Wednesday, March 10, 2010



I went on Chatroulette last night for the first time by myself. At first it was to keep me awake so I could finish a homework assignment, but it ended up being kind of fun. I talked to a bunch of strangers about what they do, what kind of music they listen to, and what I'm doing with my life. It's pretty interesting how technology has enabled us to talk to people we otherwise never would have even seen walking down the street.

Another place full of strangers I recently visited was the DMV. Ah, yes, the place to go when you just can't wait to... wait. First I sat in a line of cars looking for a spot for at least twenty minutes. Then I waited in the line of people, which stretched 40 bodies deep outside the door of the place, just so I could talk to someone initially. She gave me a number, and I proceeded to wait for another hour and a half inside for the number to be called. This was followed by a 90-second interaction between myself and the woman who billed me $18 for a one-trip permit so I can drive my car back to Las Vegas this weekend, and then finally she sent me to the 'inventory pick-up' line, where I waited another ten minutes to physically get the slip.

I'm pretty sure this works differently at the DMV in Las Vegas because I remember license plates and certifications being something you could get when you saw someone after your number was called, but for whatever reason the DMV here in LA found it necessary to create a separate line just for that. Then again, the DMV here is probably ¼ the size as the one in Vegas, and has much more seating for those who are waiting. With the ever-present need for every driving resident to visit the DMV, you'd think they'd continuously open more offices to reduce wait time. You'd think that, but I suppose that would cost everyone more money, which many states can't afford to do right now - especially California.

Spring break next week. I hope the Volvo makes it from here to Vegas and back. Though.. It may not pass smog once I get there, in which case I'll end up leaving it there to get fixed and registered, so I guess I should primarily be hopeful that the car makes it to Vegas, period.

Stay healthy. Be happy.
~Vaniah Schwenoha

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