Friday, April 07, 2006

First blog written during the day in awhile...

7 April 2006 - 5:14 PM

The weather was horrible. For the divers that needed to learn the required reverse dive for the meet this Friday, there was still practice. I know how shitty it is to slap on the water, and I know how shitty it is to have to dive in the wind on a cloudy day... These three divers that were there to practice had to endure both. They were determined though, and one of them finally, after all these weeks, got his reverse somersault down. It looks pretty good, might I add. Other than that, I don't really remember the rest of the day. Probably because I sleep until morning and then rush through homework.

Meh. School wasn't that great. Obviously, the rest of this day will refer to practice. I can't wait to get back into the water next week. Honestly, I don't really give a shit about what the doctor will say when I go back for another followup on Monday. On the way home, I fell asleep in the car. Naturally, I decided to take a nap when I got home. The nap lasted... until 2:30. Then, I tried reading my English textbook. It, being my English textbook, lulled me back to sleep. I woke again around 4:30 and started my lab book for Chem.

The entire school day was spent attempting to finish my lab book. I worked on it through all of Tech, English, and PreCalc. I finally finished it at lunch, did my Chem. homework from lunch through French, and had everything done on time. I didn't do that great on my French vocab test, but I'm sure it won't kill me in the long run, since that class is easy.

After school, my mom came into my room and told me that $1250 was taken out of her bank account without notice. She panicked and cancelled the debit card. The money was taken out from the Presidential Classroom. I guess that means I got accepted to attend. Sweet!

Aside from that, I just watched Shaun of the Dead, and I should soon be on my way to the dive meet.

Have a nice night.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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