Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bitch, moan, repeat


So.. I wasn't aware that anybody really checked up on this thing anymore, since the last lengthy entry I left in it was almost a year ago, but it seems I have at least one avid reader out there, who was gracious enough to leave a comment and provide some insight and perspective to the subjects I discuss with myself.

A year is a lot to cover, so I think I might just fast forward to this past semester. What shall we discuss first? With enough time, I might be able to cover girls, grades, finance, and self discovery. Let's dive in, shall we?

Summer ended pretty mildly. It had been a month or so since my breakup with my last girlfriend, and for the first time in a pretty long while, I wasn't constantly thinking about girls. It was actually a pretty nice mindset I was in, just letting everything flow. Once I moved back to Los Angeles and into my fraternity's new house, we started having small weekly parties on Friday nights. Mostly, I was just interested in having a good time, and beer pong became a bit of a focal point in our back lot. One night, my roommate Geoff had brought his girlfriend Jamie over. I remembered my roommate telling me last spring that his girlfriend had a roommate who was a little lonely, so I asked about her. Jamie told me that she had gotten into a relationship over the summer, so I told her I understood and was ready to brush it off immediately, but after I asked about her, Jamie insisted I meet her anyway. I told her I'd be down to meet her, but just as a new friend, 'cause I don't like the idea of getting in between a couple. Jamie said that was fine, but expressed her lack of faith in her friend when she told me that we could just be friends until she broke up with her boyfriend. Jamie's confidence in this relationship failing was made even more apparent when she pointed out to me that this girl's boyfriend goes to school in Nebraska.

And so this is how I met Ashnoo. She came over, I introduced myself, we had a couple drinks, and then we started to play beer pong together against Geoff and Jamie. Afterward, we decided to play a few rounds of Taboo to pass time, and at the end of the night, Geoff and Jamie rode their bikes back to Jamie's house while I walked Ashnoo home. It was a good night, if nothing else. Over the next couple of weeks, I talked to her a little bit more, but before long, I realized that I was chasing a girl with a boyfriend, and told myself I didn't want to be doing that. We still talk, and I study with her in the library every now and then, but.. I dunno. She texted me today, actually. One of the first things she told me was that she broke up with her boyfriend last night. Not sure what to make of that, so I'll just continue being her friend unless anything changes.

It wasn't long before another girl came unexpectedly into my ever-developing picture of a love life. One night, after a home football game, a few of my friends and I went out and sat on the front porch to go people-watching. This has become one of our favored activities to partake in, particularly when the Shrine Auditorium across the street holds its monthly raves. Anyway, we're outside, watching ravers go by and guessing their ages, when I meet Angeli. Angeli lives on the same floor as Layne in the dorms, and Layne is this girl who has taking a liking to Jonathan, one of my best friends in LA. Both Layne and Angeli are freshmen, and they live on the same floor as a couple of guys who pledged my fraternity, so they're getting to know us pretty well.

I didn't think much of meeting Angeli, especially since one of the pledges was talking to her most of the first night I met her. Then, a few days later, Jon let me know a little in advance that Angeli was going to ask me to go with her to her sorority's semi-formal invite. It was unexpected on my end, but once I knew, I figured I might as well talk to her a little more. I actually made a bit of an ass of myself one night, when my brother was in town and we ended up getting drunk and going back to the dorms with her, where I got a little sick. That didn't seem to matter, though, because the next night we went on our first date. We went to dinner, then to get frozen yogurt for dessert, then back and forth between my house and her dorm, talking the entire time. It was impressive, spending six hours with someone I had just recently met. At the end of the night, I hugged her goodbye and walked home.

The next few weeks went by pretty smoothly. She went with me to one of my fraternity's date dashes, and then the next night I went with her to her sorority's invite, and we started getting into a nice swing of things by watching House together on Monday nights, visiting in person with each other shortly on most other days, and constantly holding instant message conversations with each other on Skype.

One of the things I was happiest with myself about when dating Angeli was that I was open with her about everything. I told her that I have a history of falling too hard too quickly, and I told her that I would try my best to just let things happen naturally between us. She seemed to be okay with it, and nothing I did seemed like it could scare her off... At least, not until she told me she didn't want to date anymore.

Within a few weeks of hanging out with each other, I asked Angeli if she would be my girlfriend, but she politely refused, telling me that she didn't want to be committed to a relationship at the time. I respected it, but also knew that we were practically seeing each other exclusively at that point, so to me, we were simply 'dating.' I was able to say that for around six weeks, while I let things sit on the back burner. I was quite proud of myself, not insisting that anything progress, but instead deciding to let things be for weeks at a time before checking in to see what she thought about 'us.' Then, one day, literally out of nowhere, she told me she didn't think we should be doing what we had been doing anymore. Well, actually it seemed like it was out of nowhere, but realistically it probably had a lot to do with the fact that she was going back home the following weekend, and would be seeing her ex boyfriend.

It's been nearly two months since then, but even for the six-week relationship that seemed to be flourishing so well before that, it's been slightly devastating to me emotionally. I try to tell myself to be happy for her, because she seems to be getting back into things with her ex, who she fell for in the first place, but it's just hard to keep my mind off of what I thought we were heading into. At this point, I would actually be happy to be back in the state of mind I was in when I moved back to Los Angeles, and not be thinking about girls. I'd like that, but it's hard to do when I come home to Vegas - where literally every one of my best friends is in a relationship; where my brother is talking to me about the girl he's hooking up with back home and about the girl he met at a concert the other night, who he went hot tubbing with last night and went to hang out with tonight; and where one of my best female friends is talking to me about the guy she's been hooking up with for the past few weeks. Oh, sweet irony.

So here I am, back in Las Vegas for winter break, and I would be so lucky to have someone to talk comfortably with for these next three weeks. Or maybe even to lie comfortably with. There's someone here who I've started talking to a little more, but I don't think she thinks of me like that. It'd be nice to be with somebody this winter, but if that doesn't happen, then it might actually be better for me.

To be continued tomorrow. It's getting kind of late

Friday, November 20, 2009


All I can say is that I can't wait for something that nice to happen to me some day.

Chances are I'll still deflect, just to make myself feel better about it, but even I know there's nothing you can do about a love like that. It's unstoppable.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Calling plays

Slow down.

Whatever you're thinking, always re-assess it.

Things can always end well. You just need to let them.

Friday, January 16, 2009


6:06 PM

So, I'm back in Los Angeles for spring semester. It's good to be back, but some differences between here and home get me thinking...

The biggest thing is that I'm alone again, relationship-wise. Cathy and I talked the night before I left, and I told her that I didn't think a long-distance relationship would work out all that well between us. For the most part, that's the truth. After seeing how close Andrea and I got to each other spiritually (might not be the right word to describe it) and how quickly 'we' fell apart and she moved on, I am again a semi skeptic of the long-distance relationship.

Anyway, I told her that, and, after a short silence, she said that she agreed. Except, I could almost tell that she didn't want to say that. It was more of a "if you're happy, I'm happy" kind of agreeance. She seemed okay about it, at the time. But, reading her blog, I see that she feels somewhat betrayed, because it seemed like we might end up in a relationship, but we didn't. I wish she didn't feel that way, because I didn't mean for it to be like that. If I didn't have to be back here, I'd still be with her. It's just that - as I said before - I don't know what to expect from a long distance relationship anymore.

That's it for now...
Vaniah Schwenoha

Friday, January 02, 2009

My New Year's Resolution

6:00 AM

...Is to settle.

It may not sound like a lot, and it may not be one of those words that you'd normally associate with good, but for me, it will be. You see, I've grown into this person I am today, and I'm starting not to like him.

I used to be all about love. I mean, entirely. I was so content back then, with hope in my eyes and love in my heart. Sex didn't matter to me. What mattered was that the girl I was with could make me happy - that she and I could enjoy each other's company, in any setting. As I reflect on the past year, I can't help but wonder... When did that boy die?

You know, I've been afraid to write about this for the longest time, for fear that the wrong person would read it and I would build a bad reputation for myself. I think it's time, though, that I open up some. I can't help myself unless I confront my imperfections, right?

This summer, I played a lot of people. I'm not sure how it really happened, or what about my immoral self appealed to them, but by the time I had moved back to LA in the fall, I had hooked up with five different girls. Christ, I even lost my virginity to one, not two days after hooking up with another girl.

One was a hookup, plain and simple. We wouldn't have hooked up if she had thought otherwise. The next, unplanned, with someone I had invited to a party as a friend. After her, a 'favor' I was doing for a friend, who had asked me to hook up with his ex so she would stop bothering him. Then, a hookup with an old friend, which seemed to her to be the beginning of a relationship, which I sincerely regret letting her believe.

Finally, the one that got away. The one from those posts just a few months back. Our 'relationship,' if that's what you would call it, was a backwards one. A kiss, just a few days after meeting each other, followed by a few weeks of deep conversations and only hand-holding. Soon, it was less than that, and now, even less. She revived that boy within me, for a moment. Soon, though, he was hidden again, behind a shroud of emotion and a regret for opening his big mouth. I was desperate. All I wanted to do was find a way to forget her, to keep my mind off her. Suddenly, I was downstream again... Fell back into that summer mentality. Too hurt by my desire for love, I regressed into a lackluster desire for lust. Once again, I blinded myself into thinking it was okay to flirt with multiple girls all at once.

My resolution is to find that boy again, and not lose him this time. No more random hookups. No more "keeping my options open." No more games.

I want to love again. Help me, please.

Happy New Year,
Vaniah Juniper Schwenoha