Thursday, August 03, 2006

Clever lines to weave my web of thoughts

3 August 2006 - 11:27 AM

They say lightning never strikes twice in the same place...
Well, that myth certainly doesn't apply to car crashes. In the past two weeks, I've gone to pick up my mom from work in the morning and found that cars had collided on eastbound Flamingo just near The Rio. Two times, the accident was on Hotel Rio Drive and Flamingo and once it was a short distance behind on Valley View and Flamingo.

The worst drivers are Asians and women...
And that's why it's hysterical that the accident that involved three cars also involved two women and an Asian man.

Can't we all just get along?
Just because the accidents stopped doesn't mean there is no more tragedy in the world. I took my mom to the Gold Coast one morning to cash her paycheck, and while waiting outside for her, I watched three Asian men get into a fight. It seemed that they knew each other prior, but were very mad about something; I'll never know what because I just sat in the car and watched as casino security broke it up.

Do unto others...
Because I'd love it if my friend cooked me dinner and brought me and my girlfriend together. Of course, that would mean finding a girlfriend first. But, that's not what this section is supposed to discuss. I'll get to that later.

Chris Yi had a bad day about a week ago. His house got broken into and he spent the rest of the day at home because of it, thus making him feel unproductive. After hearing about it all, I thought it would be a good idea to do something to cheer him up. What better way to make a guy happy [without being gay] than food? So I went to the store, spent about $14 on two steaks, two potatoes, and a cheesecake, and stored it for the next day. Why enough food for two? Because my evil scheme also involved Chris's girlfriend, who apparently hadn't spent any time with Chris this summer. That part was a plus. Next was the issue of a table. As you may know, my house doesn't have a dining table. This is due to the fact that we don't have enough open space for a dining room. Meh. That meant that I'd have to go and borrow Chris Schroeder's dining table again, as I'd done it once to cook dinner for a girlfriend quite awhile back.

So as it went, I picked up Chris's girlfriend Michelle, had her keep me company as I prepared dinner, and set her up with everything ready in my brother's vacant room. Then I picked up an unsuspecting Chris, made idle conversation on the way over, and completely took him aback when I opened the door to my brother's room. The timing worked out perfectly for me to leave them alone, too, as Jessica had invited me to a movie that night. Of course, I forgot to tell them about the cheesecake in the freezer downstairs, but whatever. Needless to say, they were happy to spend time with each other again.

Ahh, yes... The apple tree scenario...
You'd only understand that if you'd ever read that analogy about how women are like apples on a tree and men are far too cowardice to work toward getting the best ones at the top. Now, I'm not saying that it's too much work for me to climb to the top [what with being a ninja and all, haha], but there does happen to be something obstructing my path: a gate. This is ironic because the same term will work in the analogy as in my actual situation. I've made many attempts at having Jasper hang out more, but either she truly is too busy on her own or she doesn't have any interest in me, so she makes herself busy in order not to have to tell me directly that I've got no chance. As for the gate, I'm talking about the one around her neighborhood that stops me from making random appearances in front of her house to spend time with her, since the only time she seems to ever have alone is at night. Anyway, the long and short of this is that it's too hard to try and keep up with someone's extremely busy summer vacation schedule. If she's going to keep giving me responses like 'maybe' when I ask her if I can take her to a movie sometime, then it's a bit hard to ever make plans for a date.

Secret Window
No, I never did see that movie. I just thought it was clever because you're staring at an application window right now [be it Internet Explorer or that cockface FireFox], and you're about to read on and discover what I've kept secret for quite a long time, at least in comparison to my entire life. What if I made this like a real journal? What if, instead of stumbling upon it under my bed, you found all thoughts and emotions right here on this page? And instead of having to sneak glances at it while I wasn't looking, you're able to read on and discover what really makes me tick just by being considerate enough to take time out and read this blog. The catch is that I'm going to ask you to be kind enough not to talk about what I write unless the person you're talking to has read it as well, and only of their own volition; not because you asked them to read it so you could both understand.

So now we're up to date. And the secret is this: Before I went out with Marlena, the choice in my mind was either her or... Sarah Fulco.

Surprised? If not, I'm sorry I'm so transparent.

Yeah, that's the shocker for today. After Marlena and I started going out, it wasn't long until Sarah started going out with Dallas, and I always wondered what would've happened if I had ever made a move on her instead of Marlena. Don't get me wrong; I was very happy with Marlena while we were going out, but after I was single again, I thought about it. And I think about it today. Meh. It's hard to describe how it's just a 'back of the mind' kind of thing.

Don't you love the 'what if's?

Alright. I think I'm done writing for now.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha

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