Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hello there!

12:32 AM

Okay, so.... I'm back. Sorry for the series of super depressing entries. I just had a run-in with some old habits and emotions. You see, I have this really bad quality about me, and it's that when I get to like someone, I fall for them pretty hard. Sure, I guess you can say a lot of people do that, but the thing is that I'm always stupid enough to express it fully, and that's what scares people. I've watched myself do it a few times, and every time, I tell myself I've learned not to do it, and I tell myself that I've learned more about what doesn't work... But I always find myself back in the same position. It's my downfall, I suppose. However, I am trying to work on it. I guess the best I can do for now is to say that, and to remind myself of it whenever I need to think before speaking... Or acting...

Anywayy... The semester is ending, and I can't believe it's already been this long. I mean, really... I've only written three times this semester. Why can't I find time to write in here anymore?

Regardless of the whole ordeal with Andrea, it's been a spectacular semester! The fraternity has progressed.. We've gained more intelligent, respectable men, who have learned from us, and who have taught us as well. I've bonded more with my friends from last year, especially living with some and coordinating events with others. And most importantly, I've managed fair grades this semester, which is all my mom ever asks of me, so I'm glad to have done that =)

Well, like I said.. The semester is ending, but it's not quite over yet. Maybe I should get back to studying for my last exam, which starts at 8:00am =x

See you soon ;-D
Vaniah Schwenoha

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