Friday, June 02, 2006

I'm The Juggernaut, Bitch!!!

2 June 2006 - 7:16 PM
~sigh~ I can't believe he fucking said that... It was pretty funny though.

So yeah. I kinda failed to write for a good week and a half. Now that I'm bored as fuck, though, I will try to recount what I can. It's been too long to recount every day, so I'll just go over the things that aren't 100% boring.

On Wednesday (May 24th), I wore my brand new suit to school. It was pretty interesting. People would ask, "Why are you wearing a suit?" to which I would be able to reply, "I wanted to look good for my birthday." People would then realize it, and then I'd get "Happy Birthday!" Haha! Apparently, the shoes that I thought were good with the suit... were very uncomfortable. First, I'm very used to my DC's, which have lots of cushioning in the heel. The dress shoes I have don't have any cushioning, and seams at the heel. The shoes also aren't broken in yet. At the end of the school day, I had two open blisters on each foot. Ugh.

After school that day, my parents and I went back to Mastroianni Fashions to buy another suit. One ended up being mine, and the other one Victor's. His still needs to be tailored when he comes to town to get it. When we left there, we picked up my grandpa and went to the buffet at Bellagio to celebrate my birthday. Overall, my birthday was good. I'm still waiting until summer to have my party.

Thursday (May 25th) was the last school day of the week on account of Staff Development Day. During the last few periods of the day, I realized that I would be able to go to the midnight screening of X-Men: The Last Stand. After dinner, I picked people up to go. In my car were Courtney, Jessica, Chris Yi, Billy, Niki, and Sarah. We went to the showing at Suncoast Station because Dallas and Brittany were supposed to be going there with a lot of Brittany's friends. Well, it turned out Dallas and Brittany hadn't saved enough seats for all seven of us to sit with them in the back of the theatre, so we sat in front... without Dallas and Brittany. Lawl.

To me, the movie was pretty good. The director did the best he could to incorporate familiar faces into the movie, but it was only an hour and forty-five minutes long, so there wasn't much time for character development. Mid-movie, it was revealed that the internet somehow influenced the filming of a scene of the movie. It was definitely the funniest scene in the movie. I was laughing for a good three minutes at least before I could calm down.

After the movie, I decided it would be nice to go to the park by the Suncoast again. We played around and took pictures for about forty-five minutes, then left. I took everybody home or to the house that they'd be spending the night at, and then crashed on my bed at about 4:30 in the morning.

I slept most of Friday because of the late getting-in from the night before. After my dad got home with the car, I left and met up with Melissa, her sister, and their friends to see X-3 again. This time, I made sure to stay in the theatre through the credits, since I missed the extra scene afterward the night before because I left to use the restroom. Melissa stayed with me too, but everybody else in our party left, so I ended up taking her home <3
Saturday, I took my mom to work, sat around my house for a bit, and then went to Melissa's house. I brought my American History X DVD for us and her friend Danica to watch. They had never seen it before. If you haven't, either, you should. After the movie, it was hard to get time to talk among the three of us because Melissa's little brother kept coming in. He pulled a water gun on us, and we tried to shield ourselves at first, but it proved useless - and potentially expensive - when he started squirting Melissa's desk and electronics instead. Eventually, I ended up getting in a water-gun fight with him... something I didn't expect myself to do... I'm not usually good with kids, even though I'd like to be. After a bit, Melissa's dad got mad that her brother was jumping around upstairs, and her brother started crying. I felt bad, but Mel and Danica told me not to think much of it because he usually cries when Mel's sister's friends are around. I left for the night at about midnight. It was a good night.

I woke up Sunday a little stuffed up and with a bit of a sore throat. Little did I know that it would soon turn into a pretty bad cold. I stayed home for Sunday and Monday, Monday being Memorial Day, and me being off from school. My dad's trying to tell me that it could be mononucleosis. Thanks, Dad, for semi-bad-mouthing my girlfriend.

Monday (now the 29th), I don't recall doing much. We've been doing things in Tech all week, which is pretty gay, considering it leaves little time for me to do homework. Today (Friday) was the first day that we didn't have to do anything. I came home Monday and slept from 2:00 to 9:00, and then later from 12:00 to 4:30. After waking up at 9:00, my dad told me that my new camera had arrived. I played with it for awhile. It's pretty nice. I used it the next day to take pictures of my Chemistry AP class, since the teacher kept forgetting to bring his wife's camera to take his annual pictures of his AP classes. I brought my tripod the day after taking those pictures in case we took more, but we never did. I set it up anyway to get video of the class detonating ammonium triiodide, but the batch we made didn't end up drying enough for us to get it to detonate.

After school on Wednesday, our school held the yearbook-signing party. It wasn't as good as it usually is. Not many people were there. I think I got signatures from every person there that I knew. I even signed the yearbook of some guy who I had never met because he wanted to say thanks to me for holding the hallway doors for the majority of the school year. Haha!

After school on Thursday, I went to an NHS pre-meeting to get informed about next year's NHS. I found out in sixth period that day that I was supposed to get an application a few days ago during first period. Well, I have Tech first period, and a very informal teacher for Tech. He gave me the application today in class. Thanks, Mr. K.

We had quarter-book-project presentations today in English. Only three people volunteered to get the extra credit by presenting, but they were all very good presentations. Chris' song was great, Niki's rap was awesome, and Brent's visual aid was perfect and detailed. I did my oral presentation in French today, which included a very-hurriedly compiled series of pictures that I made in first period and lunch period the day before. It had some rather surprising pictures in it, such as a horse that was thrown through the windshield of a car - the sentence that went with that was "Pour conduire bien, il faut que l'on fasse attention" or "To drive well, it's necessary to pay attention."

Today was locker-cleanout day. I impressively managed to fit five binders, two textbooks, three composition notebooks, and paperback copy of Julius Cæsar into my backpack and get it zipped up. Of course, it ended up being four times the depth of my body, and I still had to carry my Ti keyboard and my yearbook in my hands, along with the stuff from Courtney's locker, because she was in a classroom and was going to meet me at the car afterward. Haha!

I was invited today by an old elementary school friend to go with her and some others to eat sushi this afternoon. I let her know that I didn't have any transportation, but she assured me that I'd be able to get a ride from someone. We exchanged phone numbers, and I also knew three others who were going.

...I have not heard back from anybody about going to eat sushi, and as I write this sentence, it is 7:06 PM.

Yay. I'm a loner.

I also put up a bulletin inviting people to come and swim at my house, and I told people about it at school, but nobody has talked about that with me, either.

Yay. I'm a super-loner right now... so much so that I set up my tripod in a room with no windows in order to avoid conflicting shadows, took pictures, and learned enough about Photoshopping to create this.

I really hope I do something tonight. If nothing else, I want to play some pool. It's pretty sad that I rarely use the cue that I received by request for Christmas this past year.

Ugh. I also need very much to buy some Jones Soda flavored lip balm because the weather is really fucking up my lips.

That is all for now. Thanks for reading.

Take it easy, but strike hard.

Vaniah Schwenoha

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