Monday, June 12, 2006

"Let me get the Super Big Mac Slammer Slammer..."

12 June 2006 - 1:35 PM

Hahahahaha! You're gonna have to ask Chris Yi to tell that story. I can't exactly do it yet without cracking up half-way through.

Oh Shit. I have about a week and a half to cover in here, and it's a very eventful week and a half... Okay, here goes...

After my last post (on June 2nd), Chris Yi called me and was ready to play some pool. Not really interested in using lots of gas to pick Niki or anybody else up, I only picked Chris up, and we went down to Pool Sharks. We were both shooting pretty shitty, considering it's been months since the last time we played pool. I recorded a few games with my video camera... ran out of space on an entire 1GB card, haha. When I got home, I cut out the shots that were made and compiled them into a video, which you can view on my Myspace.

Saturday (June 3rd) was full of travel. It was the day of Sunset region's dive party. The divers were granted permission to use the boards at the Las Vegas Municipal Pool for two hours. The other people who were there took awhile to realize that they weren't going to get on the boards for awhile. We were all curious as to how a large group of people who live in the ghetto were going to react to not having use of the boards for such a long time. Again, I used my camera to record a lot of the dives I was doing. This time, I set the quality lower and remembered that I had another 256MB card on me. They both got used up. I got about an hour and fifteen minutes recorded. It was sufficient to make another diving advertisement.

After I ran out of recording memory, I started doing stuff off the 3-meter board. I wish I had recorded that, because I did a front 2½ pike over there. I also did about a front 3½ tuck... one of those ones where I spin as much as I can before I hit the water. This time, though, I landed on my chest and face. It didn't seem that bad at first, but when I got out and walked through the grass to get a drink, I coughed and spit it out... and it was solid red. Meh. I'm pretty sure that whatever was wrong, it cleared up for the most part.

After the dive party, one of the divers took me home. He wanted to go to SkyMania. I figured I'd be able to go right away and have time afterward to go out with Melissa and some friends to the atrium at the Bellagio. I called Chris to see if he wanted to go, and he did. It turned out to be good to bring him, because the other guy didn't show up, and we didn't have any way of contacting each other because neither of us had each other's phone number. While jumping, I threw out my knee again, but it didn't hurt - probably because I didn't throw it out with a lot of force. I also stuck the landing on a front double on the crash pad about 5 minutes before I left.

Chris and I left SkyMania, then called Melissa to see what the plan was for the night. Even though Erica had her car, she said she didn't have gas, so I ended up having to pick them up. We went to the atrium at the Bellagio and took pictures, and soon, the girls we were with grew hungry. We ventured over to the Forum Shops on foot and got a table at The Cheesecake Factory. This is where tons of hilarious stories were told, such as the one that relates to the title of this blog. By the time we got finished, it was about 1:30 in the morning. I took the girls back home and then started driving back toward my side of town with Chris. Along the way, I got stopped by a bike cop... Ugh. Apparently, the speed limit on Jones on the north side of Sahara is 35. I got stopped doing 52, and was also cited because my license plate lights were out. Odd enough for me to be stopped at that time of the night when I'm the only car on the road, the man didn't say anything about me being out past curfew. At the end of the night, I must've put 90 miles on the car...

That Sunday and Monday were greatly relaxing for school nights. They had to be, in preparation for final exams. Tuesday, I had Tech and English. There was no test in Tech, but we did end up moving a lot of computer shit from room to room. I barely had time to write my English essay, which was obviously due the next period. So here comes one of my favorite stories from exams... I figured out with my third and fourth quarter grades that I only needed a 66.5% on the English exam to get an A for the semester. This is why I didn't bother with my essay until first period the day it was due. This is also why I only spent ten minutes on it, and it only occupied a little more than 6 lines of size 12 font on a sheet of paper. Needless to say, the essay was poor. It got a 60%, and it counted toward half of the exam grade. Luckily for me, I set the curve on the multiple choice section by getting 102 out of 116 questions correct. Don't ask me how that happened, because I slept for part of the story of Julius Cæsar. This evened out to be 80% exactly on that semester exam. Lawl.

Then there came Wednesday - PreCalculus and French. Neither of these tests really had to be taken seriously, but hey, wtf else was I supposed to do for four hours at school? I still don't know what I got on the PreCalc test, but I'm sure it was higher than the 42% I needed to get to keep an A, haha! In French, I tied another kid for the highest multiple choice grade, getting 167 out of 200 questions correct. So far, so good, with 4 A's. After school, Dallas and I went to Mr. K's classroom to pick up some stuff. See, he told the techs that he'd let us walk out with computer monitors if we wanted them. Seriously, it was a free 19" monitor. Who was gonna turn that down consciously? It was a bit iffy taking them out, because the hall monitors were by the gates, and it was raining outside.

I didn't do much to prepare for my toughest classes of semester exams. I woke up Thursday morning at 5:00 and started writing up my study sheet for Chemistry. All I did was take my sheet from first semester and add stuff to it. I never saw it for myself, but I heard from quite a few people that my raw score was too high to use as the curve, since it was a 67%. I felt pretty good about that, considering I ended up with like, 112% after the curve even without doing the extra credit essay. I didn't do that because I wanted to study for History, which was the class that I needed the highest exam grade on to keep an A. I needed a 72%. Half of the grade on that was the DBQ that we had to create, which Chris and I did together. It really wasn't hard to do. We ended up with a 99% on that part of the exam. Then, the multiple choice turned out to be a very laid-back, 50-question multiple choice. The questions were fairly easy. I turned out getting 39 questions correct, and even that shocked me, because I admit that I'm no good at history. End of story, end of school year - Straight A's again. Yes!

After school, we continued our high school tradition by having lunch at Baja Fresh. When we left there, we headed to the park and hung out for awhile. We played frisbee, talked, and just enjoyed our summer freedom for the first time. Chris dropped me off at home because I didn't have my car, and said he'd come back later to jump in the pool because it was extremely hot outside. When he came back, I asked him where Nicole was, and he told me she was at home because they had broken up - again. Don't worry. They got back together the next day, to nobody's surprise I'm sure. Chris and I swam a bit, but I had to get out of the pool soon to get ready for the black and white party at The Rio that I had been invited to. Actually, I was probably the best-dressed person there that night, because I wore my black suit with a white shirt, black tie, and white top hat. It looked pretty spiffy. I can send you pictures, if you'd like. The one weird thing was that I had to brush my hair back to wear the hat. I will probably brush it back while I'm in D.C. next week.

The party was awesome. Had to be one of the best ones I've ever attended, especially since I'd never been to a hotel party. Dallas and Brittany kinda flipped out on me part of the way through the night because they thought I was getting too close to people while dancing. Brittany apologized the next day, realizing that there's really no non-sexual way to freak dance. I know that it wasn't the best way to prove to them that I was in control of my actions, but once everybody was drunk enough to dance, I put on a little show. See, we were at a black and white party, and one piece of clothing that happened to be black was my Speedo. Haha! Once I stripped down to that, I had to wait in the bathroom for 20 minutes before a good song came on that I could come out and dance to. It was hilarious to everybody. I still want to know if anybody got pictures of it, haha! I also ended up breaking a bed by flipping from one to another. When I landed, the frame snapped. One of the guests helped me take the matress and boxspring off and reassemble it as much as we could. I guess it was a good enough job, because two people slept on it that night and the hotel didn't say anything about it when they checked out. By the time I left, I was sober enough to drive, but I made sure to obey the speed limit this time, because getting pulled over again might have turned out a lot worse than the last time it happened. All in all, it was a very awesome day, with straight A's, great friends, and one of the best parties I'd ever been to.

The fun didn't stop then, though. The next day, I spent a few hours cleaning my house and getting ready to have my birthday party. It was very short notice for lots of people, but the turnout was pretty good, if I do say so myself. Before Ed took me to go pick up pizza, we decided to go into my street and ghost ride the whip. Hahahaha! We even got Bo to be in it... even though you can't see him in the video that I put up on Myspace. I probably also should've changed the recording quality back to high from when I set it to normal at the dive party. One thing that kinda irked me was that Mitch left with about a third or a fourth of my guests to go to his house and smoke hookah. That was super-cool. It was even better that Sarah left with them, even though she was the one who said early in the party that she'd wait until night to continue her so-called tradition of going skinny dipping in my pool. Thanks Sarah, for being true to that word... Oh well. I guess that she just really felt the need to go, considering throughout the entire party that she and Mitch were getting along rather well, even though Mitch has a girlfriend. Meh, it's hard to tell what's going on with them. I don't even want to try.

Saturday was the last day of this slew of madness that's been keeping me amused. I took my mom to work so I could have the car for the night. Right after dropping her off, I went up to Brent and Amanda's house for their graduation party. It was pretty cool. They had a lot of food on-hand and we watched some childhood memories of them on good 'ol VHS. Chris and I had to leave their house at about 5:30, for separate reasons. I dropped Chris off at Game Stop for his first day of work, then made my way to Brandy Langford's house for Durango's swim and dive banquet. Her house is amazing. It was huge. I never saw the inside because the banquet was in the backyard, but the pool looked great and they had an in-ground trampoline, which I made much use of. I came close a few times to landing a front double, but never fully got it. I pulled a pretty good speech out of my ass when called up as the only diver for the school, and told the crowd of my struggle to make the requirement of getting a varsity letter this year because of my ear. One last thing worth mentioning is that the neighbors of the Langford's owned a huge turkey, haha!

After I left the banquet, I went to Wal-Mart to run an errand for my mom and then went to pick up Sarah and Briana to go see The Omen. I ended up going to the wrong house to pick them up because they didn't elaborate where they were. Was I wrong to assume they were at Briana's house when Sarah told me that Briana was in the shower? Anyway, the movie was pretty good. I liked it. I dropped them off at some guy's house after the movie. It turned out to be the house of the guy that helped me with that bed a couple nights before. Haha! Small world...

Sunday wasn't too eventful. I think I might keep Sundays open even through the summer to be my relaxing days at home. Then again, I have all summer to have relaxing days at home. Niki came over with his computer to get some technical support. I thought it was gonna be a long process, but some random fluke with a Windows XP CD ended up fixing it right away. For the next few hours, he and I played Worms Armageddon. It was his first time playing, so I pretty much pwned him like no other. I think he won one round out of the entire 2-3 hours that we played. Chris Schroeder called sometime during the day wanting to go bowling after he got off work. I told him I'd go after the season premier of The 4400. Because of this, I took a shower before the show came on. When I came back out, Niki had already left because his mom picked him up. The season premier turned out to be two hours long, which is not what I expected, so we didn't end up going bowling because of the time issue.

I talked on the phone with Melissa last night for the first time in too long. It was pretty nice. We talked about how Dallas and Brittany were uneasy about me at the party, and it turned out to be fine with her, especially since the same kind of thing happened at a party with her on Saturday night. Today, not much has been done. I've been writing this blog for probably an hour and a half. I have to pick up my tuxedo today to be an usher tomorrow at graduation, and I just received a call minutes ago from Will, asking if I wanted to go out for sushi. I'm gonna shower now and get ready. Until next time...

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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