Thursday, April 13, 2006


13 April 2006 - 12:34 AM
Nice time...

Long day...

I put on sunscreen today because I got burnt yesterday and didn't want it to get worse today. At practice, I did better on my front 2½, got back into doing my back 1½, and threw a back double and a front 1½ with a full twist for the first time. Overall, that makes a good practice. On the back 1½ pike, I slapped hella hard on my back - so hard that I think I burst all my back-acne under my skin. Yeah, I know that you didn't want to know that, but oh well. I also failed to get the front 1½ with a full twist all the way around when I tried it the second time. It was a good thing I put my earplugs in, because when I came up, one was missing. That means that if I hadn't been wearing them, I would've burst the eardrum again.

I took my mom to work again and then came home to fix dinner - steak. I left my house at about 5:00 to pick Billy up and head to The Orleans to pick up tickets to see Scary Movie 4 with Bo, Lucille, and Niki. When I showed up at Billy's house, he wasn't there. He didn't even know we were seeing a free movie. Of the first 60 people to show up who were were supposed to get the only tickets... Billy and I were 64 and 65. That's alright. There were plenty of seats in that theatre, and they let all of us in. The movie was pretty funny. It could've been better, but whatever; it was free.

Bo took Lucille and Niki home, so I only had to drop Billy off. I had to fix up Billy's computer fans because his dad had been screwing with his shit. On the way home, Sarah Williams called me and asked me to go see The Benchwarmers with her and some of her friends. At first, I accepted, granted she would pick me up. Then, though, there was the fact that I invited Chris and Nicole to come over to watch The World Poker Tour, where my mom was to be televised dealing the last hand. They couldn't go because Nicole had to be home at 11:30, so I cancelled with Sarah so that they could hang out.

They pretty much stood me up. They never came.

Do you remember the diver a couple of weeks ago who took an interest in me? Well, tonight, she questioned my behavior. She said that ever since I asked her if she was getting led on, I've been bitter towards her, and that I've seemed perturbed. Well, I think that's all a bunch of bullshit, honestly. Most of the time, I only see her at practice, and she makes as little an attempt to make conversation as I do. At the party after a meet a few weeks ago, when I showed up, I took the first open place next to the fire, which happened to be next to her - she moved away from me when that happened. Then, she invited me to a party, but I declined because I already had plans to go to SkyMania. That night, she called when my friends and I were on the way home. We really weren't talking, but it takes two for that to be the situation. She made a brash statement and then signed off without saying goodbye.

You know, I thought I was doing the right thing by telling someone that it would be better not to get too attached before she got let down. I guess I was wrong. I guess she would've preferred to get led on more, and then have me tell her that I don't like her in that way.

I give up.


Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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