Sunday, September 30, 2007

Well, I expect that type of language at Denny's, but not here!

30 September 2007
4:06 AM

~sigh~ Flanders... Gotta love the Simpsons

As of now, I wrote more entries in the first month I had this blog than I've written in all of 2007. Funny how that works out.

~Caution: Graphic and potentially disturbing content. Skip forward if you're squeamish.~

I was getting a little tired of my bruised purple toe, so I took a pair of nail clippers and cut a small piece of skin off. This caused it to drain of all the blood/puss within. I have to say that that's probably one of the most disgusting things my body's ever done. The next day, I kinda did the same thing, but I cut off all of the skin in front of my toenail and ended up with a space between my toe and the nail. I've been putting peroxide in it periodically to prevent infection. It's all dry and safe and uninfected now, but there's still a big enough space for me to fit the tip of a butter knife into. I don't expect it to really go away until the nail grows completely out. I'm kinda surprised the entire nail hasn't fallen off by now. It's interesting how the body works.

~End graphic content~

Last weekend, I decided to stay in and read what I could for my Law, Politics, and Public Policy class. That plan probably would've gone well... if we hadn't had a kickback on Saturday night. Charles had some people over to watch the football game, which we dominated, and afterward, more people showed up and we drank. Because all but one of the guests were Charles' friends and my guest, Phyllis, is from Beijing, I was the only one who didn't speak Chinese. Haha. It was kinda interesting. Instead of being too drunk to understand people, I was simply too white. What was even more intriguing to me was that not a single person present had ever played Kings before. I ended up typing up the rules and printing them out to put on the table for when people forgot what a specific card value meant. In the middle of a game of 'Never Have I Ever,' someone said they had never been to a club. Not thinking about the fact that I've been to a strip club, I left my finger up. That's when everybody wondered aloud how I knew so many drinking games if I had never been to a club. Apparently, people play drinking games in clubs in Asia, lol.

So we barely made it through a single game of Kings, and it took forever to do. After that, we decided to play a free-for-all Beer Pong game. The way it went, we set up a pyramid of cups up to seven in a row and all shot at the same pyramid. If someone made a shot, the person who shot before them would have to drink. We would rerack after the number of cups in the largest row had been made. Somehow, even though I played a super-clutch game at that swim team party a couple weeks before, I managed to not make a single shot all night. I was pretty upset about that.

After all the beer was gone, everybody left. Some people went home; some people went to find parties. I stayed home, cleaned up the apartment, and went to sleep. Thinking about it, I'm not really sure why I didn't leave with everybody else. Maybe it had something to do with all the work I still thought I was going to do that night and the next day. It must've been that. I stayed behind so I could read the first 20-30 pages of To Kill A Mockingbird before I went to sleep. God, how much of a loser am I?

I tried to read as much as I could the next day, but only got within 100 pages of the end of the novel. I finally finished it on Monday night, didn't do much on Tuesday, and read a lot from the course reader Wednesday night. On Thursday morning, at about 5:30, I started writing the essay that was supposed to be due at 9:30 the same day. I skipped my 8:00 Writing 140 class to finish it. That's what was in the last post - that disgusting, horrid jumble of words I claimed to be an essay.

After struggling through that assignment all through Wednesday night and Thursday morning, I decided to go unwind in the quad by tumbling. The muscle in my leg had healed, and my toe wasn't giving me too much trouble, so I just chilled out there for a good two hours. I got pretty close to landing an aerial and I believe I executed a flash kick at one point. I was pretty sore the next day, but it was worth it. On Friday, I went to my single hour-long class from 11:00 to noon and then went to the quad again, but this time to check out this thing that this guy from my apartment complex had told me about earlier in the week while we were playing 8-ball in the CSC. It was called 'The Business of Gaming,' and there were booths setup from companies such as EA Sports, Activision, and Panasonic. Helio had a booth, too, and I finally got to check out the Ocean phone that they offer, which is pretty fuckin' sweet.

When I first got there, I was fortunate enough to get in line early enough to receive a free burrito from Chipotle, since they were kind-of catering the event. I also saw the world's largest plasma television, which has a 103" widescreen diagonal, and is made by Panasonic. A Guitar Hero tournament was played on it, and I'd have joined the competition, but I totally suck at Guitar Hero compared to some of the guys that played. They ran out of time anyway, and eventually cut the tournament short. The winner got a new guitar controller for the game and other players got consolation prizes. I stayed around until the end, and because they had some extra prizes left, I got a dual-controller USB charger for PS3 controllers. It doesn't to me much good right now because I don't have a PS3, but the two USB cables that came with it can be used for anything that fits them and I'll probably be able to make use of it when I get a new PSP in a few months because the new model, along with its capability to output video to a television, will be able to be charged through the USB port.

The rest of my Friday was fairly uneventful, and the only other thing that happened was that this girl Jourdan from the other apartment building came over and we hung out in my apartment for a few hours, just talking and stuff. she fell asleep on the couch, and I eventually crashed out in my bed, and when Charles came back with his friends in the middle of the night, I think she left. I remember Charles' friend Katie sleeping in Charles' bed, Charles being out in the living room until after Katie left in the morning, and when I woke up I found another one of Charles' friends lying across the four dining chairs that he had lined up to make a makeshift bed.

I pretty much did nothing today (Saturday). I watched the USC at Washington game on TV, and because Ron goes to UW, we made a small wager. Because my team won, he has to go to the book store at his school and buy me some kind of souvenir. I was pretty lucky in this bet, considering USC played a pretty bad game this week. We were favored to win by three touchdowns, but we only won by three points.

After the game, I got ready to go out, because I wanted to look for a good party place for when Chris, Niki, and Dallas come down to visit next weekend, but I didn't end up partying because I couldn't find anybody to go with. I got hungry at one point, so I called up Phyllis and we went to Denny's for a late-night meal. In the middle of our conversation, I mentioned that the guys are coming down next weekend. This is where she mentioned that her boyfriend is visiting next weekend. This was the very first time that I was made aware that she even has a boyfriend.


I can't wait 'til the day I snap.
...and fuckin' choke a bitch.

Whatever. My friends out here are pretty limited thus far. I need to meet more people. Lots more...

I just about had enough money to buy my Powerizers this week. I was gonna skip a week in paying Niki and pretty much spend absolutely nothing in order to get them. However, after looking online, I decided it would be better to save up and get the newer model of them, so instead of buying what I had in mind, I paid Niki anyway, bought some cologne for Victor for his birthday, and decided to save for another two weeks to get them. No matter what, I will fucking order those Powerizers by the 12th of October.

I dunno what else to write.... Actually, I do, but I better save it for later. It's getting pretty late.

à demain.
Vaniah Juniper Schwenoha

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