Friday, September 03, 2010

Periodic Friends

Moving away to college can have a serious impact on the way people interact. I've found that once I move back to L.A. for the semester, I lose touch with so many people from back home who I always talk to when I actually am in town. It's like... You're out of someone's life for the duration of time that you're out of the city they live in. You lose touch.. You don't talk.. You don't even text or send facebook messages between each other. But then, as soon as you get back to town, it's "Hey! How've you been? Let's go grab lunch!"

I admit, I'm guilty of doing the same things to my friends as they reflect on me. I do wish things were different, though. I should be having Skype calls with my close friends. Whenever I'm reminded of them or mention them to someone else in conversation, I should shoot them a text saying, "Hey! I was just thinking about you!"

Why do we have to separate our lives so adamantly from each other? I should be just as close with my Las Vegas friends as I am with my USC friends, regardless of season or schedule. Wouldn't you agree?

~Vaniah Schwenoha

1 comment:

Jean Wang said...

Definitely! I feel that way too, I recently started catching up and meeting with my old california friends. Either they would visit and we hang or I would visit CA every other week just to keep in touch. :)

Don't worry Vaniah, feel free to contact any of your friends, you're such a nice guy!