Thursday, September 21, 2006

So Yeah

21 September 2006 - 11:30 PM

It turns out keeping her off my mind is much, much harder than I imagined...

Over the weekend, I found a few songs that just fit me right now. They are "Worry About You" by Ivy, "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz, and "Goodbye My Lover" by James Blunt.

I think about her just as much now as before homecoming, if not more. Those songs give me that kind of feeling you get when you're with someone you love.

Is love too strong a word right now?

Here we go again, back to basing the extremity of emotion on time.

You should let me show you me.
You should let me love you.
Before the time comes that we go our separate ways.
Before I lose my mind.

My name is Vaniah Schwenoha, and I believe in hope.
I believe in chance.
I believe in love.
Could you believe in me?

On a separate page, I want to mention in here that I am registered to participate in America's Walk for Diabetes on Saturday morning. If you can spare the money, it would be much appreciated for you to sponsor me. Just search Durango, find my name, and click the 'Sponsor Me' button. Sponsor me and I'll... sing a song for you to the best of my abilities. Yes, the song can be of your choosing. No, I can't guarantee that you'll be thoroughly satisfied. Still, the money goes toward a good cause, and if you sponsor me, I'll wear a shirt during the walk that extends special thanks to you for your donation.

Thanks for reading. It means a lot.

Vaniah Schwenoha

Monday, September 18, 2006

You can’t avoid being on the receiving end 100% of the time

18 September, 2006 - 9:00 PM

Read on, dear children…

Eighteen days. So much has happened in the past eighteen days. I’ll try to pick up where I left off, but truth be told, I can only really remember the highlights of the past eight days…

School has been a bit tiresome. This is mostly my fault. Over the first weekend, I was supposed to compose a project for English in which I find quotes from famous writers or philosophers and use them to describe me as a person. Well, it wasn’t until the night before the project was due that I decided to start. It took at least five hours to find good quotes, select the ones I liked best, find pictures to match the quotes (some of which I took that night), and compile a video. It was lucky that I didn’t count on not having to present the next day, because after I managed to save a good file, the video editing program that I was using came to its 30-day trial period expiration. If I had waited another day, I’d have had to use Windows Movie Maker, which is much less efficient at editing, at least when it comes to picture slideshows. The best copy of the video that I could save is here. I actually liked doing this project. It would’ve been much better though if it didn’t leave me awake until 4:30 in the morning. The next day, I was able to get my hands on Chris’ laptop and present the video to the class. I received 100% because of the visual aide used.

Other than that project, I’ve just been procrastinating everything. My sleep schedule’s all fucked up. I tend to sleep in the day and work at night. I really need to find a schedule where I’m not winging it every night, scurrying to finish homework that should’ve been done days ago. I’m still not caught up in French, which, by the way, I totally forgot over the summer. Mitch, Mike, and I have made our best efforts to continue what is basically my only physical workout by going to SkyMania every Friday. I’d have to say that the first significant event since my last blog was when I asked Fran to homecoming. With it being the technological age, what better way to ask her than through MySpace? Haha! I couldn’t just leave any ordinary comment, though, so I went down to the store to get some Post-It Notes and cut together this video. I left her the comment on the Thursday before homecoming week, but didn’t get and answer until the next Monday because she had to talk to her parents about it. So what was her reply? Gee, why don’t you click the link to my MySpace on the side of this blog, view my pictures, and tell me =P

So now it’s the Monday before homecoming. As always, this means that it’s the day of the Powder Puff football game! I was a cheerleader again, since it’s always fun to make an ass of yourself in front of your peers and total strangers. Besides, I was there to cheer on my homecoming date, who played in the game =D

Like last year, I attempted and executed a new trick this year. I can now do a round off back tuck. Last year, I learned to do consecutive back handsprings. Justin and I also did this cool thing where we roll over each other. It sounds weird, but trust me, it looks hella cool. The cheerleading coach saw me flipping and asked me to come by one day and try tumbling with them. I’m still thinking about it. I need more stable time management first. The game ended in a tie, which I thought was extremely gay. I think it’s the first time in Durango history that that’s happened. We should’ve gone into overtime… After the game, Cody took me home.

I forgot to mention that last week, I was nominated by my Government AP class to be homecoming king. Voting for court was on that Friday, and voting for king and queen was on the following Tuesday.
I wasn’t on court =(
Fran was, though, which was pretty cool because she got a free ticket to the dance (I sound hella cheap here. Sorry).

Tuesday was the student-teacher kickball game, which I think we lost. I didn’t go. Wednesday was the student-teacher basketball game, which I also didn’t attend. I hear that the students won, but someone rigged the scoreboard to give the game to the teachers. Thursday was our first assembly schedule and pep assembly of the year. It was good overall, but very fast-paced. I understand that we only have about 35 minutes, but when you start singing The Star Spangled Banner while people are still walking in, I think you’re taking it a little too far. We got out a few minutes before the school day was supposed to end, anyway. Friday, we had what was called a pep rally in the courtyard. It turned out really shitty, and I hope we never do one again.

Here come the majority of activities, and in such little time. Right after school, I went with Chris and Billy to a movie. We saw The Black Dahlia. It was a pretty good movie. Afterward, I walked a few doors down to buy a corsage for Fran. Last minute = not such a good idea. Seriously, how smart was it to buy a corsage from a florist on Sahara and Fort Apache? After my purchase, we went to the tailgate party in the school parking lot. Here is where the night seems to fall apart horribly, though I still don’t feel all that bad about it for some reason.

Friday was a particularly windy day. So windy, in fact, that by the time we got to the school, the senior homecoming float was obliterated. It didn’t even end up getting driven around the track. Juniors won both float and hallway decorations. I didn’t feel like paying for the game, so I hopped the fence in one fell swoop. It was either here, when I was kneeling to take pictures of the game, or just stupidly watching the game while sitting that my PSP managed to leave my pocket. Near the end of the game, I noticed the soft case still in my cell-phone pocket, but the PSP not in the soft case. There went at least $350, not to mention the huge set of songs I had prepared to play in the hotel room on Saturday. Take that and factor in that we lost the game by a touchdown. Fran didn’t win homecoming queen. Ally LaRoque and Luis Marin were the king and queen. Overall, not such a lucky night. I still don’t know why I don’t seem to care that much. Hopefully I’ll have money sometime in the next year to buy a new PSP, haha…

It’s now Saturday. I set my alarm for 10:30, but didn’t get out of bed for at least another fifteen minutes. First task was to get the car washed. Who wants to wear a suit and drive around in a shit-covered vehicle? After I got home, I continued with a few more details on the car, and then showered at 2:00 to get ready because my mom was going to shower at 3:00 to get ready for work, and I wouldn’t have had enough time if I had showered after her, especially since I had to take her to work. After I did take her to work, I picked up Chris, my corsage, and then the night officially started when we picked up Nickie, Chris’ date for the night.

From there, we went to Lotus’ house, where everybody was supposed to meet to get on the party bus. Neither I, Chris, nor Nickie were scheduled to be on the party bus. Why were we there then? Well, I actually was scheduled to be on the bus, but so were Fran, Azaria, and Leon. It wasn’t until earlier that afternoon that we confirmed that none of those three were going to be able to get on the bus because of scheduling problems. Well, I didn’t want to leave Fran without her date for the majority of the night, so I pulled out of being on the bus. What about Chris and Nickie? Well, I’m the one that hangs out with Chris more than anybody else who was going to be on that bus, and because I wasn’t going to be on it, it would’ve been that much more awkward for Chris to be there, since he wasn’t going to drink or anything like that. Chris is discovering his transportation situation in the same way that you are, by reading this blog.

We still haven’t addressed why I was at that house. Well, like I said, it wasn’t until just a few hours prior that it became clear that there were going to be four less people on the bus than planned. So four times the $45 each it was supposed to cost… The group was short $180. This was in large part my fault because I assumed the group knew that Fran, Azaria, and Leon weren’t going to be on the bus. I felt bad for this, so I agreed to help make up the difference by giving Lotus $100 to help pay for the bus. After hanging out there for a little bit, Chris, Nickie, and I left and went to Fran’s house, where I thought I’d be picking her up. Things once again didn’t go according to my plans. We still have video of her walking down the stairs and of me putting Fran’s corsage on, but it was still decided that Fran and friend Kristen would be leaving the house in Fran’s dad’s Ford Mustang Cobra, which her dad would be driving. It was a bit weird driving around without my date, but hey, whatever. Everywhere else I went I was close enough to her =)

So, after taking pictures in front of an awesome car, we took off for the dance. I felt like a dick trying to keep up with a Cobra in my Explorer, but whatever. At least my car looked good – just washed =D
We were at the dance from 7:00 to 9:00, whereupon we left right after the first slow dance for our reservation at Ricardo’s for dinner. That was one of the funniest dinners I’ve been to. The highlight of it was when Azaria wanted to get a picture of her taken with her hands forming the initials ‘C.M.’ Well, from the front, your right hand is supposed to form the C. Azaria clearly thought differently, and we argued for at least five minutes on the matter, laughing the entire time. She still wasn’t convinced after we took a picture and showed it to her. Desperate, she called to the waiter and asked, “Is this a C?” while holding her left hand up in front of her. To this, the waiter replied, “That is a hand.”
We were almost on the floor in laughter =D =D =D
What was worse that when he actually did decide to cooperate, he took her side. Haha! Finally, we all agreed that your right hand is the one that forms the C. This is where Azaria tried to prove her point further by holding up her left hand and exclaiming, “Yeah! This is my right han…”
She was quiet after that for quite some time. Haha!

After dinner, we took a few more pictures in front of the restaurant, and then we left to go cosmic bowling. Chris Schroeder joined us then, as he had been bored all night. We had enough time to bowl one game. I broke 100, which pleased me, and what pleased me more was that the DJ played a couple slow songs, which left opportunity to dance with Fran more intimately…

When we were leaving the bowling alley, I decided to try something that I had seen in a video before. I’ll let you watch it here, and then you can read on. It was pretty cool, but I ripped my pants and slammed my knee pretty hard when I came down on the rigid metal platform. It was after that when the security guard who was standing at the bottom of the stairs checking IDs asked me if I was leaving. When I replied that I was, his response was “Good. Next time you do that, you’ll get cited for trespassing.”

I was still waiting for more friends to get down the stairs and discovering the hole in my pant leg when the security guard insisted I leave. So, I was pretty much forced to the door by a sour face, helpless to say goodnight and goodbye to Fran, who had to go to the other side of the building to get picked up by her dad. I tried meeting her over there after I got in my car, but she had left. When one of the bike cops saw me still driving around in the parking lot, he started chasing me down, as if he could’ve caught me if I were trying to escape. No matter. I was on my way out of the lot anyway, and he stopped following me when I got to the driveway.

I took Nickie home first, then Chris, and then I had unfinished business to attend to. I made my way up to Fran’s house and called her, which may not have been the best idea, considering I only have her house phone number. She came outside, no longer in her dress. We talked for a quick minute; I let her know I had a good night, and would very much like a good night kiss. Perfect end to a perfect night =D

After leaving Fran’s house just moments later, I picked up Mitch and Matzke and we headed to the Tropicana, where the hotel party awaited us. Yes, even though I paid for a bus that I wasn’t on, there was no way I was going to miss out on the hotel I helped pay for. Chris Schroeder was already there. There was tons of alcohol left, which we were still not able to finish by the end of the night. I actually ended up taking as much home as I could without looking too bulky in my suit. The room was in the perfect spot, as we were able to get a 270º view of the corner of The Strip and Tropicana. I took quite a few great pictures. Besides that, the party was… unforgettable. There were so many hilarious instances that it’s hard to recount them all. Here’s one that I uploaded. I may upload the others later, so keep an eye out on my MySpace.

I always manage to break something at hotel parties. Last time it was the bed frame, this time I knocked over a hookah and coal went everywhere, burning the carpet. Chris ended up breaking that hookah later that night. We went to sleep at about 4:00 AM and had to wake up at 9:00 to check out.

Whoo! I have officially deemed the night of September 16, 2006 as the best night of my life!~!~!

The couple days following that were not eventful at all in comparison, but I do need to close this blog with some clarification. Not knowing for a fact, but hopeful that I wouldn’t be pursuing any young women other than Franchesca anytime soon, I changed my status on MySpace to ‘In a Relationship’ last night. Well, today, Fran and I messaged each other, and she let me know that even though we got really close Saturday night, she isn’t looking now for a relationship, and that she was sorry if she led me on too much.


Shitty, for lack of a better word, but not the crux of my virtues. If you will notice, the meaning of my blog title always comes near the end of the entry. If I were to take this extremely harshly, I’d be a hypocrite. In the past year, I have done the same thing to two undeserving young ladies that has been done to me. I’ve never felt good about it, but I tried to get on the same page as the other as soon as possible in order not to cause more emotional upset. As the general cliché of ‘What goes around comes around’ finally gets back to me, I get the same feelings as I inflicted on those two girls. This is why I again feel the need to apologize to Lilian and Chrissy for my misleading actions. You two may have forgiven me or forgotten about it because it’s not a memorable recollection, but I still want to say sorry.

There ends the fifth page of this exciting and joyous remembrance of one of the best weeks of one of the supposed best years of my life. I hope all of you who went to homecoming had just as great a time as I did, and if you didn’t go to homecoming, then I hope you are with me when prom rolls around and the night is even more memorable.

Take it easy, but strike hard.
Vaniah Schwenoha