Sunday, September 16, 2007


16 September 2007
3:53 PM
*Disclaimer: Make sure you have time to read all of this. It's 5½ pages long
Let's pick things back up where we left off.

Niki lost the money. You can read about it in his blog if you want. That is, if you know where his blog is... Oh well. I still think we should've given money to my mom after that so she could win some for us, but I guess after losing so much money, the group was in no position to put up more. I called Chris a couple days after they came back and he told me that Niki just said he had it under control. I don't mean to be calling my best friends inconsiderate, but I really think Chris and Dallas should be helping Niki come up with the money to pay his mom back. I mean, his mom's the coolest, and she was generous and understanding enough to rent us multiple hotel rooms over the past few months. On top of that, Niki's even more pro. The least we could do is help out. I guess I'm the only one who sees it that way. I'm transferring him $100 a week until I pay him $500, and I might even put up more than that if what he tells me is true, and he's going to end up paying his mom $3500-$4000 in the end. Meanwhile, Chris just bought an XBOX 360 and a 32" HDTV. I guess that's cool and all, and it's something Niki gets to use too, but... I dunno. I just feel like my friends gave Niki the ass-end of the stick here. He doesn't deserve that, and I thought I knew my friends better than to do that to him.

I can live with not confronting them about it, I guess. I figure I'll write all my stuff in here, and if they read it, then they'll know, but if not, then... ignorance is bliss.

Okay, back to the whole "I'm not in Kansas anymore" aspect of my life...

Two days before I left, I started packing all of my stuff. I had a lot more to take than I thought. I spent that entire day and most of the next day packing. I told Laura I'd make time to see her my last night in town, so nearing the evening, I cleaned up as she was on her way over. However, I also told Joey to come over and pick up his computer before I left. He said he'd come over with Mike Neel on their way to The Spot, the hookah lounge near my house. Well, I get out of the shower to find Mike, Joey, Chris Yi, Brennan, Justine, Sarah Fulco, Soli, and Laura all in my room. Don't get me wrong... I love my friends... I just didn't expect them to stay so long while my girlfriend was over.

We chilled for awhile, but after I realized that nobody was planning on leaving soon, I just snuck out of my room and into my brother's and texted Laura, telling her to join me. We hung out as long as we could, but eventually, she had to leave and try to make it home by her mom's set curfew. That was the last time I saw her in person... I remember seeing her car stop at the end of the street for longer than it should've. In my mind, I just see her breaking down, like I did when I wrote my last post and thought about everything I was leaving behind in Vegas. I really wish I could say she never did that. I don't want her to feel like that.

After everyone left my house, I finished packing. I couldn't possibly fit anything more into our rental car than I did. And to think.. I was thinking about taking a desktop computer with me as well. That would never have fit. In the middle of the night, with my dad asleep and my mom at work, I left the house in the rental car. I went first to Mitch's house, to pick up my stereo's subwoofer, to drop off some of his stuff, and to say goodbye to Mitch and Sexton. We caught up on some stuff while I was there. They told me they've been offered full-ride scholarships to go to college in Hawaii for cheerleading. That's awesome. I like to think I contributed to their continued education by being the first of us to become a cheerleader and breaking the barrier. But that's just arrogance.

I left Mitch's house and went to Dallas' to hang out with him one last time. Nobody realized I was leaving so early in the morning.. Neither did I, until my parents told me they wanted to. I took him back to my house so I could finish packing, then I had to take him home. We said our goodbyes, and as I drove away, I could see him in the mirrors, just sitting outside his front door, losing it.

That was it. That was my last day in Las Vegas.

My parents and I loaded up everything and drove off. I fell asleep before we were out of town and I woke up in a new city - in a new life.

Checked in, took my stuff up to my apartment, met my roommate. He's pretty cool. His name is Charles, and he's from Singapore, but he went to high school in Monterey. He seems to come from a wealthy family. He drives an '07 Range Rover, which helps me because I have no car. He also has a Bathin' Ape polo. I thought that was pretty pro. He's an economics major. Not too bad.

The first week here was Welcome Week, full of all kinds of activities to keep the new students busy. I'd have to say that the best things were the dance in the quad, the concert with June, The Higher, and Mae, and the comedy show with Ant and Bobby Lee. It was good to hear a hometown band playing here. The Higher's last song was Insurance, and recorded it for my friends. There was a good looking girl at the concert - Morgane - and I stayed until the end because I wanted to talk to her. In a new place like this, where nobody knows anybody, I figured it couldn't hurt to approach anybody without feeling like a creep. After the concert ended, I walked up and told her I couldn't help but notice her. I asked if she wanted to go to lunch sometime. She told me she had a boyfriend, but we agreed to be friends if nothing else, so we introduced ourselves. As soon as I got back to my apartment, I looked her up on Facebook. Turns out we live in the same apartment complex.

The first week of classes went well, I suppose. We didn't really do a lot of work. Apparently, when events go off on the calendar on my cell phone, they disable the alarm. As a result, nothing went off on Thursday, and I woke up at 9:00 when I had a class starting at 8:00- Writing 140. I also had to turn in a diagnostic essay for this class, which I had stayed up to finish the night before, so as soon as I woke up, I printed my shit out, threw on my rollerblades for the first time since I've been here, and rushed down to the classroom. I showed up just in time to walk with the class to see where my instructor would be holding his office hours. As we walked, I turned in my paper. It was lucky that my Law, Politics, and Public Policy professor had cancelled class this day, because otherwise, I wouldn't have had the extra hour to go back and shower before my next class.

My classes are alright. I have:
•Calculus I
•Introduction to Computer Engineering/Computer Science
•Engineering Freshman Academy
•Law, Politics, and Public Policy
•Writing and Critical Reasoning

The first three aren't bad, but the last two are my GE classes. I'm required to take courses in given fields in order to graduate. There are six categories, but political science and writing courses are linked, so I guess it's good that I'm taking care of them now. I get the feeling I'm going to do worst in these two classes, especially since there's so much reading to do for them. I was thinking about transferring out of Calc I into Calc II because I scored higher on my placement test than this other guy I know here, who's in Calc II, and because I'm kinda bored with what we're doing in Calc I, but I figure it'll be decent review of everything I learned last year and it'll get me more acclimated to college courses because it involves more proofs than we did in high school. Besides, it's only a semester.

Well, let's talk about the party scene here...

The first Saturday after classes started was the day of our first football game. It was a home game against a team we were guaranteed to beat. Apparently, we haven't lost a single home game in years. I walked over to campus to check things out, and it was exactly as these upperclassmen in my apartment complex told me. The entire campus is a party. People are setup everywhere with TVs to watch the game, lawn chairs, barbecues, and drinks. I could've gotten a few beers if I wanted, but I wasn't really feelin' it at the time. It's okay. I made up for it later in the night.

Charles, a couple of his friends, and I went back to my apartment to watch the game. Decent-sized TV and surround sound stereo ftw. Later on, Morgane and her friend came over to watch some of the game, too. We won, but we didn't beat the point spread, so it was an okay game. Mind you, the point spread was -48 for USC, and went up to about -50 or -51 at half-time. I'm glad Niki got me into betting on games for that little bit of time during junior year, because I felt pro explaining the concept of the point spread and the over/under, and I felt that I needed to be the one to explain it, since I'm the one from Las Vegas.

Eventually, we got bored of the game we had already won, so we decided to leave and go to frat row to find a party. We got lost a bit.. walked too far north and not far enough east. We finally got there, and walked to the Beta Omega Phi house. This house is the asian frat house. It's pretty much the farthest house east on the row, so it was farthest from my apartment. We got there, and the girls got in free, but they were charging $30 each for the guys. Charles and I only had about $11 each on us, so we had to walk all the way back to our apartment to get more money. After we picked that up, we decided to drive back. I thought it amusing to find out that my roommate, who went to high school in California, doesn't know how to parallel park well at all. He ended up getting out and letting me park his car. It's a good thing I learned how to drive in reverse so well back home.

We parked pretty far from the Beta house, but it was still better than walking the entire way from the apartment. When we got back to the frat, I told the guy at the door, "for $30, I should be getting valet service and a shoe-shine." That's when the guy told me they were now charging $60 each to get in. Yeah, I know... Even I was getting stretched at $30. There was no way I was going to pay $60. Luckily, nobody had changed shifts, so the guy at the door was the same guy who told us we needed $30. He knew we had to go all the way back to our place just to get $30, so he let us in for that much.

Fuck paying that much to get in there. They have people behind tables running the drinks, so I can't just take what I please without feeling like a greedy asshole because I have to ask for it before I get it. Granted, I can probably ask for whatever I want, since the cover charge is so high and they told me at the door I could have unlimited drinks, but still... And even though they've got a pretty decent dance floor and a DJ to go with it, the girls there like, don't dance with people unless they know you. I got bored after 15 minutes, so I went back out to the front yard, then decided to go toward the back of the house because I saw a game of beer pong going on.

Well, it was easy to get back there, but it turned out that behind the frat house, there are four apartments connected to it that just get rented out to whoever. These people playing were cool, though. They said they used to be part of the frat nextdoor, but they got kicked out at the semester. Since I wasn't having much fun inside the Beta house, I just chilled with these people and watched them play. They were already all wasted, and I wasn't even buzzed, so I didn't really start having fun until I got in on a game. The frat party was over before my games, so I told Charles to meet me and join a game. Turns out, this guy's never played beer pong before, either. I had to explain the general rules to him.

The rules here are a bit different than the ones I've played, at least at this particular place. In Vegas, girls can blow the ball out if it's spinning around the cup and guys can finger it out. Here, only the girls can blow, and fingering isn't allowed. Here, there's a rule that if you shoot and the ball rolls back on the table and you pick it back up, you get to shoot again, but you have to shoot behind the back. I almost made a shot behind the back. It actually hit the cups, which I guess doesn't happen often here. In Vegas, you start with ten cups, re-rack at six, and then re-rack after each cup is made. Here, you only get two re-racks per game, but you can do them whenever you want. I saw a team re-rack at seven, with a pyramid and one attached to a side. It was weird. In Vegas, if both teammates make the same cup, that's game over. Here, it's a bomb - the cup made plus the adjacent cups, up to four extra. Then there were some other little things like having to say "I'm warming up" after you make two cups in a row and then "I'm on fire" after you make three in a row.

So, at the end of the night, these guys let me drink their beer through three games. I owe those guys. Charles beat me because he played basketball in high school. Fuckin' hustler, haha. We finally left late into the night, and Charles didn't want to get caught driving drunk, and wanted to walk home, but I convinced him that we could just take the backstreets and we'd be fine. We were fine, but the funny thing was that in the parking garage, he parked, but then wanted to straighten it out, so he backed up... and just lightly scraped his driver-side mirror against a pillar. I lol'd. He said the next day that the mirror was fine. I wanna throw in here that the parking garage in my apartment complex scares me. The clearance is only six feet, so when I run through it, I feel like I'm going to slam my head into a pipe or something. When I was moving in, my dad's friend Les and I had to stand on the back of the Expedition when we drove through the garage so it wouldn't scrape the pipes hanging down.

Anyway, that was two Saturdays ago. Last Saturday, I went with this girl Jourdan to a party that the swim team was having. It was pretty cool. It wasn't too crowded at first, but near the end, it was extremely full. They must've gone through five or six kegs while I was there. I got one fuckin' game of beer pong in with Jourdan as my partner, but she wasn't that good, so we lost. I was actually doing really good that night. When our last cup got hit, we had two left on the other side, and I sank the first and hit the second one, so my shot was going pretty good. If I had brought us into overtime, I would've shit myself.

We lost two these other two freshmen, who happen to be members of the dive team. I talked to one guy about his list of dives, and it very much discourages me to have ever even thought about being good enough to make the team. My list has a front 1½ with a full twist, a front 1½ pike, a front 2½ tuck, a back 1½ pike, a reverse 1½ tuck, and an inward 1½ tuck. His list has a front 2½ pike, a front 3½ tuck, a back 2½ tuck, a reverse 2½ tuck, an inward 2½ tuck, and I think a better twisting dive than I have. I was looking around on Facebook and I found out that my dive coach over the summer actually knows this guy. She dove with him at Mission Viejo.

Well, the swim team party got broken up by DPS (USC's Department of Public Safety), so Jourdan and I walked down to frat row to find another party. On the way, we ran into this girl Andrea, who lives across the hall from Jourdan. We all went to see if those guys from the week before were playing beer pong, but nobody was there, so we just went to the Beta party again. I only had $21 on me, and was only able to get $10 from Andrea, which I still owe her, so they let me in for $31 instead of the $40 they were charging this time. My roommate said he was there earlier in the night, and they were charging $25. Gah. Well, this time was better, because I was already decently tipsy when I got there, we had a few drinks inside, and I danced with Jourdan for quite awhile. Things went pretty well. We walked one of the girls' friends back to her place because she would've been alone otherwise and it was farther than our place. We hung out there, stole some condoms from the bag outside the RA's door there, and walked back to our apartment complex. I said goodnight to them and went back to my place to call it a night.

Well, there's the summary of the last few weeks for you. Let's get a little more into the other stuff.

Laura has been having a really hard time being away from me. She left a voicemail the other day crying. I feel really bad for her. I mean, I miss her, yeah, but there's not a lot I can do about it all the way over here. She gets frustrated when we run out of things to say to each other, and she keeps asking me the same questions for the sake of keeping contact with me. A few times a week, she'll call or text me at 11:11 and tell me to make a wish. Every time she does, my wish is that she'll find another guy to be happy with, because being bummed out all the time really isn't good for her. Like I said before, I want her to have the best senior year, to make up for how much time I wasted during mine, all cooped up in my room doing homework and not going out with my friends.

Thinking about it, I kinda do the same thing here. I stay in the apartment most of the week trying to do homework, and I stay in much of the weekend, too, just because I want to get things done. I'm gonna try to change that up a bit. I need to go out to eat more on weekdays, so I can go with friends and hang out. I need to start going farther from campus to learn more about the area, but I need to go with friends so we have strength in numbers and don't get mugged or shot at or anything like that. I also need to know more about the surrounding area because I don't want my friends being bored here in the apartment if they're gonna come all the way down here to visit sometime in the next month, like they say they want to.

If I can think of more to say, I will. But for now, I've been writing for the past two to two and a half hours, so this should be enough to hold you over.

Best regards,
Vaniah Schwenoha

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