Thursday, September 20, 2007


21 September 2007
12:04 AM

I haven't really done anything out of the ordinary lately. It's really making my life a little dull.

A couple weeks ago, I went to the quad and did some tumbling. The people passing by seemed pretty impressed with the simple things I could do... I was, too. I hadn't tumbled in awhile, but somehow, I was able to pull standing back tuck just fine, and for the first time ever, I managed seven consecutive back handsprings from standing position. I also played frisbee with these people when they showed up, and eventually, there were enough people to play a game of frisbee football. After all was said and done, I had probably done about 2½ straight hours of physical activity. Needless to say, I was sore the next day... and the next day... and the next week.

Maybe if I had stretched more, drank more water, taken a hot shower afterward... I'd have recovered faster. I think it was the day after that I was walking down the stairs and my right leg nearly gave out on me completely. I walked it off like it was nothing, but I think that in that stairwell, the strain on my sore leg was too much, and that I pulled something. It's still a little bit sore today, and it was very hard for me to tumble last week. I started taking arnica montana again to try to help it heal faster. I also started taking it again because, on my way to class on Tuesday, I tried to go up some steps in my rollerblades before I had slowed down much, and I stumbled pretty hard on one. I tripped, caught myself in pushup position, picked myself up, and went to class. I didn't get to look at my foot until after I got home later that day, but throughout my classes, I could tell something was wrong. The big toe on my left foot is a very nice shade of purple now. It doesn't make it any easier to rollerblade, either. Most of the time, I crinkle up my toes to take off any pressure directly on top of my toenail.

It's not so much the trouble walking and rollerblading that I have a problem with. I'm just a little disappointed because I can't tumble. I don't know the facilities around here, so I don't know where to find a trampoline I can jump on; it'll cost me $15 a session if I want to dive at the pool near my apartment; There aren't any padded floors around at my disposal that I'm aware of. Tumbling in the quad is really my last resort for satisfying my desire to do flips. At least, it's my last resort until next week, when I'll likely have enough money to buy a pair of Powerizers. I'm definitely looking forward to that. If you don't know what they are, look 'em up on YouTube.

I'm procrastinating right now. I'm probably at least 100 pages behind in reading that needs to be done for my political science class, not to mention that I need to read To Kill A Mockingbird again and write a 4-5 page essay on it. It's okay, I guess. I'll get around to it sometime this weekend.

Brittney Rufkahr texted me earlier. It was rather rude of her. Here's how it went:
~Me and all ur friends are in a movie lol miss ya
•Fuck you lol
~Hahaha sorry USC man
•Yeah, well, just remember that I'm the one that informs everybody about these tickets
~Huh? lol
•You saw Eastern Promises, right?
~Yeah, but I got the tickets from my mom
•Everybody else usually gets them from the promotions I tell them about
~Lol well you aren't here V! =P
•Thanks for elaborating on that, cunt, lol

That doesn't mean I don't still tell them about things
~Ok vagina

Funny how she QQ's about how she had to stay in Las Vegas for college, yet taunts me by rubbing it in my face that I'm away from my best friends.

My brother Victor's birthday is on Monday, and I don't know what to get him. I asked what he wanted, but the only thing he suggested was that I come and visit. I don't know if I can afford to do that right now. If it happens, it won't be this weekend.

My roommate's going out with this asian girl from the other apartment building. Her name's Chihiro. They're pretty cute together. She has a boyfriend back home, in... Japan?
I need to ask my roommate how he enticed her. I may attempt a little of the same approach with that girl Morgane. I'm not countin' on anything just yet, though. I still need to meet and hang out with more people, period.

Well, I'm running out of things to talk about.
Auf wiedersehen, Mieke.

Vaniah Schwenoha

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