Sunday, September 23, 2007

Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth!?!

23 September 2007
1:24 AM

I've wanted to write about this for about a week now, so it should be good that I do it now.

I started writing in my blog again after I left Las Vegas because I kept reading my friends' blogs. That's honestly why I feel the need to write in here. If I'm going to be reading into the lives of my friends, they might as well be reading into my life.

The one thing that gets me though... Almost every blog I read from another person... has some kind of spelling or grammatical error in it.

I realize that people get kinda lazy when they type online, and it makes me seem like an asshole when I correct people, but... I really don't give two shits about being an asshole right now. You guys... You're college students. If you're prestigious enough to get accepted to a university, don't you think you should be capable of proofreading your own writing? You're posting your shit online. Shouldn't it be easy enough to navigate your web browser over to to make sure your word is the correct word? I do that all the time. I know that I'm not superior when it comes to spelling, but at least I verify that I'm using the right words. If you think this is too general of a message, I'll give specific examples. Jessica Williams, they weren't at 'Savors,' they were at Savers. And to Sarah Williams, the monkey is clapping his cymbals together, not his 'symbols.' The only other person that I'm sure checks this when he can is Niki, and I tell him directly when he's got something wrong.

This isn't intended to discourage you guys from writing. I love reading about your days... your nights... your feelings. I just think you should get in the habit of expressing yourselves clearly. When I started emailing people back in the 6th grade, I typed like an idiot. I shortened words from 'to' to '2' and all that jazz, but when my sister finally saw what I was doing, she pointed out that typing in such a way is absolutely pointless. If you're going to communicate with someone, try to make yourself as understandable as possible. It eliminates confusion, and prevents your readers from getting lost in translation, even though you're speaking the same language. Further, you don't have to switch between writing styles when you write essays for class if you practice proper writing techniques outside of class.

What I've also noticed in multiple peoples' writing is the misinterpretation of the words 'then' and 'than.' Please keep an eye on that(, Sarah).

There's a distinct tone in my writing here. If you haven't been able to tell by now, I'll let you know that I've had a little bit of alcohol tonight. Regardless, this is really what I think. I'll write more about myself soon, I suppose.

Sorry if this upset you.
Sorry if I singled you out.
Vaniah Juniper Schwenoha

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