Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Just Friends

9 August 2006 - 6:07 PM

Did you guys ever see that movie? It was good... Funny, too...

I guess I thought more people read this thing than actually do. You see, last night, I had some people over to go swimming. One of those people was Sarah. "That's good," you might say - at least, if you've been reading these things - but after you found out that another one of those people was Mitch, you'd probably tell me I'm retarded.

I was never that great of a flirt. It may have something to do with me not getting into a relationship with someone until after 7th grade, but whatever. It was apparent, however, that I wasn't my normal self last night. Chris saw it because he reads my blogs when he knows there's a new one and Sexton could see it even without knowing about my blog entirely. I suppose it didn't catch Sarah's attention because she was flirting with Mitch all night.

I thought to myself that this couldn't really be happening between them again, first of all because whenever Mitch isn't around, Sarah appears to be disinterested in him, and second because Mitch has been hung up on this girl Stephanie for the past few days. Now, don't get me wrong here. I do think Mitch is a pretty cool person overall because he's fun to hang out with and all, but when it comes to women, after watching his past two relationships, I just don't see him settling down anytime soon.

That's the way it went, though. When Sarah fell for Mitch over eight months ago, she fell hard, and since then, she hasn't really moved on, regardless of how much she looks like she has. All doubts were written off when I looked back at Mitch's conversation with Sarah last night after we took her home. Consider that a note to all of you that if you talk to someone on AIM and want to keep the conversation between the two of you, either ask me to move it or delete it yourself... Sorry for being a sneaky asshole, but at least we skipped the confrontation step.

So, straight from Bruce Almighty, that's the way the cookie crumbles. I'm sorry if you think that I shouldn't take this lying down, but to be honest, I've never understood the concept of fighting for a girl. If you're working extremely hard to win her over another, then you're trying too hard. You might want to ask me "What if she's the one?" Well, then she'd be able to see me for the loyal and caring man that I am - or at least try my best to be. A woman's choice between two men is hers alone, and she'll always pick the one that best fits her at the time.

Back to being the good friends we are.
Back to the drawing board.

I remember when I was a kid and my big brother was my influence. I remember when I played with action figures and Hot Wheels and such. I remember learning to ride a bike and how to rollerblade and how hard I thought it was going to be to swim in the deep end. I remember when the only love I knew was for my Sunday morning cartoons [because I remember never having gone to church as a child - that'd explain why I'm Agnostic, if you're wondering]. I remember when I didn't have girls on the mind all the time.

When can I love a woman like I loved my childhood?

It may sound odd to you, but before I go to sleep every night, I always end up wrapped around my body pillow. I always imagine myself falling asleep holding a girl. A lot of the time, it's not one girl in particular over and over again; just whoever is on my mind at the time. It's not until I take the time to write about it that I realize how many girls run through my mind. Meh, it's hard to explain.

I'm not depressed. I'm just bored with the single life.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

P.S. - Happy Birthday, Niki!

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