Friday, November 20, 2009


All I can say is that I can't wait for something that nice to happen to me some day.

Chances are I'll still deflect, just to make myself feel better about it, but even I know there's nothing you can do about a love like that. It's unstoppable.



"That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." said...
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"That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." said...

I stumbled across your blog awhile back and read a couple of your blog entrees. I really enjoy the way you write and your thoughts are somewhat parallel to mine. You seem like you have a pretty good head on your shoulders. There have been a few thoughts I've had in my mind and I just wanted to tell you what I thought, even though the situations you wrote about have happened over a year ago.

Long distance relationships – If I were to pick out a random person walking on the street to describe a “LDR” in one word, odds are he'll reply: Difficult. Painful. Remorseful. Unworthy. I once shared a connection with someone that lived 2400 miles away. Would I call it a relationship? I don't know; all I know is that we talked for 3 months, only to push this person away before the situation got worse. Why? Was it because I was scared? Was it because I was listening to my brain instead of my heart? I've pushed away so many people that I lost count of all the reasons. However, I do know that I push people away for all the wrong reasons; these reasons being I was scared to get hurt first, scared to fall in “love,” scared of everything that comes with that indefinable word. I've been hurt too many times to risk getting hurt again. Love seems as if its more of a burden than a blessing. Now, lets pick another person on the street to describe a long distance relationship in one word. If, earlier, the odds were pointing to the four woes, the evens would be pointing in a different direction: Happiness. Joy. Grace. Love. All that make life worth living. All the good things that come out of a relationship (even long distance) are what's worth the fight. I know you probably hate long distance relationships now, but what if that relationship was just a regular relationship? What if she lived next door to you? Do you think the outcome would be any different than it was or do you think the two of you would still be together? All just something to think about. And if it were really a “non-distance” relationship and it still didn't work out, are you now going to avoid any type of relationship? I think if someone wants something badly enough, they'll receive it. Same goes with two people. Maybe you wanted it, but maybe she didn't want it as bad as you did. Don't sweat it, there is someone out there for you. Just because a long distance relationship didn't work out with her, doesn't mean that it won't work out with anyone else. So don't go avoiding it. It seemed as if you pushed “Cathy” away because of how it ended with “Andrea.” Don't think, just do. Follow intuition. Different people act differently in different situations.

So since 2010 is just around the corner, here are a few resolutions you should consider:
- Don't be scared, chances are the other person is just as scared as you are.
- If you're single, don't resolute to “settle,” because if you look for it, it will never come to you. And don't settle just in order to not be alone.
- Write more blogs. I really do enjoy the way you write and your outlook on life.

Take care.