Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Gonna try to make this short 'cause I'm tired as hell

12 April 2006 - 12:36 AM

I drove my dad to his meeting and then went to the doctor on my own. He checked me out and agreed to let me dive again.


So then I came home, went to the pharmacy for my mom, and had her drive me to practice and then pick up my dad. On the way, while waiting at a red light in the left-turn lane, the lady in front of me inched forward and accidentally bumped the lady in front of her. The woman wouldn't let the situation slide, so I had to change lanes just to get out of there. Practice was okay, I suppose. I spent more than half of it working on one dive because my technique is all screwed up now. I've completely had to change approach. After practice, I fell asleep for the remainder of the afternoon, to nobody's surprise I'm sure.

Practice was much better. I attempted a front 2½ today. It was fun, but it needs lots of work. I didn't know where to kick out, so I ended up slapping both of my arms on the water. I made sure to put my earplugs in when I attempted my twister.

I took my mom to work, showered, picked up Billy, and went down to The Orleans to pick up tickets to see La Mujer de me Hermano, a Spanish movie that was showing for free. Tickets weren't to be handed out until 5:30. Billy and I showed up at about 4:55. They didn't hand out tickets until about 6:30, after Lucille and Niki showed up.

I just love how inefficient the Spanish are.

After the movie, we hung out at my house for a bit, but I had to take Lucille home around 9:45, so we did that. Then, we went to Niki's house to hang out. His mom bought pizza, Billy and Niki played WoW, and I started watching a movie with Niki's mom until I had to head home. When I returned home, I realized that my friends are fucking retards, and didn't think to close the gate when we left the house. So from 9:45 until 12:10, my house was absolutely open to the public. After walking in, I decided to make a quick round about the house with a sharp knife in my hand, just in case anybody decided to come in.

There's my two cents, and my two days.

Take it easy, but strike hard
Vaniah Schwenoha

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