Monday, June 26, 2006

Here we go

26 June 2006 - 8:36 PM

I should stop procrastinating because writing the blog about my week in D.C. is going to take hours to write. I suppose I'll just reserve this one for the rest of the week, before I left.

Monday, June 12
I didn't end up going to sushi like my last post said. I was just out of the shower and getting ready to go when I got a call from Joanna, asking me where I was. Doh! I totally forgot that she was having a going-away lunch at California Pizza Kitchen in the Fashion Show Mall on this day. I told her I was running late, and just getting ready. Then I called Will back to tell him what was up. He wasn't too distraught that I wasn't going to go. I do need to get around to having sushi with some friends sometime, though.

I saw quite a few people at CPK when I showed up. I showed people pictures of the party from the preceding Thursday. Around the end of our meal, we saw Niki and Lucille coming down the escalator. Alexa ran up and fake-tackled him. He was absolutely in shock. He had gotten a call, like me, wondering if he was going to show up. He was thinking of the wrong restaurant, and considering the one he was thinking of was far away from the Fashion Show Mall, he told Ron that he wouldn't be able to make it. Turns out he was just misinformed, much to his surprise.

I had to get back home soon to get the car to my mom so she could go to work. After sitting at home for awhile, Niki came and picked me up and we went to pick up my tuxedo. Then he, Lucille, and I hung out at his house for about an hour or an hour and a half. Niki pretty much just slept on his floor, so Lucille and I played with Play Dough on his bed and wrapped Niki's cell phone in seran wrap. Once Niki was ready to take Lucille home, he decided to take me as well. The rest of the night is unclear to me.

Tuesday, June 13
Congratulations class of 2006! I took my mom to work, picked up Chris, and headed down to the Orleans Arena to get ready to usher the commencement ceremony. About fifteen minutes before it started, Ron backed out of being an usher because he thought he'd get to leave earlier so that he could go to a concert. That left me with Todd to usher the girls' side and Chris to usher the guys' side. Considering we had absolutely no rehearsal or job overview until twenty minutes before the fact, it's safe to say that the job we did was, for lack of a better word, bad. I ended up with a few rows of girls that were only nine people long when they were supposed to be ten long. When that happened, I told someone coming in to fill the space. Later, as they got called to receive their diploma, I noticed that they were supposed to be in alphabetical order, and that I probably screwed up the order of the pictures taken entirely. Sorry, graduates, if I led to you getting the wrong picture.

After the graduation, Chris and I took pictures of people outside for awhile. We found Jessica and Cayla, and after long enough, decided to go back to my house to get some dinner. Most people ate Hot Pockets. Soon enough, it was time for me to take Cayla and Jessica home. I left Chris with Dallas, who had shown up. After I got back, Dallas went home, and saved me some time and gas by taking Chris as well.

Wednesday, June 14
My dad and I did a bit of errand-running. We went to Fry's, where I chose the laptop that I wanted to use during my week in D.C. After we came home, my mom had cooked steak for dinner, which was delicious as always.

My mom was off from work, so I was able to go to Melissa's house to see her. It was good, because it happened to be our one-month anniversary. I made sure to do the speed limit or at least the same speed as the traffic around me so as not to yeild myself another violation. We watched TV, talked, and hung out. I finally got a picture of us together on my camera, which was much-needed. After my last relationship, I realized that I need to take more pictures of me and my partner together. I mean, when I tried to make a collage for my last girl, I didn't even have enough pictures to fill a 41-photo collage. I wish I could have stayed at her house for dinner because her mom cooked spaghetti - one of my favorite foods - but my parents wanted me back home so we could go to the gym. Plus, I totally forgot that I had already had dinner. Hopefully I will work out more this summer, because it would really be something good to get back into.

Thursday, June 15 & Friday, June 16
Here was where I started packing for my trip. I spent these two days figuring out what I needed - or much rather wanted - to bring with me to help me survive for a week. In retrospect, I was probably the person with the most or the second most electronics. I brought my PSP, speakers, laptop, two digital cameras, a digital voice recorder, a wireless mouse, and an ethernet hub, along with almost all accessories needed to support all devices. Along with that, I packed two two-piece suits, nine ties, eight white tee shirts, nine dress shirts, eight pairs each of black and white socks, two pairs of dress shoes, and an entire bag of toiletries. I was now ready to embark on the first journey farther from home than I had ever gone before, accompanied by the first airplane ride I had ever been on, not counting the one that I supposedly took when I was a young boy that I have no recollection of at all.

I know you're waiting for the next series of days. You're gonna have to wait just a bit longer on that one. I know that it's going to take much longer than this one took to write. Until then...

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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