Saturday, November 17, 2007

This is your life. Good to the last drop.

17 November 2007
6:01 PM

Well, it's been a few weeks since I've written anything about my life here in LA. I hope I can recount all of it...

I didn't do anything for Halloween, which disappointed me. I'd have gone out to do something, anything, if I didn't have an essay due the next day which I still had to write. Ugh. I hate teachers who give due dates like that. The weekend that followed was homecoming weekend, so everybody was busy. On Saturday, I walked around campus before the game. There was so much going on. Tents were set up everywhere for organizations to use. The ones in the quad were all taken up by fraternities and sororities. I've never seen so much beer pong played in one place, haha. I didn't feel comfortable trying to get in on a game with a random frat, but I did find a guy I knew from my Writing class, and he set me up with one of his friends to play a game with his frat. I played pretty well, considering I hadn't played in awhile. I actually kinda carried the team. I brought us into overtime on redemption, but then we lost by a cup. By then, it was time for the competition cheer squad to perform in front of one of the libraries, so I walked over to check it out. When I got there, they were just setting up, so I helped them lay out the mats. Their performance wasn't bad, but it wasn't amazing, either. Afterward, I helped them carry the mats back to the building they came from, which gave me time to talk to one of the girls about possibly trying out next year. I was told that if I could find more guys who were interested in it, then they'd have coed tryouts. I hope I can find more people.

When I got back to the tent of the frat I was playing beer pong with earlier, they were finishing up because they were running low on beer. It was a small frat, and they didn't have a house on the row or anything, so they were gonna take all of their supplies back to this guy Nate's apartment. Well, they didn't have enough people to carry everything, so I helped them carry stuff, too, kind of as a 'thank you' for letting me drink their beer, haha. The apartment was probably about a mile from mine. They left to go to the game afterward, so I went the other way back to my apartment to watch it on my TV because I didn't have a ticket. I found a few of the guys on Facebook, and on the following Tuesday, one of them invited me to go with them out to dinner. I was pretty excited about this, because it was a chance to get a little farther away from campus than I've been able to go without my own car. We met up on campus, piled into two cars, and drove north. We passed the Staples Center on the way, which I thought was cool, because I had never seen it before. We went to Roy's, a restaurant with Hawaiian fusion cuisine. Apparently, I met these guys at the right time, because on this particular occasion, it was one of the guys', Avi's, birthday, and even though his parents weren't with us, they were generous enough to pay for the entire meal. Long story short, I had an amazing filet mignon dinner with pork ribs and other delicious appetizers for free, and I met a group of guys who are hella cool. We went back to Avi and Matt's apartment after dinner for dessert, which was like, Oreo ice cream cake. Their apartment is pretty nice. They have an XBOX 360 and a Wii hooked up to a huge HDTV, and each guy has their own bedroom. It was Tuesday night, but that didn't stop anybody from drinking a little bit. I stayed sober, but a couple guys took drinks every time they died while playing Halo, haha.

Wednesday was when I found out about Victor, which I wrote about in my last entry. Thursday was uneventful, but Friday was kind of interesting. I went out to the quad again to tumble. I was doing what I normally do out there, but I this time my tumbling encouraged someone else to tumble. I looked over and saw this really cute girl do a roundoff followed by two back handsprings. I applauded her, and she smiled and waved back, so I decided to have a mini battle with her from across the quad. I did a roundoff with like, seven back handsprings or so, so she did the same thing. I didn't really count how much either of us did, but we both proved that we could do a series without struggle. Then I did roundoff, back handspring, back tuck, back handspring, back tuck, back handspring. I'm sure she could have beaten me if she had been practicing every week or two like I have been doing, but when she went, she only did roundoff, back handspring, back tuck. Regardless, I was impressed, so I went over to her and asked her name. Michelle. I asked her if she was a cheerleader, and she said she did it in high school in Texas. I told her that we should tumble together once in awhile, because she's the first person I've found who tumbles who's not on the squad at USC, and I've been looking for someone to tumble with since I've started out here. I didn't want to be a bother by talking too much, so I gave her my card (haha), told her to add me on Facebook, and went back to my own business. I would've looked her up on Facebook myself, but she added me before I got a chance, which I was pretty stoked about. It turns out she has a boyfriend, but it's her boyfriend from high school, who goes to UT. I'm not one to try to break people up, so I'm not gonna push anything on her, but if we hang out every once in awhile, I'll let her know that I'm interested in her, and that if she ever breaks up with her boy, I can always be her rebound ;-D

After talking to Michelle, I stopped tumbling for a bit and joined a couple of guys who were playing frisbee. We tossed around for a bit, but after awhile, one of the guys asked if he could try out my Powerizers. I told him it was fine by me, since I had all of my protective gear with me for him to use. He strapped up, strapped in, and that's where the comedy ensued, haha. He could barely keep his balance without one or two people near for him to hang on to. He fell a couple of times and then decided he'd had enough, and took them off. I put them on after him, and showed him that with a little practice, you get the hang of it, and explained to him that I was just as clumsy when I first started.

Matt texted me that Friday night to let me know that people were going to be drinking at his place later in the night, and that I was welcome. I took a shower, loaded my shoes and ping pong balls into my duffle bag and rollerbladed over to his place. The night started out nicely. I gave Matt $20 to cover beer for the next few times I drink with them. Beer pong was set up out on the balcony. We played 15-cup with two 16-oz. Colt 45's first, and my partner was Brett, the guy I played with in the quad over homecoming weekend. We got ahead at first because I made a bomb (same cup made by both players; counts as the cup made plus any adjacent cups, up to four additional cups), but then the other guys took the lead. We came back a little bit, but I think we lost by two or three cups in the end. Brett was trying to take things slow, but I was still game, so I played Matt heads up in 10-cup, two 12-oz. Coors Light. That game was really good. We went into overtime, and I only lost by one cup. While we played, we talked quite a bit. It was good to finally converse with someone. Usually, Charles and I don't talk that much. I still think it's because he's like, hardcore asian, and speaks Chinese the majority of the time. Anyway, I took a break for the next game, but then Matt and I were teammates against the guys from upstairs, who came down to challenge us. We played with the setup I first played when I started playing beer pong - six cups, one beer per person. I remember that they won the eye-to-eye shot to see who went first, but I wrote it off by saying "That's okay. It's the only shot you'll make all night." Of course, Matt and I dominated that game. We won by at least four cups. We played another game after that, which I think we lost, and after that, I was too wasted to care. I ended up puking in the trash can by the end of the night, and I crashed out on the couch.

I woke up in the morning to loud fucking music blasting through the stereo, which could be turned down not by remote, but by my getting up and turning down the iPod that it was connected to. That pissed me off, but at least I woke up early. Matt was asleep in his room, but he had left a cup of water out for me to drink when I woke up. Being the only one up, I cleaned up the apartment. I grouped all of the plastic cups together and put them in two even stacks on the beer pong table, emptied all the beer cans and started a pyramid with them in the corner of the balcony, and even got bored enough to evenly space the XBOX and Wii controllers on the table, along with the bottles of water that were still partially full. I discovered that I didn't quite manage to get everything in the trash can the night before, so I cleaned up my puke on the chair and carpet as much as I could, but I didn't want to use any towels that weren't meant for that kind of cleaning, so I resorted to using paper towels. I explained my cleaning methods in a note, left it on the chair, and then packed up and went back to my place, where I spent the majority of the day feeling like shit. I puked after I got home, too, which was not nice. The next week in class, Jonathan (the guy who introduced me to all of his frat buddies) told me that my note was framed because, haha. I haven't been over to Matt's place yet, so I don't know if he's bullshitting me or not.

The past week, all I've been doing is schoolwork. There was so much due this week. That's why I couldn't write in this blog. The midterm for POSC which I didn't think I did that bad on... I got a C- on, 73.75%. The last Writing assignment, though, Assignment #3, got a B, which I got pretty excited about. My second midterm in Calculus got a 60%, which was still above the average of 53.76%, but was much worse than the 83% I got on the first midterm.

I go home this week. I'm pretty excited about that =D
Chris reminded me about, where I bought my bus tickets back for Thanksgiving weekend for only $60. On a non-holiday weekend, I can actually get bus tickets home for only $30, and in the middle of the week, I can actually got home for only $16. I doubt I'll ever go home in the middle of the week, but that's still really cool. I'm gonna try to take my Powerizers home with me to show everybody. That should be fun.

They finally replaced my broken refrigerator yesterday, which started malfunctioning two weeks after I got here. I'm really glad that they finally did. Now I can have cereal for breakfast every morning, like I used to.

That's it.
Vaniah Juniper Schwenoha

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