. It is very hard to dance to Mediterranean music. I definitely need to learn to dance.

We left at about 11:45 to take Justin home. Now, when we left at the beginning of the night to go to SkyMania, Justin realized he forgot his wallet. So, I lent him $20 before we got there. Then, I paid for his dinner and hookah at the restaurant, $15. He was also supposed to pay me $10 for gas, since he lives so far away. When we got to his house, he paid me back... $16. $11 of which was in $1 bills. Sarah paid me the difference, and will get it back from him next time she sees him. I dropped Sarah off at home and then came back home for the night. Somehow, after picking everything up out of the car, I managed to lock the keys in, but out of my own sight, under a pillow. Good thing we have two sets of keys.

I was talking to Erica online, and the most interesting thing happened.
She offered to hook me up with her friend.
We'll see how that turns out. I still wonder how that distance factor would ever turn out.

It's taken so long to write this blog because I've been watching Goldeneye the entire time. I noticed that Sean Bean looks a lot different now than he did 11 years ago. I'm also trying to draw a picture in my mind of him in Troy, because I don't remember that well. I have to do a practice Chemistry AP test sometime today. That means an hour and a half with nothing but some paper and a pencil. Not even a calculator. That should be fun... After that, it's down to as much studying as I can do to prepare for the Language and Composition AP test tomorrow.
Wish me luck.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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