Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A Day Late, A Dollar Short

28 February 2006 - 4:25 PM

Well, I didn't post yesterday, because I was a bit worn out from diving practice... Exactly as I predicted. Here's yesterday's events for you...

I gave Sarah a ride to school today, because her mom still isn't feeling well...

...I should really start to read when I'm supposed to. We did a group thing in English today, and our group had to analyze a passage from the textbook that... none of us read. Even though only one group was finished on time, Mrs. C. saw our group unfinished ten minutes later, with Niki, Chris, and Dallas talking, and totally went off on us. We kinda said 'fuck it' and just brought our giant Post-It note up to the board unfinished. Then Mrs. C. was like, "You guys didn't address the essence?" and I was like, "Well, I figured you wanted it, finished or not, because you just yelled at us about it."

So yeah... Doing work = not getting bitched at.

Today was the first day of diving practice, as I stated in the disclaimer above. The other diver from Durango picked me up, which was convenient, because I wouldn't have had any other ride. A few of the people that I dove with last year were there, which made it really cool, to show up and actually know people. There are a bunch of new kids - more competition... There's one kid who I think belongs on the swim team, because he seems really gay. Like, this kid has a man-tan and speaks with a British fag accent for fun. Whatever. I just better not find him cupping my balls in the water...

That other guy from Durango... turned out not to be that great of a diver... He's probably not gonna show up tomorrow, so I'm without a ride again. Oh well. I'm not gonna tell him to stay and try to improve if the coach is gonna be insulting about it, because that just won't build a relationship. So that leaves me as the only Durango diver again. Lame.

Apparently, Mitch broke his hand in P.E. today by punching the ground... I suppose the guy that deserved the punch is lucky that Mitch thought twice...

I came home from practice, showered, and ate, and then fell asleep. Who didn't see that one coming, huh? I woke up at 3:00 and did some homework, and then I had to get ready for school.

Well, I guess that's enough for yesterday's blog. I'll come back later tonight and write today's. Have a nice day!

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Monday, February 27, 2006

Long, semi-eventful day

Well, it was a good plan to only jump one day this weekend, because I was comfortably sore today, and if I had jumped more, I'd definitely be ready to die by tomorrow's practice. I woke up today and showered, and then, of course, made sure to say hi to Cecilee, since she was online. We talked for like, an hour and a half straight, and then she left to go eat and get ready for work. Then, apparently, she ended up finishing her lunch rather quickly, and came back to talk for another fifteen minutes. It was nice, and we both learned a little bit more about each other = )

After her final parting, I just sat around and did homework for a bit. Then Sarah called, asking for a favor.

This is where things start getting interesting... and then make me question how much longer until the world's population evokes its own demise...

Sarah's mom was feeling bad again, and went back to the hospital to seek more help. Well, since Sarah had only gotten her permit yesterday, it was only necessary for her to drive through familiar neighborhoods to my house, and then to let me drive to go pick up her mom from the hospital. It took a bit to get used to the car, but we got to the hospital without any problems. We parked the car and went inside to look for her mom.

It took 20 minutes until any employees even acknowledged our existence. Three service desks - which, I guess, used to serve a purpose once, way back in a mythological era, sometime around when dinosaurs roamed the earth - and none of them were in service. After we failed to find any kind of receptionist, we tried looking for the room ourselves... to no avail. One final, desperate approach to the desk in the Emergency Room, and we finally found Sarah's mom.

She was in such agony... It made me feel really bad for her and what she was going through. We did what we could and got out of that shit-stain of a hospital as fast as we could. I made sure to drive very carefully and gracefully as not to disturb Sarah's mom any further, because I knew that any sudden jerks would definitely hurt like all hell. Along the way, her mom told us how much worse that hospital is than Sarah and I thought. They fuckin' left her there for five hours without food or water, or even checking in on her. The IV broke, which would explain the bruises on her arm. The doctor - the one who had told her two days before that she had a kidney stone, and prescribed medication to deal with that - yelled at her, saying that he never told her in the first place that she had a kidney stone, and that he didn't prescribe the medication that she was now refusing to take.

What a fucking asshole. Way to fucking go, Dr. Bizidouche, not taking your job seriously. That's more than a job. That's a Goddamn career. Working in a hospital, as a doctor, is supposed to be one of those things that you get lots of schooling to have the privilege to do. I guess not though. Maybe they just give out Masters degrees to anybody who can count with their fingers, or maybe there are even less requirements. And to think that Tamana is going to pursue a career in being a heart surgeon... I hope she needs fifteen years of schooling before she lands that career, because without it, they might as well hand me the scalpal - rusty and blood-covered from the surgery before - right after I get through wiping my ass, in a stadium bathroom, without washing my hands, and tell me to make the incisions.

It's not like it's the first time some shit like that was pulled, either. I went to the hospital a couple years ago because I was stuffed up and drowsy as shit, and they ended up giving me an IV for fifteen minutes, and then they prescribed some medication. Two weeks later, after I had failed to recover, I finally went to my family physician. Allergies. Those fucking dolts at the hospital gave me all that medication for something that I didn't even have! All I had was fucking allergies, you two-cent morons!

Ugh. Whatever. The world is so fucked up.

I got home and really needed to vent to someone, since I didn't want to write my blog yet, so, of course, I sent a text to Cecilee through AIM that told her how I hate hospitals. She responded back, telling me how she hated her job at the moment. I guess that after she and I said goodbye earlier, her day didn't get any better, either. So yeah, then it made me even more sad that she was sad, and once again, I just wish I could've done something to help cheer her up. I really wish I were her boyfriend right now, because then it would justify walking twelve and a half miles to bring a smile to her face, which is likely what I would have done after I found out about her day.

Anyway, a little more homework and a few hours of napping later and here I am, writing to you so early in the morning. I'm gonna have to get back to that homework soon, so I'll have to let you all go. Thanks for listening to me rant... and rant... and rant. Today marks the first day of practice, so I hope that you should all wish me luck and pray for me not to implode from stress-related fatigue in the months to come. I wish you the best Monday you can make it to be, because we could all use a fucking break.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It

26 February 2006 - 1:18 AM

Whoo... What a day. I fell asleep on the top bunk last night, because I didn't care to bother Mitch about moving off the couch or Niki off my bed. Anyway, since I slept up there, I ended up waking up at 6:30 because I was so hot from the vent... and because Niki got a phone call at that time... 6:30, you say? Phone call? Ri-God-damn-diculous, if you ask me. Then again, nobody's asking me. I might not have minded the ring tone that accompanied the phone call, or the conversation that took place at that time... except, Niki talks like this, with a little tiny voice that almost makes you want to cry. So, at that point, I grabbed my awesome body pillow and my blanket and migrated to Victor's room with my PSP and let it soothe me to sleep. I woke up three hours later, with the PSP still playing music, and then came back to my own room to put on music, which in turn calmly woke everybody else up. We hung out for a bit, and then Sarah's mom needed us to drive her to Southern Hills Hospital, up by Lucille's house, to pick up her car, because she couldn't drive it home yesterday - she had a kidney stone - I felt bad, because she was in so much pain... It was really generous of her to give me $20 gas money. I really didn't expect that much.

It turned out to be really useful though, because we did a lot of driving today. Afterward, we dropped Niki off at his house to take a shower, and Mitch and I went and got Fazoli's for breakfast... gotta love that fast food spaghetti. Good price, too. Then we picked Niki back up, went to the 99 cent store for more blue raspberry mixers, and went back to my house, where my dad was waiting, mad, because he needed to get some shit done before my mom drove to work. As soon as we showed up, I had to fix my hair in the sink, change my clothes, and head out the door again to go with Niki's mom to the Boulevard Mall, where I looked around in a crap-load of stores to find a new wallet.

...More random phenomena: As we were walking through the mall, something caught our eye... a vending machine. Yeah, I know, you don't think a vending machine is all that great, but let me explain something to you. This vending machine contained... electronics. It was an express iPod/PSP vendor. It amazed us for at least five minutes before we took pictures and moved on.

We got back to my house after the mall and Niki left with his mom. Then, shortly after, Mitch and I took my mom to work again, just in case something happened that would leave us without Niki's mom's car. That ended up being good idea, because Niki's mom got a new car and let Niki's dad take the Civic... Weak sauce.

Back home again, Mitch and I watched some badass Pablo Francisco video and spent like, three hours trying to compile two rockin' drive CDs. Soon, we realized we should start picking people up to go to SkyMania. I gave all my hard liquor bottles to Mitch for him to place in his closet and to free up space in mine. Then we started picking people up.

I decided to prove a little point to Mike when we got to his house to pick him up. You see, last week, when we got to Niki's house, Mitch and Mike honked my car horn excessively for fun. I told them to stop, and that they were being dicks. They didn't think anything of it... so this week, when I pulled up to Mike's driveway, I excessively honked my car horn. He came out of his house all pissed, and tried placing it on me that his mom got mad because I was honking so much. I explained the reasoning behind my actions, and hopefully demonstrated to him how shitty it is to be on the receiving end of the joke.

We made it down to SkyMania with the aid of our pimpin' CDs, which turned out great. We did our thing, as we always do, being the SkyManiacs that we are. I actually got a little bit of diving technique practiced as well. Aj showed up after a bit - He's an old acquaintance of mine. Other than my always-cool kicks and flips, I screwed up a jump through the hoop once and ended up breaking skin. There's some cool dried up blood on my knee right now that will soon be washed off in the shower.

We left SkyMania and I called Cecilee, since she said she might come by to say hi even though she wasn't going to be working. She didn't answer though. At least I knew she didn't forget, because when I got home, I found an IM timestamped at around 7:00 from her, asking if we were going to be there tonight. So without her answer, we left to get food without her. We ate at In-N-Out, because... that's what's necessary to reach pre-SkyMania levels of fat after you've jumped for an hour. We left there and went to UNLV to play around on the practice diving board and trampoline outside the natorium. I got some more diving technique practice there, which was cool - Next visit to SkyMania, I'm hella doing inward somersaults, because they're awesome.

On the way home, we hella kept messing with people in other cars by blasting our music and making motions at them while we were stopped at lights. Hardly anybody ever plays along, because either they're unattractive, and figure that we're taunting them, or they're attractive, and figure that we're just being pussy-hunting jerks. I think we got one car full of people to pay more attention to us than ten seconds, but it may have been full of 13-year-old girls - Hey, what do you consider too young for a 16-year-old guy? Haha, just messin'. You all know from my blogs that I've fallen for Cecilee - the taken girl - harder than I usually fall after I smack my head while flip-twisting through the hoop at SkyMania.

Alright, this is getting really long...

...Went to Mitch's house; Hung out; Left; Took Chris, Niki, and Sarah home; Drove home; Writing blog; Voilà!

Shower time. Then coma time =)






Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Saturday, February 25, 2006

I got my kidney pierced... Don't touch it or I'll shit my pants!

25 February 2006 - 12:50 AM

Tonight has been fun. Hiding alcohol - however little it is - from my dad... Comedy videos on my computer... Indo Board... fun fun.

The martinis made from that Rose's Blue Raspberry mixer turned out great. I realized tonight that I'm quite a lightweight now in drinking. One martini and I was already tipsy. Dallas came over with an Indo Board... a board with a cylinder under it... doesn't sound too exciting, but it acts as a balance builder. I'm afraid that I'll be sore from that before I even get to SkyMania tomorrow night. It's really fun though. I wish I had one. Mitch and Sarah came over, but Sarah had to leave after a short while. Dallas left with Niki and they came back with Brittany, but they hung out downstairs until my dad came home, and then came upstairs. We played Scrabble for a bit. It was Mitch's first time playing. Now everybody has left but Mitch and Niki, and Niki's asleep. Mitch and I are just watching random videos on my computer. It's pretty fun.

I talked to Cecilee again. Talking to her makes me happy =)

...Someone needs to tell me to stfu before I lose it.

Ugh. I don't have much more to talk about, I don't think. All I can think about is her... asl;fas;lkfadlk;sdlfjasdfjk;sdlkfjasfjsadjfasljkfdlfjlafka;ldsfj;lkdfjlksuiefenoa;lksfjdalkj

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Friday, February 24, 2006

Hahaha! You dumb bastard!

24 February 2006 - 6:06 PM

You probably thought I wasn't gonna post today, didn't you?

...Actually, probably not, because you readers are figments of my imagination. Whatev.

Happy Friday! The school day was pretty laid back, as far as a schedule with three AP classes goes. Apparently, the principle went ape shit on Dallas' Tech class because the teacher wasn't there, and Dallas got sent to second lunch. The Brotherhood Assembly this year was the best I've attended. Usually, they really, really suck. This one was good though. Good vibe. Good organization. Just good all around. Hooray! How coincidental was it that I left the Brotherhood Assembly only to nearly hit an ignorant black pedestrian who darted in front of me... Haha! Niki and Chris had to finish a couple of missed tests after school today, so I went to Taco Bell and hung out with Sarah and Mitch until they were done with that. Then I took everybody to their respective after-school domains.

I find it preposterous that Chris and Niki have contests to see who can finish a test the fastest, regardless of how well they do on the test. I actually kinda went off a little bit on Niki about it earlier. He said something like, "So, I've only got three assignments to do... three of which I'm not doing." After that, I just let it out. Those thoughts that have been building up for a couple weeks. "Niki, I don't know what you're planning to do with your life right now, but it seems ridiculous to me. It's not cool that you're failing at everything and you're proud of it. You're capable of doing the work. You just... choose not to. I dunno..."

Yeah, I know. I was a bit harsh. Someone had to tell him the truth sooner or later though, and I'm pretty infamous for just speaking my mind, so whatever. We haven't spoken to each other since then, which was like, at least three hours ago, and he's sitting right next to me. That might not have anything to do with what I said though, because guys are allowed to do that. We're allowed to just sit for hours without a single word and still feel comfortable. He's been reading the entire time, and I've been doing... whatever. He's also had a bit of a rough day today. Don't ask me what constitutes as bad-day material, because he won't talk to me about him and Lucille and what gets said on the phone. No matter. It's his business, and he can choose to share or not to share.

I commented a girl's Myspace picture earlier today. Maybe half an hour to an hour later, she IMed me and thanked me for it. I really didn't expect that. Once again, this was another girl that I had never talked to in my life. We ended up talking about Bree and why I gave her a hollow chocolate rose on Valentine's Day and why I don't talk to her. It's an intimidation thing. As I told her, she and Bree just make me feel like a shy little kid, because they're so good looking. Yeah, I know. I'm weird.

Speaking of women... let's refer back to my school day. I was a bit proud of the fact that I worked Cecilee into my learning experience. You see, I had a French vocabulary test today on human body parts. 'Le cil' is French for 'eyelash'. Somehow, my train of thought while studying went something like:
"Cecilee has nice eyes, and, in turn, full eyelashes
Ok, switch the two French words around... cil le
Cecilee --> Ce-ci-lee
the le part lets me know that it's a masculine word"
Ok, so now that I've explained that... I felt pretty good about having that word down for the quiz.
Quiz time came around...
I must have become illiterate, because I read 'eyelid' as opposed to 'eyelash'
... couldn't remember the word 'paupière' for eyelid, and blanked out for a bit. Eventually, it came around, but I felt really stupid for not recognizing the one word that I was confident in.

Ok, so that's my day so far.

Soon, Dallas will be here, and we may have a couple of blue raspberry martinis just for the hell of it, to try out my new mixer.

I realize that I gave this site to my father. That's ok, because he won't read this until after the deed is done.


Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Wow. And I thought I wasn't gonna post again tonight...

23 February 2006 - 10:22 PM

...but, editing the other post ended up being weird because the paragraph spacing wouldn't work right, so I just decided to make another post.

...Remember when I told you that she told me that I made her day? She totally just returned the favor without even knowing it...

chewbacca2000k: hola
Babygrl21404: hey
chewbacca2000k: what's up
Babygrl21404: not a lot.
Babygrl21404: whats up with you?
chewbacca2000k: eh, about the same
Babygrl21404: thats kool. i was actually about to go to bed
chewbacca2000k: ah
Babygrl21404: but i do want to talk to you. cause i like to talk to you. so maybe we'll get the chance to talk tomorrow
Babygrl21404: ?>
Babygrl21404: ?*
chewbacca2000k: yeah, definitely
Babygrl21404: kk awesome
Babygrl21404: night
chewbacca2000k: sleep well
chewbacca2000k: goodnight
Babygrl21404: u to


...Starting to really believe this now...
Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Fall in

23 February 2006 - 9:24 PM

...As in: 'Fall in!', that military command... or, as in: most of my shit seems to be falling into place a little better.

I finally received some useful information regarding the new diving season... It does not make me happy. Look at this fuckin' schedule:

Monday - 4:00-6:00 PM - Baker - Practice
Tuesday - 5:00-7:00 PM - UNLV - Practice
Wednesday - 4:00-6:00 PM - Baker - Practice
Thursday - 5:00-7:00 PM - UNLV - Practice
Friday - 7:00-9:00 PM - UNLV - Meet

Not only is practice in a less convenient place, but it is in two less convenient places, and I have to remember where I'm going depending on what day it is. The only good thing about this schedule is that three out of five days a week, I dive indoors. Last year, we dove from 3:30-5:00 for practice. That means that this year, practice starts later and lasts longer...
I'm definitely going to lose it this season.

Ugh. Ok. Whatever. The other thing about this year is that Pat Curtis isn't coaching. That guy was pretty cool to me. This year's coach is Maryanna Billings. I hope she's a pretty cool coach.

I also obtained a general summary of what Nevada Boys State will be like if I attend. One week... no phones... no television... no contact with the outside world... no sleep. That shit sounds pretty slave-like to me, but whatever. It would be a nice thing to attend, assuming it doesn't coincide with the Presidential Classroom program, which my parents absolutely insist I attend.

Dallas' house got robbed yesterday. Nothing of his was stolen. Just a half-full, 5-gallon bottle worth of mixed change and about $4,000 in jewelery. Wow. There just isn't any dignity left in this neighborhood. At least not in my life. People just take whatever they want, regardless of the obstacles in front of it.

Random, unimportant phenomena: In Chemistry today, I plugged the expression 0.117•0.15/0.35 into my calculator and received an answer of 0.0759... . Ten minutes later, I plugged the same exact expression into my calculator, key for key, and received the answer of 0.0501... . Ever since then, I can only seem to get the second answer to pop up. However, the answer given by the old AP test that yeilded that expression used the first answer to obtain a final result. I am confused.

After my school shenanagins, I took Mitch and Sarah over to Sarah's house and then I took Niki to Lucille's house. It was nice of him to invite me inside for a few minutes. As always, Lucille didn't talk much, but it doesn't make me feel like she's uncomfortable when I'm there, because she laughs at the conversation between Niki and me when it is appropriate.

I came home and slept, as I usually do. When it was dinner time, my dad woke me up. First, being a product of the new-age consumer market, he called me to attempt to wake me up. I literally yelled, not too loud, "What the fuck!?!", because both my cell phone and house phone were ringing at the same time. After that failed, he felt compelled to pound on my door. Not just knock - pound. I finally got up and opened the door to ask wtf was up, but he had already walked off and continued his conversation on the phone with... whoever. I often wonder what causes my parents to knock as hard as they do. It may be understandable in the mornings, because they're used to having to wake up Victor, who developed the ability to sleep through bombs, and also because it's hard to make someone get up on time in order to get ready on time. But... this was in the middle of the evening. 6:50 PM and all I was getting woken up for was to eat dinner. I'm not in boot camp. The kitchen doesn't close after 1930 hours no matter what. Why was it so urgent that I wake up so quickly?

...You know what... It doesn't matter. It's not going to change the way they do things.

I found it a bit funny that my dad spent three days trying to get my physical evaluation sheet back from the doctor's office to no avail, but when I called, on the first try, it was sent directly over. Yay! I can finally turn it in tomorrow, and then I will be able to dive on Monday. I'm excited!

Dreams are fun. They can just take you wherever you want to go that's away from this reality. For instance, after dinner, I went back to sleep for an hour and a half and dreamt that Cecilee attended a social event with me and sat on my lap for a short time... When I say things like that - things that involve people in my dreams even when the circumstance doesn't seem right in reality - I almost feel guilty inside. It feels as if I'm doing something wrong, like stalking someone or something. The truth is, though, that I'm lucky to have those lucid dreams. It's kinda like the Fight Club Tyler Durden concept (yeah, I know, leave it to me or my brother to relate everything to Fight Club) - I have the subconscious confidence to take an idea and just run with it. Yeah, I know she's taken. I know that it is uncertain whether or not she will remain that way for an extended period of time. But, the one thing that is certain is that I like this girl. I am attracted to her in a number of ways, and that's something that can't be changed by just telling myself, "dude, give it up."

I love the fact that despite heartbreaks and hardships, I continue to keep a firm trust in love. It keeps me hopeful. It feels good.

...Am I done yet? Haha! I think I'm satisfied for the time being. If you made it to this point in the blog, congratulations.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Back Again

23 February 2006 - 12:39 AM
So should I just write one post before my nap and another at the end of the night? Because that's what I seem to be doing here. Maybe I'll just edit them so that I don't have two every day.

I'm not like Niki, who comes off as desperate to get comments on his page about his blog. I am happy enough hearing things from people directly through IMs. At least it lets me know that people read this besides me. Niki asked when I was going to the mall and Lucille said she liked my modified analogy that related to books :-)

There's a new Tourettes Guy video up, but it's not that great.

Once again, I'm gonna mention that it's cool that I'm talking to Cecilee. It pleases me to talk to people who interest me. She interests me. Quite a bit.
Something intriguing happened today while we were talking. I was yakking about my small existence, and then I decided to directly address that fact, and stop. But... she didn't agree with my choice. "no its kool/ its conversation/ lol" Most people have more of a time waiting for their turn to speak. This wasn't one of those times. What set me aback further was the very next message:
"i've been sad lately.
i dont know why

followed by me:
"well that's not good"

and then by her:
"i dont know why im tellin you that."

I may just be thinking too optimistically in my favor, but most people don't just say things like that to people that they barely know at all. I've over-analyzed it, and considering she doesn't finish her other thoughts with periods, those two sentences that did end with them were pretty serious. I dunno... it just... makes me want to ask her if I can do anything to help rid her of that sadness. I could be thinking about it way too much, and she could be the kind of person that's comfortable enough to say something like that to anyone...

...Maybe I should stop losing my mind over women.

I mean, this girl has a guy, and has had him for a month already. Not only that, but I've noticed that he's a skater. The last thing I need is an ass kicking from 20 DBK members or something like that, lol. Ah, fuck it. I should be doing homework right now, not verbalizing the thoughts that run through my mind...


Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Big Bucks, No Whammies!!!

22 February 2006 - 6:59 PM

Aha... That Dane Cook is a silly bitch...

Sore again. Whoo! It actually had an effect on something else today. The Marines were setup at lunch again with the pullup bar, looking for potential recruits. I don't intend on joining the Marines, but it's always fun to see how many I can do and then take a free prize. Last time I got a beanie. This time I got a rock climbing utility that I'll end up using as a keychain attachment. Last time, I made it to 16 pullups without notice that they'd be there. This time, I once again had no notice, but I was also sore from days before. I made it fully to 14. I was about a centimeter away from 15, and don't know if they counted it. I didn't even come close to 16, and that's where I just let go and said fuck it. I'm happy with the number, considering I was sore and that I'm not a little fuckin' pussy when it comes down to who really does the pullups. Most people think they're cool when they grab the bar underhand and don't even extend their arms past a 135º angle. I grab the bar overhand, like a man should, my arms extend to the point at which if they extend more, my elbows would dislocate, and my chin goes fully above the bar, as opposed to a sissy little head gesture at the last second in order to receive credit.

We got to skip History class today to learn about the new registration process. I feel pretty lucky to have picked the right counselor, since I had forgotten who was mine. The new process seems iffy, but it should work out pretty well. It really sucks that there will still be two lunches next year, and it might happen that I have early lunch one day and late lunch the next, which would totally throw me off. I still have to decide how many classes I'm taking and what I want them to be. I'll keep you posted on that, but another time.

There was a swim meeting after school today. I don't even know why I go to them. I have to go back tomorrow anyway, because after a few minutes, I realized that my dad wanted the car home as soon as possible so that he could go make deliveries. Whenever I go to those meetings, I might get one or two useful questions out and answered, but besides that, all the announcements and shit don't even pertain to me, because I'm part of the diving team, not the swim team. I wish they'd handle the divers separately... One thing that's pretty sweet though is that I am, in fact, part of the diving team. There's another guy doing it this year, which hella increases team size by 200%! Haha. Anyway, I have to go back tomorrow to possibly buy my Speedo. Yeah, that's another new thing about this year. I'm actually going to wear a traditional Speedo. Woohoo! I found out today though that I still have to buy more than that. It's $25 for the Speedo and another $50 for sweats. Grrrreat. I wouldn't be complaining if I still had spare cash on me, but then again, I'm a fuckin' retard, and all my shit got stolen.

I got home from school and tried to find out the status on my health packet stuff for diving, which needs to be turned in absolutely ASAP. The people who work the desk there at the doctor's office must be high, because instead of sending anything pertaining to my leg and its MRI, they faxed over the results of some woman's mammogram. Ha! Well that's just great. They must've been closed this afternoon, because my dad called them and could not get an answer. Hopefully that shit gets sent back over tomorrow morning, and I can pick it up and drop it off tomorrow afternoon.

Got a Myspace message back from Cecilee, which was a nice gesture. At least it implies that she's not going to shut me out of contact because she has a boyfriend. That's not what I was gonna do to her, either. She said she was going to get her hair done today. I wonder how it looks...

I called the bank to inquire about what actions should be taken about my ATM card. It was a good idea, because they issued me a new one right there. No need to go in, no need to waste time. Another ID card down, two more to go. Still need a school ID card and a library card. And I need a wallet. I suppose I'll head down to Meadows Mall this weekend and look in Anchor Blue for the same wallet. I really liked that wallet, too... If you wanna go with me to the mall this weekend, let me know :-)

... Jake Butera wasn't even on my Myspace friends list. Haha. I made sure to request an add today. He's a pretty cool kid. Not a douchebag like I subconsciously made him out to be. Don't judge a book by the other shitty books that it sits around with. Haha.

"Next group, after guided meditation, after we open our heart chakras, when it's time to hug, I'm gonna grab that little bitch Marla Singer and scream... 'Marla, you liar! You big tourist! I need this! Now get out!' "

~Ahem~ Sorry about that. It just randomly popped into my mind. Ok, well I think I'm done with all that I want to talk about for now. I might be back later tonight. Have a nice night! You will now be left with my new outro signature, which I decided to start using all the time when I thought it up last night while replying to Jake's Myspace blog. It might get revised to run more smoothly, but whatever. I think it's pretty fuckin' good.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Second Entry of the Day

21 February 2006 - 11:59 PM

Second entry...
So I looked at Jake's Myspace thoroughly probably for the first time ever. Funny how much more attention you pay to people you talk to as opposed to people whose name you know. Hopefully I gave him some useful advice in his blog.

The other thing is that I keep putting in random little things to this girl Bree, but I have no idea why. I don't know her at all, and to be honest, I don't believe that a girl with that hot a body would suit me that well. I tend to find myself attracted to the more low-profile, yet stunningly beautiful women.

From now on, I'm dating these as I finish them and placing the time of finish. I guess it's just a second assurance of when I write these.

Have a nice night... again.

Vaniah Schwenoha

Such a Waste of Time

Well, today was... long. I woke up sore again... Probably will for the next three days, because that's how my body works... I had a test in English and Chemistry today. English was like, pfft. Didn't even need to study for that shit. We seriously do 7th grade shit in that class, and it's AP. It's no wonder everybody failed the AP test last year. Chemistry, on the other hand, was a bit tough. I feel good about almost everything that I filled in, but I left a few blank. Hopefully it turns out to be higher than a 75%, but I'm not making any promises. Also, Mr. Deming defended the quality of the Honda Civic as a durable car today in class. We all assume that we know what he drives... key word: ass-u-me... Aside from that, the only other school stuff is that I talk to Nikita a little bit in French class. She's probably the only person I'm semi-intested in besides Cecilee, but Cecilee is taken and Nikita... well, she seems to have a thing for Travis and I think that if I told her I wanted to get to know her, she'd get a good laugh out of it. Haha.

After school, I talked Bo into doing a good deed by taking Niki at least up to his house, and then Dallas gave me a ride home. Then my dad and I began our long journey around town, replacing some of the things that some douchebag stole from me a few nights ago. First we hit the DMV. I spent maybe an hour to an hour and a half talking to Jake Butera, who was also there to get his license replaced. Apparently, he went to Jimmy and Sean Small's hotel party that I had heard about on Saturday - the same night my wallet got stolen. When he woke up the next day, his wallet was gone, just like mine. So yeah, he is in the same position as I... He has to replace his bank card, license, library card, etc. We did talk the entire time we were there though, which was weird, considering I've never talked to that guy in my life. Haha. Anyway, I paid for my duplicate, took my picture, and left. I didn't smile in my picture this time, as opposed to the smile that went to my molars last time I took the picture. Not a huge deal, but I suppose I should have smiled.

My dad and I left the DMV and went to the 99-Cents-Only store over by Sam's Club. We picked up 12 more bottles of Rose's Blue Raspberry Cocktail Infusions. Two belong to me, and the rest will be his, but he'll most likely share. You should head up there and buy some before they run out, because it's good shit, and I've never seen it before. Cool bottle, too! Squiggly ~

Well, we left there and went to Wal-Mart to get a new tax exempt card for me. By the time we finished with that and my dad bought some soda, we were about 10 minutes away from closing time at the bank. We made it there with a few to spare, but some people weren't so lucky. I sat in the car and watched people show up and leave. One woman go there at 5:00 on the dot, but still didn't make it in. Sucks. My dad finished his work in the bank at around 5:10, but didn't get out of the bank until 5:35 because one man was still being helped, and they don't you out after closing time until everybody is done.

Now I'm back here, and I am quite tired. I'm gonna go nap and hope that I wake up to finish some work later. Have a nice night!

Vaniah Schwenoha

Something New

So I've finally given in to Niki's idea of creating one of these. For the most part, I'm interested in doing it because I can't remember what I do on a day-to-day basis, and it would be nice to look back and find out.

This weekend was... flaky. We'll start with the bad first...

~My wallet was stolen...
...from my shoes while they were sitting on the shelf at SkyMania... Yeah, I know. I'm retarded for putting it there. Thanks. Die. It had money in it that I had collected for the swim team's fund raiser. Gotta cough up $50 to make up for that, plus $20 to replace my driver's license, and then all the other replacement cards. From now on, I'm putting everything, including my shoes, in the car, and I'm leaving my car keys with the front desk.

~Cecilee, that beautiful girl who works at SkyMania, has a boyfriend...
...They will have been going out for a month tomorrow, the 22nd. It makes me wish I had asked for her phone number/Myspace the day she caught my eye, which was about a month ago, after the first day of semester exams. I really need to work on that aggressive approach.

~Funerals are sad...
...I attended Steven Janvrin's memorial service on Saturday, even though I had never met him before in my life. Things like that remind you how lucky you are to be alive in our crazy, fucked up world, and how you should live like there's no tomorrow.

Time for good news...

~I got to go to SkyMania two days in a row...
...It's always fun when I get to do that. I also worked out with Mitch between visits to SkyMania, so I'm sore as all hell right now. This is good because it'll leave me a bit stronger, and it is definitely good to be in shape for diving season to start next week.

~At least she appreciated the rose...
...She said it made her day, and made her feel special. Those are always nice things to hear about your actions. Not that I wish for her to be heartbroken by her current boyfriend, but points like that will help if she becomes single again and I persue her in a more-than-friendly way.

~More good friends...
...The majority of the weekend included hanging out with Mitch, and we've talked about some actual conversation topics, as opposed to trivial nothingness. He's becoming more of a friend than an acquaintance, which is pretty cool. The same goes for Matzke and Sexton. Sorry again, Mike, for leaving you at SkyMania for 15 minutes while we went to eat.

In other news, my 'educational programming', as I prefer to call it, has benefited a couple friends... they'll know what I mean when they read this ;-)
I caught some major air on Sunday when we went to SkyMania. Best part about it was that it was without the support of my leg wrap. Gettin' better all the time, I'm tellin' ya...
Something about Niki is different. Maybe he's been so quiet lately because his girlfriend is so quiet all the time, and it's rubbing off. Haha. It's all good though, as long as he's happy.

Well, this has been fun. Hopefully you will all enjoy my thoughts and the summaries of my days to come. Have a great day/night, depending on when you read this. And remember to chase the sun, for it is the star that can unleash your wildest dreams into reality...

Hoping to be remembered in one way or another,
Vaniah Schwenoha