Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Myspace has replaced the most popular internet term 'lol' with 'comments'

26 April 2006 - 3:22 PM

So yeah. It's been about an entire week since the last post. Sorry about that. I've been busy... and lazy.

Let's see if I can remember anything from that far back...

Yeah, nope. I don't seem to be able to remember anything. Umm... Dive practice was fun, as usual...

Dive meet today. Whoo! Toughest competition matchup!

Too bad nobody showed up.

Niki had no ride. Sarah thought she had a ride, but then it turned out she didn't, so then she couldn't get a ride because her mom couldn't drive. Dallas likely never told Brittany about it, and it was their 8-month anyway, so they went to dinner and a movie and got drunk. Chris wanted to come, but had to work.

Corban came, as he promised he would, along with his girlfriend, who I hadn't seen since last dive season. The school's swim coach came too. I suppose it's better that no more than they showed up, because I failed the required twist dive. No big deal, I suppose. I still beat my score from week 1, and I'm nearly sure to get scores on that same dive this week.

I contemplated going out after I got home and showered, but I was pretty tired, and had to wake up the next morning for a math competition in Henderson.

Warning! Skip paragraph if you want to avoid too much information!
So yeah. This week was the first time I competed in a traditional Speedo, and I was a bit self-conscious about the hair around my 'situation', as Dane Cook calls it. So before the meet, I got in the shower with my razor and shaved my 'situation'. Well, I've got the Gillette Fusion razor, so at the end, I was using the single blade on the back side to make a last run-through. Well, the slightest move in the wrong direction and... I cut my ass cheek. It burned like hell, and I put liquid bandage on it in an attempt to seal it up before the meet, so that made it burn more - especially since I had to avoid sitting down or letting my cheeks touch each other before it dried.

Yeah. I thought you'd read it, too.

My mom called around 5:30 for me to pick her up from work. I waited about five minutes before leaving because I didn't want to be half-asleep at the wheel again, considering it almost got me into an accident a couple weeks ago. While waiting for my mom, I noticed a black Ford GT outside in valet parking. I'd never seen one before, so I got out and looked it over. I really want one now, because it looks amazing. After my mom came out, while waiting at the red light to turn, the owner drove up next to us in it. Of course, he took off much faster than we, but it was great to see it drive.

I stayed up and did my homework until Bo picked me up at 7:10 to go down to Green Valley High School for The Southern Nevada Mathematics Council’s 24th Annual Secondary Mathematics Contest, in which I took the comprehensive examination. We picked up Chris and John, picked up breakfast at a McDonald's with drive-up ordering (no speakers/headsets), and went on our way. Being a student with no calculus education, I feel I bombed the test pretty hard. Mr. Bartling was there, and showed us the tattoo that he got. On the meat of his shoulder, he got "e^i~pi~" (symbols - not exactly like that) tattooed. It was very... interesting... to see.

So here's the funny stuff from the day. On the back of a package of peanuts, I noticed the warning, which made me laugh pretty hard. Then, when we left the competition, Bo and I got into a heated argument on whether or not it would be good to roll the windows down. The conversation started with me:
-"Dude. I'm sorry I don't like man sweat circulating around in the car with nowhere to go."
-"Oh, like there's a difference between man sweat and woman sweat?"
-"It's all fluids, Bo. Would you prefer man cum or woman cum?"
~Remember - We were in pretty heated argument, so instead of "Man cum?" it came out...
-"Man cum!"
Haha! We were dying in the car on that one. Later on, we're driving along when Bo freaks out and twitches like hell. We're all like, "Dude, what the fuck was that about?" and he responds, "I don't know... It was like a butterfly or something..."
We all fuckin' died right there. That quote made our day.

Niki showed up with Lucille in his mom's car when my dad came home. We hung out for a bit, I showered, and we left to drop off his mom's car before we went to see Silent Hill with Sarah. On the way, Niki and I raced. He was ahead for a bit, and would've beaten me by miles if he hadn't stopped in a crosswalk at a red light. Top speed probably hit 85 going up Tropicana, and we both ran a mustard at the same time on Trop. and Durango going about 75. I finally pulled ahead of him, but then slowed down for the stopped traffic ahead of us, and he made a very ballsy move to get back in front while I freaked out on whether or not he'd see the cars ahead of us and brake. After that, this fucker got between us, drove slowly, and let Niki beat me. That fucker... Good race though.

Silent Hill was pretty interesting. Very gory, to describe it most. Afterwards, we dropped Lucille off at home and went to SkyMania. It was just Sarah, Niki, and me because Mitch went with his friends earlier - grew impatient/ went with his new girlfriend... - I tried working on a front somersault with a full twist, considering it would help me get better at that dive that I failed the day before. We hung out at Niki's house afterward, and I fell asleep on his couch because I don't pay attention to his WoW shit, which is what he was showing to Sarah. They didn't wake me up around midnight like I expected them to, so my dad called at 12:30 wondering where I was, and that's when I took Sarah home and retired to bed myself when I came home.

Erica was supposed to come to this side of town today, but ended up going out with her friends for her school's prom. She invited me to an art show the next day, but I declined on account of homework. Like this blog, I haven't been current with my horoscopes either. When I checked my emails, Thursday's said, "Venus, planet of creative inspiration, harmonizes with Jupiter, planet of the big purchase. If you are falling in love with the idea of art, plan for a weekend at the museum or galleries. Does a partner with artistic vision make desire any sweeter?"


I spent quite a bit of time procrastinating... Didn't start my research paper until 2:00 AM. I got half of it done, which was enough to get full participation credit when we turned in rough drafts the next day.

I took my mom to work before I took the car to practice. Afterwards, I went to Food 4 Less to go grocery shopping - much needed for my house at the time. My mom gave me $100 to spend.
I spent $112.
It's good though, because now I won't have a half-and-half choice between dinner every night on whether I want Cup Noodles or frozen corn dogs.

I've finally put everything together in that front 1½, full twist that I need to. It's making it around and I'm able to square out and get a chance to dive it in. Yay! I got a haircut before practice and realized that I should've gotten it before spring break, when my face tanned. There are now white spots where my sideburns used to be. I made steak for dinner and fell asleep until morning.

The day is only half-way through. A woman came into History class talking about the upcoming blood drive, but I won't be able to donate because I won't be 17 years of age yet. Our activities in English are not preparing us at all for the test that we will be taking in FIVE FUCKING DAYS!!! I'm about to leave for dive practice, so I hope you've enjoyed my writings

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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