Saturday, November 08, 2008


2:48 PM

*Note: This was actually written on October 6th. Figured I might as well just publish it for any of you who actually read this.

I thought I knew her... Turns out I just knew a lot about her. Not enough, though.

Feelings, emotions, connections erased, it seems... just as quickly as they were written.

She did warn me, I'll give her that.

That's why I don't want to be angry at her.

I'm more angry at myself, really.

Said too much... Pushed too much... Trusted too much.

Fuck the distance, for sure...

'til next time, I suppose... Next time I meet an incredible girl.. Next time I just 'click' with someone..

And as for her... Maybe we'll have a next time. I can't expect it soon, though. She's too scared, and deservedly so. I crossed a line. I crossed it far too soon and without enough warning. And just like that, things turned around 180ยบ. One night, we're talking, joking, laughing, holding hands.. The next, she's reluctant to see me, to call me, to talk to me. Funny, how that works. Somehow, I took a mutual attraction between her and I, and by simply addressing that attraction, I derailed the entire thing.

"That would be fucked up of me, if you just told me that and I said I didn't want to talk to you anymore."

Well, good thing you didn't say it, right?

Back to an old closing...

Actions speak louder than words...

Vaniah Juniper Schwenoha

P.S. ~ If you read this, Andrea, please forgive me. I forgive you. I just... wish you would talk to me, that's all...